House File 2245 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  HEDDENS,
                                     STAED, KURTH, OURTH,
                                     HUNTER, OLDSON,
                                     NIELSEN, ANDERSON,
                                     MEYER, BENNETT,
                                     T. TAYLOR, KEARNS, and

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to maintaining dangerous weapons at a child
  2    care facility or when transporting a child receiving care
  3    from a child care facility, and providing penalties.
    TLSB 5508YH (6) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 237A.1, Code 2018, is amended by adding
  1  2 the following new subsection:
  1  3    NEW SUBSECTION.  7A.  "Dangerous weapon" means the same as
  1  4 defined in section 702.7.
  1  5    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  237A.3C  Dangerous weapons.
  1  6    1.  A facility shall develop and maintain written policies
  1  7 relating to the storage of dangerous weapons in the facility
  1  8 and in a motor vehicle used to transport a child receiving care
  1  9 from the facility.
  1 10    2.  a.  The written policies shall include all of the
  1 11 following:
  1 12    (1)  A dangerous weapon shall be inaccessible to a child
  1 13 receiving care from the facility.
  1 14    (2)  A firearm shall be maintained in a locked place similar
  1 15 to a gun case.
  1 16    (3)  Ammunition shall be maintained in a locked place
  1 17 separate from a firearm.
  1 18    (4)  A firearm in a motor vehicle used to transport a child
  1 19 receiving care from the facility shall be unloaded and any
  1 20 ammunition in the vehicle shall be kept separate from the
  1 21 firearm and in a locked container.
  1 22    b.  A parent or guardian shall be advised of any dangerous
  1 23 weapon, other than a kitchen knife, located on the premises of
  1 24 a facility.
  1 25    3.  A person who has involvement with child care at a
  1 26 facility shall not do any of the following during regular
  1 27 business hours:
  1 28    a.  Allow a dangerous weapon to be accessible to a child at
  1 29 the facility.
  1 30    b.  Maintain a firearm in an unlocked place at the facility.
  1 31    c.  Maintain ammunition with a firearm at the facility.
  1 32    d.  Maintain ammunition in an unlocked place at the facility.
  1 33    e.  Knowingly possess or transport a loaded firearm in a
  1 34 motor vehicle used to transport a child receiving care from the
  1 35 facility.
  2  1    f.  Knowingly maintain ammunition with a firearm in a motor
  2  2 vehicle used to transport a child receiving care from the
  2  3 facility.
  2  4    g.  Knowingly maintain ammunition in an unlocked container in
  2  5 a motor vehicle used to transport a child receiving care from
  2  6 the facility.
  2  7    4.  For purposes of this section, "involvement with child
  2  8 care" means a person who is an owner or employee of a facility.
  2  9    5.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
  2 10 contrary, a person who violates subsection 3 commits an
  2 11 aggravated misdemeanor.
  2 12                           EXPLANATION
  2 13 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2 14 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2 15    This bill relates to maintaining dangerous weapons at a
  2 16 child care facility or when transporting a child receiving care
  2 17 from a facility.
  2 18    The bill requires a child care facility to develop and
  2 19 maintain written policies relating to the storage of a
  2 20 dangerous weapon in the facility and in a motor vehicle used to
  2 21 transport a child receiving care from the facility.
  2 22    "Facility" is defined under Code section 235A.1 as a child
  2 23 care center, preschool, or a registered child development home,
  2 24 "child" is defined as a person under 12 years of age or a person
  2 25 13 to 19 years of age who has a developmental disability, and
  2 26 "dangerous weapon" is defined under Code section 702.7.
  2 27    The bill requires the written policy to include all of the
  2 28 following: a dangerous weapon shall be inaccessible to a child
  2 29 receiving care from the facility, a firearm shall be maintained
  2 30 in a locked place similar to a gun case, ammunition shall be
  2 31 maintained in a locked place separate from a firearm, and a
  2 32 firearm in a motor vehicle used to transport a child receiving
  2 33 care from the facility shall be unloaded and any ammunition in
  2 34 the vehicle shall be kept separate from the firearm and in a
  2 35 locked container.
  3  1 The bill defines "involvement with child care" to mean an
  3  2 owner or employee of a facility.
  3  3    Under the bill, a person who has involvement with child care
  3  4 at the child care facility shall not do any of the following
  3  5 during regular business hours: allow a dangerous weapon to be
  3  6 accessible to a child at the facility, maintain a firearm in
  3  7 an unlocked place at the facility, maintain ammunition with a
  3  8 firearm at the facility, maintain ammunition in an unlocked
  3  9 place at the facility, knowingly possess or transport a loaded
  3 10 firearm in a motor vehicle used to transport a child receiving
  3 11 care from the facility, knowingly maintain ammunition with a
  3 12 firearm in a motor vehicle used to transport a child receiving
  3 13 care from the facility, or knowingly maintain ammunition in an
  3 14 unlocked container in a motor vehicle used to transport a child
  3 15 receiving care from the facility.
  3 16    A person who violates the bill commits an aggravated
  3 17 misdemeanor.
  3 18    The license of a child care facility may also be suspended,
  3 19 revoked, or reduced to a provisional license for a violation of
  3 20 the bill pursuant to Code section 237A.8.
       LSB 5508YH (6) 87