May 7, 2015, Introduced by Reps. Dianda, Chirkun and Crawford and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 40111 and 43513 (MCL 324.40111 and 324.43513),


section 40111 as amended by 2012 PA 340 and section 43513 as


amended by 2013 PA 108.




     Sec. 40111. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection


(3), or (4), this part, or in a department order authorized under


section 40107, an individual shall not take an animal from in or


upon a vehicle.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3), or (4),


this part, or in a department order authorized under section 40107,


an individual shall not transport or possess a firearm in or upon a


vehicle, unless the firearm is unloaded. in both barrel and


magazine and enclosed in a case, carried in the trunk of a vehicle,

or unloaded in a motorized boat.


     (3) A person with a disability may transport or possess a


firearm in or upon a vehicle, except for a car or truck, on a state


licensed game bird hunting preserve if the firearm is unloaded and


the vehicle is operated at a speed of not greater than 10 miles per


hour. A person with a disability may possess a loaded firearm and


may discharge that firearm to take an animal from in or upon a


vehicle, except for a car or truck, on a state licensed game bird


hunting preserve if the vehicle is not moving. The department may


demand proof of eligibility under this subsection. An individual


shall possess proof of his or her eligibility under this subsection


and furnish the proof upon the request of a peace officer.


     (4) An individual may transport or possess an unloaded firearm


in or upon a vehicle on a sporting clays range.


     (4) (5) Except as otherwise provided in this part, an


individual shall not transport or possess a bow in or upon a


vehicle, unless the bow is unstrung, enclosed in a case, or carried


in the trunk of a vehicle.


     (5) (6) An individual shall not hunt or discharge a firearm


within 150 yards of an occupied building, dwelling, house,


residence, or cabin, or any barn or other building used in


connection with a farm operation, without obtaining the written


permission of the owner, renter, or occupant of the property.


     (6) (7) As used in this section:


     (a) "Person with a disability" means a disabled person as that


term is defined in section 19a of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949


PA 300, MCL 257.19a, and who is in possession of 1 of the



     (i) A certificate of identification or windshield placard


issued to a disabled person under section 675 of the Michigan


vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.675.


     (ii) A special registration plate issued to a disabled person


under section 803d of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL




     (b) "Unloaded" means, for a break-action firearm, that the


action is open with the breech exposed, whether or not the breech


contains a shell. Unloaded means, for a non-break-action firearm,


that the barrel of the firearm does not contain a shell.


     Sec. 43513. (1) An individual may carry, transport, or possess


a firearm without a hunting license if the firearm is unloaded. in


both barrel and magazine and either enclosed in a case or carried


in a vehicle in a location that is not readily accessible to any


occupant of the vehicle. An individual may carry, transport, or


possess a slingshot, bow and arrow, or crossbow without a hunting


license if the slingshot, bow, or crossbow is unstrung, enclosed in


a case, or carried in a vehicle in a location that is not readily


accessible to any occupant of the vehicle.


     (2) Regardless of whether the individual has a license or it


is open season for the taking of game, an individual may carry,


transport, possess or discharge a firearm, a bow and arrow, or a


crossbow if all of the following apply:


     (a) The individual is not taking or attempting to take game


but is engaged in 1 or more of the following activities:


     (i) Target practice using an identifiable, artificially

constructed target or targets.


     (ii) Practice with silhouettes, plinking, skeet, or trap.


     (iii) Sighting-in the firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow.


     (b) The individual is, or is accompanied by or has the


permission of, either of the following:


     (i) The owner of the property on which the activity under


subdivision (a) is taking place.


     (ii) The lessee of that property for a term of not less than 1




     (c) The owner or lessee of the property does not receive


remuneration for the activity under subdivision (a).


     (3) An individual may carry, transport, or possess a firearm,


slingshot, bow and arrow, or crossbow without a hunting license if


the individual is hunting on a game bird hunting preserve licensed


under part 417.


     (4) An individual may carry or possess an unloaded weapon at


any time if the individual is traveling to or from or participating


in a historical reenactment.


     (5) As used in this section, "unloaded" means that term as


defined in section 40111.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.