Senate File 2045 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  SINCLAIR, SCHULTZ,
                                     SHIPLEY, KAPUCIAN,
                                     CHELGREN, ROZENBOOM,
                                     BEHN, KRAAYENBRINK,
                                     GUTH, GARRETT,
                                     BREITBACH, JOHNSON,
                                     BERTRAND, ANDERSON,
                                     and ZAUN

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act allowing a person to carry an uncased and loaded firearm
  2    while operating or riding an all=terrain vehicle as part of
  3    a farm operation and including a penalty.
    TLSB 5211XS (3) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 321I.14, subsection 2, Code 2016, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    2.  a.  A person shall not operate or ride an all=terrain
  1  4 vehicle with a firearm in the person's possession unless it
  1  5 is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case. However, a
  1  6 nonambulatory person may carry an uncased and unloaded firearm
  1  7 while operating or riding an all=terrain vehicle.
  1  8    b.  Notwithstanding paragraph "a", a person may operate or
  1  9 ride an all=terrain vehicle as part of a farm operation as
  1 10 defined in section 352.2 with an uncased and loaded firearm in
  1 11 the person's possession.
  1 12                           EXPLANATION
  1 13 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 14 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 15    This bill allows a person to operate or ride an all=terrain
  1 16 vehicle as part of a farm operation with an uncased and loaded
  1 17 firearm in the person's possession.
  1 18    For purposes of the bill, "farm operation" means a condition
  1 19 or activity which occurs on a farm in connection with the
  1 20 production of farm products and includes but is not limited
  1 21 to the raising, harvesting, drying, or storage of crops; the
  1 22 care or feeding of livestock; the handling or transportation
  1 23 of crops or livestock; the treatment or disposal of wastes
  1 24 resulting from livestock; the marketing of products at roadside
  1 25 stands or farm markets; the creation of noise, odor, dust, or
  1 26 fumes; the operation of machinery and irrigation pumps; ground
  1 27 and aerial seeding and spraying; the application of chemical
  1 28 fertilizers, conditioners, insecticides, pesticides, and
  1 29 herbicides; and the employment and use of labor.
  1 30    A person who violates the provisions of the bill is subject
  1 31 to a scheduled fine of $100.
       LSB 5211XS (3) 86