Senate File 507 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO SSB

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to state revenue and finance laws by exempting
  2    certain all=terrain vehicles and off=road utility vehicles
  3    from the sales and use tax, modifying the flood mitigation
  4    program, and modifying the disabled veteran homestead
  5    tax credit, and including effective date and retroactive
  6    applicability provisions.
    TLSB 1309SV (2) 86


  1  1                           DIVISION I
  1  2                       SALES AND USE TAXES
  1  3    Section 1.  Section 423.3, subsection 8, paragraph d, Code
  1  4 2015, is amended to read as follows:
  1  5    d.  (1)  For purposes of this subsection, the following
  1  6 items are exempt under paragraph "a" when used primarily in
  1  7 agricultural production:
  1  8    (a)  A diesel fuel trailer, regardless of the vehicle to
  1  9 which it is to be attached.
  1 10    (b)  A seed tender, regardless of the vehicle to which it is
  1 11 to be attached.
  1 12    (c)  An all=terrain vehicle.
  1 13    (d)  An off=road utility vehicle.
  1 14    (2)  For purposes of this paragraph:
  1 15    (a)  "All=terrain vehicle" means the same as defined in
  1 16 section 321I.1.
  1 17    (a)  (b)  "Fuel trailer" means a trailer that holds dyed
  1 18 diesel fuel or diesel exhaust fluid and that is used to
  1 19 transport such fuel or fluid to a self=propelled implement of
  1 20 husbandry.
  1 21    (c)  "Off=road utility vehicle" means the same as defined in
  1 22 section 321I.1.
  1 23    (b)  (d)  "Seed tender" means a trailer that holds seed and
  1 24 that is used to transport seed to an implement of husbandry and
  1 25 load seed into an implement of husbandry.
  1 26                           DIVISION II
  1 27                    FLOOD MITIGATION PROGRAM
  1 28    Sec. 2.  Section 418.5, subsections 1 and 6, Code 2015, are
  1 29 amended to read as follows:
  1 30    1.  The flood mitigation board is established consisting
  1 31 of nine voting members and four five ex officio, nonvoting
  1 32 members, and is located for administrative purposes within
  1 33 the department. The director of the department shall provide
  1 34 office space, staff assistance, and necessary supplies and
  1 35 equipment for the board. The director shall budget funds to
  2  1 pay the necessary expenses of the board. In performing its
  2  2 functions, the board is performing a public function on behalf
  2  3 of the state and is a public instrumentality of the state.
  2  4    6.  The board's ex officio membership shall include be
  2  5 comprised of the following:
  2  6    a.  four Four members of the general assembly with one
  2  7 each appointed by the majority leader of the senate, the
  2  8 minority leader of the senate, the speaker of the house of
  2  9 representatives, and the minority leader of the house of
  2 10 representatives. A legislative member serves for a term as
  2 11 provided in section 69.16B in an ex officio, nonvoting capacity
  2 12 and is eligible for per diem and expenses as provided in
  2 13 section 2.10.
  2 14    b.  The director of revenue or the director's designee.
  2 15    Sec. 3.  Section 418.15, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
  2 16 to read as follows:
  2 17    1.  A governmental entity shall not receive remittances of
  2 18 sales tax revenue under this chapter after twenty years from
  2 19 the date the governmental entity's project was approved by the
  2 20 board unless the remittance amount is calculated under section
  2 21 418.11 based on sales subject to the tax under section 423.2
  2 22 occurring before the expiration of the twenty=year period.
  2 23                          DIVISION III
  2 24                   DISABLED VETERAN HOMESTEAD
  2 26    Sec. 4.  2015 Iowa Acts, House File 166, is amended by adding
  2 27 the following new section:
  2 29 DEADLINE.  Notwithstanding the filing deadline under section
  2 30 425.2, claims for the homestead credit authorized under section
  2 31 425.15, as amended in this Act, filed after July 1, 2014, but
  2 32 before July 1, 2015, shall be considered to be a claim properly
  2 33 filed for taxes due and payable in the fiscal year beginning
  2 34 July 1, 2015.
  2 35    Sec. 5.  EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT.  This division of this
  3  1 Act, being deemed of immediate importance, takes effect upon
  3  2 enactment.
  3  3    Sec. 6.  RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY.  This division of this
  3  4 Act applies retroactively to March 5, 2015.
  3  5                           EXPLANATION
  3  6 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  3  7 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  3  8    This bill relates to the policy administration of the tax and
  3  9 related laws by the department of revenue.
  3 10    DIVISION I ==== SALES AND USE TAXES.  Division I exempts
  3 11 the sales price of all=terrain vehicles and off=road utility
  3 12 vehicles used primarily in agricultural production from the
  3 13 sales and use tax. Under current law, such vehicles are not
  3 14 exempt from sales and use tax unless they are directly and
  3 15 primarily used in production of agricultural products.
  3 16    "All=terrain vehicle" means a motorized vehicle with not
  3 17 less than three and not more than six nonhighway tires that
  3 18 is limited in engine displacement to less than 1,000 cubic
  3 19 centimeters and in total dry weight to less than 1,200 pounds
  3 20 and that has a seat or saddle designed to be straddled by the
  3 21 operator and handlebars for steering control.
  3 22    "Off=road utility vehicle" means a motorized vehicle with
  3 23 not less than four and not more than eight nonhighway tires or
  3 24 rubberized tracks that has a seat that is of bucket or bench
  3 25 design, not intended to be straddled by the operator, and a
  3 26 steering wheel or control levers for control.
  3 27    By operation of Code section 423.6, an item exempt from the
  3 28 imposition of the sales tax is also exempt from the use tax
  3 29 imposed in Code section 423.5.
  3 30    DIVISION II ==== FLOOD MITIGATION PROGRAM.  Division II adds
  3 31 the director of revenue, or a designee of the director, as an
  3 32 ex officio, nonvoting member of the flood mitigation board
  3 33 created in Code chapter 418.  The flood mitigation board is
  3 34 currently composed of nine voting members and four ex officio,
  3 35 nonvoting members who are members of the general assembly, and
  4  1 is responsible for overseeing the flood mitigation program
  4  2 administered by the department of homeland security and
  4  3 emergency management.
  4  4    Division II also modifies provisions relating to the
  4  5 remittance of sales tax revenues to governmental entities under
  4  6 the flood mitigation program.  Under current law, no sales
  4  7 tax revenues shall be remitted to government entities after
  4  8 20 years from the project's approval date.  The bill provides
  4  9 that sales tax revenue may be remitted to governmental entities
  4 10 after that 20=year period provided the remitted sales tax
  4 11 amounts are based on sales occurring before the expiration of
  4 12 the project's 20=year period.
  4 14 CREDIT APPLICATION.  Code section 425.2 establishes the filing
  4 15 deadline for the homestead credit available to certain disabled
  4 16 veterans under Code section 425.15.  The bill provides that,
  4 17 notwithstanding the filing deadline under section 425.2, a
  4 18 claim for the homestead credit authorized under Code section
  4 19 425.15, as amended by 2015 Acts, House File 166, filed after
  4 20 July 1, 2014, but before July 1, 2015, shall be considered to
  4 21 be a claim properly filed for taxes due and payable in the
  4 22 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015.
  4 23    Division III of the bill takes effect upon enactment and
  4 24 applies retroactively to March 5, 2015.
       LSB 1309SV (2) 86