May 17, 2017, Introduced by Reps. Howell, LaFave, Barrett, Johnson, Dianda, VanSingel, Hoitenga, Hornberger, Marino, Noble, Lower, Hernandez, VanderWall, Alexander, Lucido, Reilly, Canfield, Glenn and Bellino and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to amend 1990 PA 319, entitled


"An act to prohibit local units of government from imposing certain

restrictions on the ownership, registration, purchase, sale,

transfer, transportation, or possession of pistols, other firearms,

or pneumatic guns, ammunition for pistols or other firearms, or

components of pistols or other firearms,"


(MCL 123.1101 to 123.1105) by amending the title, as amended by


2015 PA 29, and by adding sections 4a, 4b, and 4c.






     An act to prohibit local units of government from imposing


certain restrictions on the ownership, registration, purchase,


sale, transfer, transportation, or possession of pistols, other


firearms, or pneumatic guns, ammunition for pistols or other


firearms, or components of pistols or other firearms; to prescribe


the duties of certain local officers and officials; to require


local units of government to provide certain notices; and to


provide for penalties and remedies.


     Sec. 4a. If an individual or organization is adversely


affected by an ordinance or regulation that violates this act, that


individual or organization may bring an action in the circuit court


in the judicial district in which that local unit of government is


located as follows:


     (a) If the ordinance or regulation was in effect before the


effective date of the amendatory act that added this section, 90


days after the date the individual or organization provides written


notice to the local unit of government concerning the ordinance or




     (b) If the ordinance or regulation is adopted or enacted after


the effective date of the amendatory act that added this section,


immediately upon or at any time after enactment or enforcement of


the ordinance or regulation.


     Sec. 4b. If a local unit of government repeals or amends an


ordinance or regulation while an action is pending in the circuit


court as provided in section 4a, the court shall award costs and


reasonable attorney fees to the individual or organization


challenging the ordinance or regulation.


     Sec. 4c. (1) If an individual or organization brings an action


as described in section 4a and the court determines that the


ordinance or regulation of the local unit of government violates


this act, the court shall do all of the following:


     (a) Issue an injunction restraining the local unit of


government from enforcing the ordinance or regulation.

     (b) Order the local unit of government to amend or repeal the


ordinance or regulation.


     (c) Award actual damages, costs, and reasonable attorney fees


to the individual or organization challenging the ordinance or




     (2) In addition to the requirements under subsection (1), if


the court determines that an elected or appointed official, or the


council, commission, or board of the local unit of government,


knowingly and willfully violated this act, the court shall require


the elective or highest appointive executive official of the local


unit of government to notify each registered elector in the local


unit of government by mail of both of the following:


     (a) The finding by the circuit court that the local unit of


government knowingly and willfully violated this act.


     (b) The aggregate cost incurred by the local unit of


government in defending an action brought under this act,


including, but not limited to, the amount of actual damages, costs,


and reasonable attorney fees that were awarded to an individual or


organization bringing an action under this act.


     (3) If the elective or highest appointive executive official


of the local unit of government is required to send a notice to


each registered elector as provided under subsection (2), the


notice shall not include the name of the individual or organization


that brought the action under this act.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.