March 9, 2016, Introduced by Senator YOUNG and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.




     A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


(MCL 500.100 to 500.8302) by adding chapter 49.






     Sec. 4901. An owner of a firearm shall provide security


against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for bodily


injury or death suffered by a person arising out of the discharge


of that firearm. This section does not apply to a governmental


agency. As used in this section, "firearm" means that term as


defined in section 1 of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.421. However, firearm


does not mean an antique firearm as that term is defined in section


231a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.231a.


     Sec. 4903. (1) A person who violates section 4901 may be


ordered to pay a civil fine as follows:

     (a) For the first violation, $25.00.


     (b) For the second and each subsequent violation, the civil


fine is double the amount of the civil fine of the immediately


previous violation.


     (c) The person shall pay the civil fine within 60 days of the


order to pay. After 60 days, unpaid civil fines accrue interest at


a rate of 10% per month until paid.


     (2) A civil fine collected under subsection (1) must be turned


over to the illegal firearm authority created under section 4925.


     Sec. 4904. (1) The firearms claims association is created as


an unincorporated, nonprofit association. An insurer engaged in


writing insurance coverages that provide the security required by


section 4901 in this state, as a condition of its authority to


transact insurance in this state, shall be a member of and is bound


by the plan of operation of the association. Except as expressly


provided in this section, the association is not subject to any


laws of this state with respect to insurers, but in all other


respects the association is subject to the laws of this state to


the extent that the association would be if it were an insurer


organized and subsisting under chapter 50.


     (2) The association shall provide and each member shall accept


indemnification for 100% of the amount of ultimate loss sustained


under firearm insurance coverages in excess of the amount of


$100,000.00 in each loss occurrence. For a firearm policy issued or


renewed during the period July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018, the amount


is $105,000.00. Beginning July 1, 2018, this $105,000.00 amount


must be increased biennially on July 1 of each even-numbered year,


for policies issued or renewed before July 1 of the following even-


numbered year, by the lesser of 6% or the consumer price index, and


rounded to the nearest $5,000.00. The association shall calculate


this biennial adjustment by January 1 of the year of its July 1


effective date.


     (3) An insurer may withdraw from the association only on


ceasing to write insurance that provides the security required by


section 4901 in this state.


     (4) An insurer whose membership in the association has been


terminated by withdrawal continues to be bound by the plan of


operation and, on withdrawal, all unpaid premiums that have been


charged to the withdrawing member are payable on the effective date


of the withdrawal.


     (5) An unsatisfied net liability to the association of an


insolvent member shall be assumed by and apportioned among the


remaining members of the association as provided in the plan of


operation. The association has all rights allowed by law on behalf


of the remaining members against the estate or funds of the


insolvent member for money due to the association.


     (6) If a member has been merged or consolidated into another


insurer or another insurer has reinsured a member's entire business


that provides the security required by section 4901 in this state,


the member and successors in interest of the member remain liable


for the member's obligations.


     (7) The association shall do all of the following on behalf of


the members of the association:


     (a) Assume 100% of all liability as provided in subsection




     (b) Establish procedures by which members shall promptly


report to the association each claim that, on the basis of the


injuries, may reasonably be anticipated to involve the association


if the member is ultimately held legally liable for the injuries.


Solely for the purpose of reporting claims, the member shall in all


instances consider itself legally liable for the injuries. The


member shall also advise the association of subsequent developments


likely to materially affect the interest of the association in the




     (c) Maintain relevant loss and expense data relative to all


liabilities of the association and require each member to furnish


statistics, in connection with liabilities of the association, at


the times and in the form and detail as may be required by the plan


of operation.


     (d) In a manner provided for in the plan of operation,


calculate and charge to members of the association a total premium


sufficient to cover the expected losses and expenses of the


association that the association will likely incur during the


period for which the premium is applicable. The premium must


include an amount to cover incurred but not reported losses for the


period and may be adjusted for any excess or deficient premiums


from previous periods. Excesses or deficiencies from previous


periods may be fully adjusted in a single period or may be adjusted


over several periods in a manner provided for in the plan of


operation. Each member must be charged an amount equal to that


member's total written firearm years of insurance providing the


security required by section 4901, written in this state during the


period to which the premium applies, multiplied by the average


premium per firearm. The average premium per firearm is the total


premium calculated divided by the total written firearm years of


insurance providing the security required by section 4901 written


in this state of all members during the period to which the premium




     Sec. 4907. Firearm insurance benefits are payable for expenses


consisting of all reasonable charges incurred for reasonably


necessary products, services, and accommodations for an injured


person's care, recovery, or rehabilitation.


     Sec. 4909. An insurer providing firearm insurance benefits may


establish a premium discount plan based on any of the following




     (a) Keeping the firearm in a gun safe.


     (b) Having a trigger lock on the firearm.


     (c) The policy holder completing a firearm safety course.


     Sec. 4913. A person is not entitled to be paid firearm


insurance benefits for bodily injury if at the time of the


discharge of the firearm any of the following circumstances




     (a) The person was using the firearm during the commission of


a crime.


     (b) The person was attempting to commit suicide.


     Sec. 4916. A subtraction from firearm insurance benefits shall


not be made because of the value of a claim in tort based on a


bodily injury caused by the discharge of a firearm. Firearm


insurance benefits are also payable for the noneconomic loss of the


injured person.


     Sec. 4925. The illegal firearm authority is created within the


firearms claims association.


     Sec. 4927. (1) Before April 1 of each year, each insurer


engaged in writing insurance coverages that provide the security


required by section 4901 within this state, as a condition of its


authority to transact insurance in this state, shall pay to the


illegal firearm authority an assessment equal to 5% of the


insurer's firearm claims association assessment under section 4904


for the preceding calendar year.


     (2) The authority shall segregate money received under


subsection (1), and all other money received by the authority, and


place the money in a fund to be known as the illegal firearm


prevention fund. The authority shall administer the illegal firearm


prevention fund.


     (3) The authority shall expend money in the illegal firearm


prevention fund in the following order of priority:


     (a) To pay the costs of administration of the authority.


     (b) To achieve the purposes and objectives of this chapter,


which may include, but not be limited to, the following:


     (i) Provide financial support to the department of state


police and local law enforcement agencies for illegal firearm


enforcement teams.


     (ii) Provide financial support to state or local law


enforcement agencies for programs designed to reduce illegal




     (iii) Provide financial support to local prosecutors for


programs designed to reduce illegal firearms.


     (iv) Provide financial support to judicial agencies for


programs designed to reduce illegal firearms.


     (v) Provide financial support for neighborhood or community


organizations or business organizations for programs designed to


reduce illegal firearms.


     (vi) Conduct educational programs about firearms safety and


firearm insurance.


     (4) Money in the illegal firearm prevention fund is not state




     (5) As used in this section, "illegal firearm" means a weapon


described in section 224 of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328,


MCL 750.224.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. ____ (request no.


02976'15) of the 98th Legislature is enacted into law.