September 9, 2014, Introduced by Senator SMITH and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.




     A bill to amend 1927 PA 372, entitled


"An act to regulate and license the selling, purchasing,

possessing, and carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices,

and electro-muscular disruption devices; to prohibit the buying,

selling, or carrying of certain firearms, gas ejecting devices, and

electro-muscular disruption devices without a license or other

authorization; to provide for the forfeiture of firearms and

electro-muscular disruption devices under certain circumstances; to

provide for penalties and remedies; to provide immunity from civil

liability under certain circumstances; to prescribe the powers and

duties of certain state and local agencies; to prohibit certain

conduct against individuals who apply for or receive a license to

carry a concealed pistol; to make appropriations; to prescribe

certain conditions for the appropriations; and to repeal all acts

and parts of acts inconsistent with this act,"


by amending section 5n (MCL 28.425n), as added by 2000 PA 381.




     Sec. 5n. (1) This state or a local unit of government of this


state shall not prohibit an individual from doing either of the


following as a condition for receiving or maintaining any other


license or permit authorized by law:


     (a) Applying for or receiving a license to carry a concealed


pistol under this act.


     (b) Carrying a concealed pistol in compliance with a license


issued under this act.


     (2) Except as provided in subsection (3), an employer shall


not prohibit an employee from doing either of the following:


     (a) Applying for or receiving a license to carry a concealed


pistol under this act.


     (b) Carrying a concealed pistol in compliance with a license


issued under this act. This subdivision does not prohibit Except as


provided in subsection (4), an employer from prohibiting may


prohibit an employee from carrying a concealed pistol in the course


of his or her employment with that employer.


     (3) A police agency may prohibit an employee of that police


agency from carrying a concealed pistol if carrying a concealed


pistol would result in increased insurance premiums or a loss or


reduction of insurance coverage for that employer.


     (4) An employer shall not prohibit an employee licensed under


this act to carry a concealed pistol from possessing a pistol in


his or her privately owned motor vehicle located in a parking lot


of the employer.