House File 536 - Enrolled

                              HOUSE FILE       
                              BY  COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY

                              (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 193)

                              (COMPANION TO SF 373
                                  by committee on
                                   A BILL FOR
                                         House File 536

                             AN ACT

                           DIVISION I
                      MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES
    Section 1.  Section 8A.315, subsection 5, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    5.  Information on recycled content shall be requested on all
 bids for paper products other than printing and writing paper
 issued by the state and on other bids for products which could
 have recycled content such as oil, plastic products, including
 but not limited to compost materials, aggregate, solvents,
 soybean=based inks, and rubber products. Except for purchases
 of printing and writing paper made pursuant to subsection 2,
 paragraphs "c" and, "d", and "e", the department shall require
 persons submitting bids for printing and writing paper to
  certify that the printing and writing paper proposed complies
 with the requirements referred to in subsection 2, paragraph
    Sec. 2.  Section 8A.504, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  Before setoff, the public agency shall obtain and forward
 to the collection entity the full name and social security
 number of the person liable to it the public agency or to whom
 a claim is owing who is a natural person. If the person is
 not a natural person, before setoff, the public agency shall
 forward to the collection entity the information concerning the
 person as the collection entity shall, by rule, require. The
 collection entity shall cooperate with other public agencies in
 the exchange of information relevant to the identification of
 persons liable to or claimants of public agencies. However,
 the collection entity shall provide only relevant information
 required by a public agency. The information shall be held in
 confidence and used for the purpose of setoff only. Section
 422.72, subsection 1, does not apply to this paragraph.
    Sec. 3.  Section 12B.10, subsection 5, paragraph a,
 subparagraphs (6) and (7), Code 2015, are amended to read as
    (6)  An open=end management investment company registered
 with the federal securities and exchange commission under the
 federal Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. {80a {80a=1,
 and operated in accordance with 17 C.F.R. {270.2a=7.
    (7)  A joint investment trust organized pursuant to chapter
 28E prior to and existing in good standing on the effective
 date of this Act or a joint investment trust organized pursuant
 to chapter 28E after April 28, 1992, provided that the joint
 investment trust shall either be rated within the two highest
 classifications by at least one of the standard rating services
 approved by the superintendent of banking by rule adopted
 pursuant to chapter 17A and operated in accordance with 17
 C.F.R. {270.2a=7, or be registered with the federal securities
 and exchange commission under the federal Investment Company
 Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. {80a {80a=1, and operated in accordance
 with 17 C.F.R. {270.2a=7. The manager or investment advisor of
 the joint investment trust shall be registered with the federal
 securities and exchange commission under the Investment Advisor
 Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. {80b {80b=1.
    Sec. 4.  Section 12B.10, subsection 6, paragraph l, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    l.  Investments in a qualified trust established pursuant
 to governmental accounting standards board statement number
 forty=three that is governed by a board of trustees of a joint
 investment trust organized pursuant to chapter 28E and that is
 registered with the federal securities and exchange commission
 under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C.
 {80a {80a=1.
    Sec. 5.  Section 12B.10C, subsection 2, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  As used in this section, "public funds custodial
 agreement" means any contractual arrangement pursuant to
 which one or more persons, including but not limited to
 investment advisors, investment companies, trustees, agents
 and custodians, are authorized to act as a custodian of or to
 designate another person to act as a custodian of public funds
 or any security or document of ownership or title evidencing
 public funds investments other than custodial agreements
 between an open=end management investment company registered
 with the federal securities and exchange commission under the
 federal Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. {80a {80a=1
  and a custodian bank.
    Sec. 6.  Section 13.2, subsection 1, paragraph p, Code 2015,
 is amended to read as follows:
    p.  Submit a report by January 15 of each year to the
 co=chairpersons and ranking members of the joint appropriations
 subcommittee on the justice system, to the executive council,
 and to the legislative services agency detailing the amount
 of annual money receipts generated by each settlement or
 judgment in excess of two hundred fifty thousand dollars
 collected pursuant to legal proceedings under chapters 455B,
 553, and 714. The report shall include the name of the
 civil or criminal case involved, the court of jurisdiction,
 the settlement amount, including the state's share of the
 settlement amount, the name of the fund in which the receipts
 were deposited, and the planned use of the moneys.
    Sec. 7.  Section 13.32, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 subparagraphs (1) and (2), Code 2015, are amended to read as
    (1)  A mission statement and table of organization of the
 department of justice relating to the victim assistance grant
 programs, a program summary, and statistics, including but not
 limited to sources and uses of funds and the numbers of victims
    (2)  An itemization of out=of=state travel expenses incurred
 by an employee of the department of justice and an itemization
 of such travel expenses paid to a contractor.
    Sec. 8.  Section 13C.1, Code 2015, is amended by adding the
 following new unnumbered paragraph before subsection 1:
 NEW UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH  As used in this chapter, unless
 the context otherwise requires:
    Sec. 9.  Section 15.105, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (a), Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    (a)  Two members from each United States congressional
 district established under section 40.1 in the state.
    Sec. 10.  Section 15.294, subsection 4, Code 2015, is amended
 by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 11.  Section 15.333, subsection 2, unnumbered paragraph
 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    For purposes of this subsection section, "new investment
 directly related to new jobs created by the project" means the
 cost of machinery and equipment, as defined in section 427A.1,
 subsection 1, paragraphs "e" and "j", purchased for use in
 the operation of the eligible business, the purchase price
 of which has been depreciated in accordance with generally
 accepted accounting principles, the purchase price of real
 property and any buildings and structures located on the real
 property, and the cost of improvements made to real property
 which is used in the operation of the eligible business. "New
 investment directly related to new jobs created by the project"
 also means the annual base rent paid to a third=party developer
 by an eligible business for a period not to exceed ten years,
 provided the cumulative cost of the base rent payments for that
 period does not exceed the cost of the land and the third=party
 developer's costs to build or renovate the building for the
 eligible business. The eligible business shall enter into a
 lease agreement with the third=party developer for a minimum
 of five years. If, however, within five years of purchase,
 the eligible business sells, disposes of, razes, or otherwise
 renders unusable all or a part of the land, buildings, or other
 existing structures for which tax credit was claimed under this
 section, the tax liability of the eligible business for the
 year in which all or part of the property is sold, disposed of,
 razed, or otherwise rendered unusable shall be increased by one
 of the following amounts:
    Sec. 12.  Section 16.1A, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  Programs established by the authority which the authority
 finds useful and convenient to further goals of the authority
 and which are consistent with the legislative findings. Such
 programs shall be administered in accordance with section 16.4
  subchapter III.  Such additional programs shall be administered
 in accordance with rules, if any, which the authority
 determines useful and convenient to adopt pursuant to chapter
    Sec. 13.  Section 16.2A, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    16.2A  Title guaranty division ==== board.
    1.  A title guaranty division is created within the
 authority. The division may also be referred to as Iowa title
 guaranty. The powers of the division relating to the issuance
 of title guaranties are vested in and shall be exercised by a
 title guaranty division board of five members appointed by the
 governor subject to confirmation by the senate. The membership
 of the title guaranty division board shall include an attorney,
 an abstractor, a real estate broker, a representative of a
 lending institution that engages in mortgage lending, and
 a representative of the housing development industry. The
 executive director of the authority shall appoint an attorney
 as director of the title guaranty division, who shall serve
 as an ex officio member of the title guaranty division board.
 The appointment of and compensation for the division director
 are exempt from the merit system provisions of chapter 8A,
 subchapter IV.
    2.  Members of the title guaranty division board shall be
 appointed by the governor for staggered terms of six years
 beginning and ending as provided in section 69.19. A person
 shall not serve on the title guaranty division board while
 serving on the authority board. A person appointed to fill
 a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired portion of the
 term. A member is eligible for reappointment. A member of the
 title guaranty division board may be removed from office by the
 governor for misfeasance, malfeasance, or willful neglect of
 duty or for other just cause, after notice and hearing, unless
 notice and hearing is expressly waived in writing.
    3.  Three members of the title guaranty division board shall
 constitute a quorum. An affirmative vote of a majority of the
 appointed members is necessary for any substantive action taken
 by the division.
    4.  Members of the title guaranty division board are entitled
 to receive a per diem as specified in section 7E.6 for each
 day spent in performance of duties as members and shall be
 reimbursed for all actual and necessary expenses incurred in
 the performance of duties as members.
    5.  Members of the title guaranty division board and the
 executive director shall give bond as required for public
 officers in chapter 64.
    6.  Meetings of the title guaranty division board shall be
 held at the call of the chair of the title guaranty division
  board or on written request of two members.
    7.  Members shall elect a chair and vice chair annually and
 other officers as they determine. The executive director shall
 serve as secretary to the title guaranty division board.
    8.  The net earnings of the division, beyond that necessary
 for reserves, backing, guaranties issued, or to otherwise
 implement the public purposes and programs authorized, shall
 not inure to the benefit of any person other than the state and
 are subject to section 16.2, subsection 8.
    Sec. 14.  Section 16.2B, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  Obtain agricultural assets transfer tax credits,
 including by issuing tax credit certificates issued pursuant to
 subchapter VIII, part 5.
    Sec. 15.  Section 16.2D, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  A council on homelessness is created consisting of
 thirty=eight voting members. At all times, at least one voting
 member at all times shall be a member of a minority group.
    Sec. 16.  Section 16.7, subsection 2, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  The annual report shall contain at least three parts
 which include all of the following:
    a.  A general description of the authority setting forth:
    (1)  Its operations Operations and accomplishments.
    (2)  Its receipts Receipts and expenditures during the
 fiscal year, in accordance with the classifications it the
 authority establishes for its operating and capital accounts.
    (3)  Its assets Assets and liabilities at the end of its
  the fiscal year and the status of reserve, special, and other
    (4)  A schedule of its bonds and notes outstanding at the
 end of its the fiscal year, together with a statement of the
 amounts redeemed and issued during its the fiscal year.
    (5)  A statement of its proposed and projected activities.
    (6)  Recommendations to the general assembly, as it the
 authority deems necessary.
    (7)  Performance goals of the authority, clearly indicating
 the extent of progress during the reporting period in attaining
 the goals.
    b.  A summary of housing programs administered under this
 chapter. The summary shall include an analysis of current
 housing needs in this state. Where possible, results shall be
 expressed in terms of housing units.
    c.  A summary of agricultural development programs
 administered under subchapter VIII.  Where possible, findings
 and results shall be expressed in terms of number of loans, tax
 credits, participating qualified beginning farmers, and acres
 of agricultural land, including by county.
    Sec. 17.  Section 16.16, subsection 3, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    3.  The treasurer of state shall not be subject to personal
 liability resulting from carrying out the powers and duties
 of the authority or the treasurer of state, as applicable, in
 subchapter X, part 15 9.
    Sec. 18.  Section 16.17, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    16.17  Rules.
    1.  The authority shall adopt pursuant to chapter 17A all
 rules necessary to administer this chapter.
    2. The authority may adopt rules which establish by
 rule further definitions applicable to this chapter, and
 clarification of clarify the definitions in this chapter, as it
  the authority deems convenient and necessary to carry out the
 public purposes of this chapter including all the following:
    a.  Any rules necessary to assure eligibility for funds
 available under federal housing laws, or to assure compliance
 with federal tax laws relating to the issuance of tax exempt
 bonds pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code or relating to the
 allowance of low=income credits under Internal Revenue Code
    b.  Any rule as necessary to assure eligibility for funds,
 insurance, or guaranties available under federal laws and to
 carry out the public purposes of subchapter VIII.
    3. The authority may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A
  relating to the purchase and sale of residential mortgage loans
 and the sale of mortgage=backed securities.
    Sec. 19.  Section 16.26, subsection 6, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    6.  The authority may issue negotiable bond anticipation
 notes and may renew them from time to time but the maximum
 maturity of the notes, including renewals, shall not exceed
 ten years from the date of issue of the original notes. Bond
 anticipation notes are payable from any available moneys of the
 authority not otherwise pledged, or from the proceeds of the
 sale of bonds of the authority in anticipation of which the
 bond anticipation notes were issued. Bond anticipation notes
 may be issued for any corporate purpose of the authority. Bond
 anticipation notes shall be issued in the same manner as bonds
 and bond anticipation notes, and the resolution authorizing
 them may contain any provisions, conditions, or limitations,
 not inconsistent with the provisions of this subsection, which
 the bonds or a bond resolution of the authority may contain.
 Bond anticipation notes may be sold at public or private sale.
 In case of default on its bond anticipation notes or violation
 of any obligations of the authority to the noteholders, the
 noteholders shall have all the remedies provided in this
 chapter for bondholders. Bond anticipation notes shall be as
 fully negotiable as bonds of the authority.
    Sec. 20.  Section 16.27A, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    16.27A  Powers relating to loans.
    Subject to any agreement with bondholders or noteholders,
 the authority may renegotiate a mortgage or secured loan or
 a loan to a lending institution in default, waive a default
 or consent to the modification of the terms of a mortgage or
 secured loan or a loan to a lending institution, forgive or
 forbear all or part of a mortgage or secured loan or a loan to
 a lending institution, and commence, prosecute, and enforce
 a judgment in any action, including but not limited to a
 foreclosure action, to protect or enforce any right conferred
 upon it by law, mortgage or secured loan agreement, contract,
  or other agreement, and in connection with any action, bid for
 and purchase the property or acquire or take possession of it,
 complete, administer, pay the principal of and interest on
 any obligations incurred in connection with the property, and
 dispose of and otherwise deal with the property in a manner the
 authority deems advisable to protect its interests.
    Sec. 21.  Section 16.50, subsection 3, paragraph b,
 subparagraph (1), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (1)  Projects that are eligible for historic preservation
 and cultural and entertainment district tax credits under
 section 404A.2 chapter 404A.
    Sec. 22.  Section 16.59, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2015,
 is amended to read as follows:
    A low or moderate net worth requirement To receive financing
 as provided in this subchapter, applies to an individual,
 partnership, family farm corporation, or family farm limited
 liability company shall meet the applicable low or moderate
 net worth requirements established in this section. The
 requirement as applied that applies to each such person is
 calculated determined as follows:
    Sec. 23.  Section 16.64, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  An The authority shall publish a notice of intention
 to issue bonds or notes.  After sixty days from the date of
 publication of the notice, an action shall not be brought
 questioning the legality of any bonds or notes or the power of
 the authority to issue any bonds or notes or to the legality
 of any proceedings in connection with the authorization or
 issuance of the bonds or notes after determination by the board
 of the authority to proceed with the issuance of the bonds or
 notes sixty days from the date of publication of the notice.
    Sec. 24.  Section 16.76, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2015, are
 amended to read as follows:
    1.  As used in this section, "loan" includes but is
 not limited to mortgage or secured loans; loans insured,
 guaranteed, or otherwise secured by the federal government or
 a federal governmental agency or instrumentality, or a state
 agency or private mortgage insurers; and financing pursuant to
 an installment contract or contract for purchase arrangement.
    2.  The authority may make loans, including but not limited
 to mortgage or secured loans, or loans insured, guaranteed,
 or otherwise secured by the federal government or a federal
 governmental agency or instrumentality, or a state agency or
 private mortgage insurers, to beginning farmers to provide
 financing for agricultural land and agricultural improvements
 or depreciable agricultural property.
    Sec. 25.  Section 16.78, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  To every extent practicable, the authority shall
 administer tax credits under the beginning farmer tax credit
 program in a uniform manner that encourages participation by
 qualified beginning farmers. The authority shall determine a
 qualified beginning farmer's low or moderate net worth by using
 a single method applicable to all its programs as provided
 under section 16.59, including the beginning farmer tax credit
    Sec. 26.  Section 16.92, subsection 1, paragraph d, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    d.  "Division board" means the board of directors of the
 title guaranty division of the Iowa finance authority.
    Sec. 27.  Section 17A.5, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  (1)  Subject to applicable constitutional or statutory
 provisions, a rule becomes effective immediately upon filing
 with the administrative rules coordinator, or at a subsequent
 stated date prior to indexing and publication, or at a stated
 date less than thirty=five days after filing, indexing and
 publication, if the agency finds:
    (1)  (a)  That a statute so provides;
    (2)  (b)  That the rule confers a benefit or removes a
 restriction on the public or some segment thereof; or
    (3)  (c)  That this effective date is necessary because of
 imminent peril to the public health, safety or welfare.
    (2)  In any subsequent action contesting the effective date
 of a rule promulgated under this paragraph "b", the burden
 of proof shall be on the agency to justify its finding. The
 agency's finding and a brief statement of the reasons therefor
 shall be filed with and made a part of the rule. Prior to
 indexing and publication, the agency shall make reasonable
 efforts to make known to the persons who may be affected by it a
 rule made effective under the terms of this paragraph "b".
    Sec. 28.  Section 28M.7, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2015, are
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  A regional transit district may disclose aggregate data
 on user and customer transaction history and fare card use
 to government governmental entities, organizations, school
 districts, educational institutions, and employers that
 subsidize or provide fare cards to their clients, students, or
 employees. Government Governmental entities, organizations,
 school districts, educational institutions, and employers may
 use the aggregate data only for purposes of measuring and
 promoting fare card use and evaluating the cost=effectiveness
 of their fare card programs. The disclosure of nonaggregate
 or personalized data on user and customer transaction history
 and fare card use to government governmental entities,
 organizations, school districts, educational institutions, and
 employers shall be strictly prohibited.
    3.  A regional transit district may disclose data concerning
 applicants, users, and customers collected by or through
 personalized internet services or a fare collection system to
 another government governmental entity to prevent a breach
 of security regarding electronic systems maintained by the
 regional transit district or the governmental entity, or
 pursuant to a subpoena issued in connection with a civil or
 criminal investigation.
    Sec. 29.  Section 29B.116, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    29B.116  General article.
    Subject to section 29B.116A, though Though not specifically
 mentioned in this code, and subject to section 29B.116A, all
 disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and
 discipline in the state military forces and all conduct of
 a nature to bring discredit upon the state military forces,
 of which persons subject to this code may be guilty, shall
 be taken cognizance of by a general, special, or summary
 court=martial, according to the nature and degree of the
 offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.
    Sec. 30.  Section 29B.116B, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    29B.116B  Adjutant general report.
    The adjutant general shall report annually, by January 15,
 to the governor and to the chairpersons and ranking members
 of the general assembly's standing committees on veterans
 affairs on the number of offenses described in section
 29B.116A, subsection 1, which have been reported to civilian
 law enforcement authorities in the prior year, if such offenses
 were committed by a member of the state military forces against
 another member of the state military forces while both are
 subject to this code. The report shall provide such numbers
 by type of offense.
    Sec. 31.  Section 43.16, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    43.16  Return of papers, additions not allowed.
    1.  After a nomination paper has been filed, it shall not
 be returned to the person who has filed the paper, nor shall
 any signature or other information be added to the nomination
    2.  a.  A person who has filed nomination petitions with the
 state commissioner may withdraw as a candidate not later than
 the seventy=sixth day before the primary election by notifying
 the state commissioner in writing.
    b.  A person who has filed nomination papers with the
 commissioner may withdraw as a candidate not later than the
 sixty=seventh day before the primary election by notifying the
 commissioner in writing.
    3.  The name of a candidate who has withdrawn or died at a
 time in accordance with this section on or before the final day
 to withdraw as a candidate for that office shall be omitted
 from the certificate furnished by the state commissioner under
 section 43.22 and omitted from the primary election ballot.
    Sec. 32.  Section 68A.405, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (3), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (3)  "Published material" means any newspaper, magazine,
 shopper, outdoor advertising facility, poster, direct mailing,
 brochure, internet site, campaign sign, or any other form of
 printed or electronic general public political advertising.
 "Published material" includes television, video, or motion
 picture advertising.
    Sec. 33.  Section 80B.5, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  The administration of this chapter shall be vested in
 the office of the governor. Except for the director and deputy
 director of the academy, the staff as may be necessary for it
  the academy to function shall be employed pursuant to the Iowa
 merit system.
    Sec. 34.  Section 96.9, subsection 6, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    6.  Management of funds in the event of discontinuance of
 unemployment trust fund.  The provisions of subsections 1, 2,
 and 3 to the extent that they relate to the unemployment trust
 fund shall be operative only so long as such unemployment
 trust fund continues to exist and so long as the secretary
 of the treasury of the United States continues to maintain
 for this state a separate book account of all funds deposited
 therein by this state for benefit purposes, together with
 this state's proportionate share of the earnings of such
 unemployment trust fund, from which no other state is permitted
 to make withdrawals. If and when such unemployment trust fund
 ceases to exist, or such separate book account is no longer
 maintained, all moneys, properties, or securities therein,
 belonging to the unemployment compensation fund of this state
 shall be transferred to the treasurer of the unemployment
 compensation fund, who shall hold, invest, transfer, sell,
 deposit, and release such moneys, properties, or securities
 in a manner approved by the director, treasurer of state,
 and governor, in accordance with the provisions of this
 chapter:  Provided, provided that such moneys shall be invested
 in the following such readily marketable classes of securities;
 such securities as are authorized by the laws of the state of
 Iowa for the investment of trust funds. The treasurer shall
 dispose of securities and other properties belonging to the
 unemployment compensation fund only under the direction of the
 director, treasurer of state, and governor.
    Sec. 35.  Section 96.14, subsection 4, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    4.  Priorities under legal dissolutions or distributions.  In
 the event of any distribution of an employer's assets
 pursuant to an order of any court under the laws of this
 state, including any receivership, assignment for benefit of
 creditors, adjudicated insolvency, composition, or similar
 proceeding, contributions then or thereafter due shall be
 paid in full prior to all other claims except taxes and
 claims for wages preferred as provided by statute. In the
 event of an employer's adjudication in bankruptcy, judicially
 confirmed extension proposal, or composition, under the
 federal Bankruptcy Act of 1898, as amended, contributions then
 or thereafter due shall be entitled to such priority as is
 provided in section 64 "a" of that Act [11 U.S.C. {104 "b", as
 amended], 11 U.S.C. {507.
    Sec. 36.  Section 96.20, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  Reimbursements so payable shall be deemed to be benefits
 for the purposes of section 96.3, subsection 5, paragraph "a",
 and section 96.9, but no reimbursement so payable shall be
 charged against any employer's account for the purposes of
 section 96.7, unless wages so transferred are sufficient to
 establish a valid claim in Iowa, and that such charges shall
 not exceed the amount that would have been charged on the
 basis of a valid claim. The department is hereby authorized
 to make to other state or federal agencies and receive from
 such other state or federal agencies, reimbursements from or
 to the fund, in accordance with arrangements pursuant to this
 section. The department shall participate in any arrangements
 for the payment of compensation on the basis of combining
 an individual's wages and employment covered under this Act
  chapter with the individual's wages and employment covered
 under the unemployment compensation laws of other states
 which are approved by the United States secretary of labor in
 consultation with the state unemployment compensation agencies
 as reasonably calculated to assure the prompt and full payment
 of compensation in such situations and which include provisions
 for applying the base period of a single state law to a claim
 involving the combining of an individual's wages and employment
 covered under two or more state unemployment compensation laws,
 and avoiding the duplication use of wages and employment by
 reason of such combining.
    Sec. 37.  Section 99.27, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    99.27  Mulct tax.
    When a permanent injunction issues against any person for
 maintaining a nuisance as herein defined in section 99.1A, or
 against any owner or agent of the building kept or used for the
 purpose prohibited by this chapter, there shall be imposed upon
 said building and the ground upon which the same is located and
 against the person or persons maintaining said the nuisance and
 the owner or agent of said the premises, a mulct tax of three
 hundred dollars. The imposing of said the mulct tax shall be
 made by the court as a part of the proceeding.
    Sec. 38.  Section 105.18, subsection 3, paragraph d, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    d.  An individual that holds either a master or
 journeyperson mechanical license or a master or journeyperson
 HVAC=refrigeration license shall be exempt from having to
 obtain a special electrician's license pursuant to chapter 103
 in order to perform disconnect and reconnect of existing air
 conditioning and refrigeration systems.
    Sec. 39.  Section 123.5, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.5  Alcoholic beverages commission created ==== appointment
 ==== removal ==== vacancies.
    1.  An alcoholic beverages commission is created within the
 division. The commission is composed of five members, not more
 than three of whom shall belong to the same political party.
    2.  Members shall be appointed by the governor, subject
 to confirmation by the senate.  Appointments shall be for
 five=year staggered terms beginning and ending as provided by
 section 69.19. A member may be reappointed for one additional
    3.  Members of the commission shall be chosen on the basis
 of managerial ability and experience as business executives.
 Not more than two members of the commission may be the holder
 of or have an interest in a permit or license to manufacture
 alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer or to sell alcoholic liquor,
 wine, or beer at wholesale or retail.
    4.  Any commission member shall be subject to removal for any
 of the causes and in the manner provided by chapter 66 relating
 to removal from office.  Removal shall not be in lieu of any
 other punishment that may be prescribed by the laws of this
    5.  Any vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the
 same manner as regular appointments are made for the unexpired
 portion of the regular term.
    Sec. 40.  Section 123.11, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.11  Expenses Compensation and expenses.
    Members of the commission, the administrator, and other
 employees of the division shall be allowed their actual and
 necessary expenses while traveling on business of the division
 outside of their place of residence, however, an itemized
 account of such expenses shall be verified by the claimant
 and approved by the administrator. If such account is paid,
 the same shall be filed with the division and be and remain
 a part of its permanent records.  Each member appointed to
 the commission is entitled to receive reimbursement of actual
 expenses incurred while attending meetings. Each member of
 the commission may also be eligible to receive compensation
 as provided in section 7E.6. All expenses and salaries of
 commission members, the administrator, and other employees
 shall be paid from appropriations for such purposes and the
 division shall be subject to the budget requirements of chapter
    Sec. 41.  Section 123.17, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.17  Prohibition Prohibitions on commission members and
    1.  Commission members, officers, and employees of the
 division shall not, while holding such office or position, hold
  do any of the following:
    a.  Hold any other office or position under the laws of this
 state, or any other state or territory or of the United States;
 nor engage.
    b.  Engage in any occupation, business, endeavor, or activity
 which would or does conflict with their duties under this
 chapter; nor, directly.
    c.  Directly or indirectly, use their office or employment
 to influence, persuade, or induce any other officer, employee,
 or person to adopt their political views or to favor any
 particular candidate for an elective or appointive public
 office; nor, directly.
    d.  Directly or indirectly, solicit or accept, in any manner
 or way, any money or other thing of value for any person
 seeking an elective or appointive public office, or to any
 political party or any group of persons seeking to become a
 political party.
    2.  Except as provided in section 123.5, subsection 3, a
 commission member or division employee shall not, directly or
 indirectly, individually, or as a member of a partnership or
 shareholder in a corporation, have any interest in dealing
 in or in the manufacture of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer,
 and shall not receive any kind of profit nor have any interest
 in the purchase or sale of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer
 by persons so authorized under this chapter. However, this
 subsection does not prohibit any member or employee from
 lawfully purchasing and keeping alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer
 in the member's or employee's possession for personal use.
    3.  Any officer or employee violating this section or any
 other provisions of this chapter shall, in addition to any
 other penalties provided by law, be subject to suspension or
 discharge from employment. Any commission member shall, in
 addition to any other penalties provided by law, be subject to
 removal from office as provided by law chapter 66.
    Sec. 42.  Section 123.45, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.45  Limitations on business interests.
    Except as provided in section 123.6, a commission member
 or division employee shall not, directly or indirectly,
 individually, or as a member of a partnership or shareholder
 in a corporation, have any interest in dealing in or in the
 manufacture of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer, and shall
 not receive any kind of profit nor have any interest in the
 purchase or sale of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer by persons
 so authorized under this chapter. However, this provision does
 not prohibit any member or employee from lawfully purchasing
 and keeping alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer in the member's or
 employee's possession for personal use.
    1.  A person engaged in the business of manufacturing,
 bottling, or wholesaling alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer, or
 any jobber, representative, broker, employee, or agent of such
 a person, shall not directly do any of the following:
    a.  Directly or indirectly supply, furnish, give, or pay for
 any furnishings, fixtures, or equipment used in the storage,
 handling, serving, or dispensing of alcoholic beverages, wine,
 beer, or food within the place of business of a licensee or
 permittee authorized under this chapter to sell at retail; nor
 shall the person directly.
    b.  Directly or indirectly extend any credit for alcoholic
 beverages or beer or pay for any such license or permit, nor
    c.  Directly or indirectly be interested in the ownership,
 conduct, or operation of the business of another licensee or
 permittee authorized under this chapter to sell at retail, nor
    d.  Hold a retail liquor control license or retail wine or
 beer permit.
    2.  However, a person engaged in the wholesaling of beer or
 wine may sell only disposable glassware, which is constructed
 of paper, paper laminated, or plastic materials and designed
 primarily for personal consumption on a one=time usage
 basis, to retailers for use within the premises of licensed
 establishments, for an amount which is greater than or equal
 to an amount which represents the greater of either the amount
 paid for the disposable glassware by the supplier or the amount
 paid for the disposable glassware by the wholesaler. Also, a
 person engaged in the business of manufacturing beer may sell
 beer at retail for consumption on or off the premises of the
 manufacturing facility and, notwithstanding any other provision
 of this chapter or the fact that a person is the holder of a
 class "A" beer permit, may be granted not more than one class
 "B" beer permit as defined in section 123.124 for that purpose.
    3.  A licensee or permittee who permits or assents to or is a
 party in any way to a violation or infringement of this section
 is guilty of a violation of this section.
    Sec. 43.  Section 123.70, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.70  Injunction against bootlegger.
    A bootlegger as defined in this chapter section 123.59 may
 be restrained by injunction from doing or continuing to do any
 of the acts prohibited herein, and all the proceedings for
 injunctions, temporary and permanent, and for punishments for
 violation of the same as prescribed herein, shall be applicable
 to such person, and the fact that an offender has no known or
 permanent place of business, or base of supplies, or quits the
 business after the commencement of an action, shall not prevent
 a temporary or permanent injunction, as the case may be, from
    Sec. 44.  Section 123.83, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.83  Method of trial.
    The trial of an action filed pursuant to section 123.82 shall
 be to the court and as in equity, and be governed by the same
 rules of evidence as contempt proceedings.
    Sec. 45.  Section 123.84, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.84  Judgment.
    If the court after a hearing in an action filed pursuant to
 section 123.82 finds a liquor, wine, or beer nuisance has been
 maintained on the premises covered by the abatement bond and
 that liquor, wine, or beer has been sold or kept for sale on the
 premises contrary to law within one year from the date of the
 giving of the bond, then the court shall order the forfeiture
 of the bond and enter judgment for the full amount of the bond
 against the principal and sureties on the bond, and the. The
  lien on the real estate created pursuant to section 123.79
 shall be decreed foreclosed and the court shall provide for a
 special and general execution for the enforcement of the decree
 and judgment.
    Sec. 46.  Section 123.85, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.85  Appeal.
    Appeal from a judgment and decree entered pursuant to
 section 123.84 may be taken as in equity cases and the cause be
 triable de novo except that if the state appeals it need not
 file an appeal or supersedeas bond.
    Sec. 47.  Section 123.88, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.88  Evidence.
    On the issue whether a party knew or ought to have known of
 such a nuisance described under section 123.60, evidence of the
 general reputation of the place shall be admissible.
    Sec. 48.  Section 123.122, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.122  Permit or license required.
    A person shall not manufacture for sale or sell beer at
 wholesale or retail unless a permit is first obtained as
 provided in this division subchapter or, a liquor control
 license authorizing the retail sale of beer is first obtained
 as provided in division I of this chapter. A liquor control
 license holder is not required to hold a separate class "B"
 beer permit.
    Sec. 49.  Section 123.123, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.123  Effect on liquor control licensees.
    All applicable provisions of this division subchapter
  relating to class "B" beer permits shall apply to liquor
 control licensees in the purchasing, storage, handling,
 serving, and sale of beer.
    Sec. 50.  Section 123.143, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  All permit fees and taxes collected by the division under
 this division subchapter shall accrue to the state general
 fund, except as otherwise provided.
    Sec. 51.  Section 123.171, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.171  Wine certificate, permit, or license required.
    A person shall not cause the manufacture, importation,
 or sale of wine in this state unless a certificate or
 permit as provided in this division subchapter, or a liquor
 control license as provided in division subchapter I of this
 chapter, is first obtained which authorizes that manufacture,
 importation, or sale.
    Sec. 52.  Section 123.172, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    123.172  Effect on liquor control licensees.
    All applicable provisions of this division subchapter
  relating to class "B" wine permits apply to liquor control
 licensees in the purchasing, storage, handling, serving and
 sale of wine.
    Sec. 53.  Section 124.401, subsection 5, unnumbered
 paragraph 3, Code 2015, is amended by striking the unnumbered
    Sec. 54.  Section 124D.4, subsection 6, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    6.  Card issuance ==== department of transportation.  The
 department may enter into a chapter 28E agreement with the
 department of transportation to facilitate the issuance of a
  cannabidiol registration card cards pursuant to subsections 1
 and 3.
    Sec. 55.  Section 135.173A, subsections 1, 3, and 8, Code
 2015, are amended to read as follows:
    1.  The early childhood Iowa council stakeholders alliance
  shall establish a state child care advisory committee as part
 of the council stakeholders alliance. The advisory committee
 shall advise and make recommendations to the governor, general
 assembly, department of human services, and other state
 agencies concerning child care.
    3.  Except as otherwise provided, the voting members of
 the advisory committee shall be appointed by the council
  stakeholders alliance from a list of names submitted by a
 nominating committee to consist of one member of the advisory
 committee, one member of the department of human services'
 child care staff, three consumers of child care, and one member
 of a professional child care organization. Two names shall be
 submitted for each appointment. The voting members shall be
 appointed for terms of three years.
    8.  The advisory committee shall coordinate with the early
 childhood Iowa council stakeholders alliance its reporting
 annually in December to the governor and general assembly
 concerning the status of child care in the state, providing
 findings, and making recommendations. The annual report may
 be personally presented to the general assembly's standing
 committees on human resources by a representative of the
 advisory committee.
    Sec. 56.  Section 135.173A, subsection 4, paragraphs n and q,
 Code 2015, are amended to read as follows:
    n.  One designee of the community empowerment early childhood
  office of the department of management.
    q.  One person who represents the early childhood Iowa
 council stakeholders alliance.
    Sec. 57.  Section 135.173A, subsection 6, paragraph j, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    j.  Advise and assist the early childhood Iowa council
  stakeholders alliance in developing the strategic plan required
 pursuant to section 135.173 256I.4, subsection 4.
    Sec. 58.  Section 135C.33, subsection 2, paragraph b,
 subparagraph (1), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (1)  If a person being considered for employment, other than
 employment involving the operation of a motor vehicle, has
 been convicted of a crime listed in subparagraph (2) but does
 not have a record of founded child or dependent adult abuse
 and the licensee has requested an evaluation in accordance
 with paragraph "a" to determine whether the crime warrants
 prohibition of the person's employment, the licensee may employ
 the person for not more than sixty calendar days pending
 completion of the evaluation.
    Sec. 59.  Section 144.43, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    144.43  Vital records closed to inspection ==== exceptions.
    1.  To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to
 ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper
 administration of the vital statistics system kept by the state
 registrar, access to vital statistics records kept by the state
 registrar shall be limited to the state registrar and the
 state registrar's employees, and then only for administrative
    2.  a.  It shall be unlawful for the state registrar to
 permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in
 vital statistics records, or to copy or permit to be copied all
 or part of any such record except as authorized by regulation
    b.  3.  However, the following vital statistics records may
 be inspected and copied as of right under chapter 22 when they
 are in the custody of a county registrar or when they are in the
 custody of the state archivist and are at least seventy=five
 years old:
    (1)  a.  A record of birth.
    (2)  b.  A record of marriage.
    (3)  c.  A record of divorce, dissolution of marriage, or
 annulment of marriage.
    (4)  d.  A record of death if that death was not a fetal
    3.  4.  A public record shall not be withheld from the
 public because it is combined with data processing software.
 The state registrar shall not implement any electronic data
 processing system for the storage, manipulation, or retrieval
 of vital records that would impair a county registrar's ability
 to permit the examination of a public record and the copying of
 a public record, as established by rule. If it is necessary to
 separate a public record from data processing software in order
 to permit the examination of the public record, the county
 registrar shall periodically generate a written log available
 for public inspection which contains the public record.
    Sec. 60.  Section 147.1, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2015,
 is amended to read as follows:
    For the purpose of this and the following chapters of this
    Sec. 61.  Section 147.86, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    147.86  Penalties.
    Any person violating any provision of this or the following
 chapters of this subtitle, except insofar as the provisions
 apply or relate to or affect the practice of pharmacy, or where
 a specific penalty is otherwise provided, shall be guilty of
 a serious misdemeanor.
    Sec. 62.  Section 157.1, subsection 27, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    27.  "School of cosmetology arts and sciences" means an
 establishment licensed operated for the purpose of teaching
 cosmetology arts and sciences.
    Sec. 63.  Section 159.1, subsections 1, 2, and 4, Code 2015,
 are amended by striking the subsections.
    Sec. 64.  Section 172A.10, subsection 1, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    1.  If any person who is required by this chapter to be
 licensed fails to obtain the required license, or if any person
 who is required by this chapter to maintain proof of financial
 responsibility fails to obtain or maintain such proof, or
 if any licensee fails to discontinue engaging in licensed
 activities when that person's license has been suspended, such
 failure shall be deemed a nuisance and the secretary may bring
 an action on behalf of the state to enjoin such nuisance. Such
 actions may be heard on not less than five days' notice to the
 person whose activities are sought to be enjoined. The failure
 to obtain a license when required, or the failure to obtain or
  maintain proof of financial responsibility shall constitute a
 violation of this chapter.
    Sec. 65.  Section 197.1, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    197.1  License.
    1.  Every person, partnership, or corporation engaged in
 the business of buying for the market, poultry or domestic
 fowls for the market from the producer thereof, shall obtain
 a license from the department for each establishment at which
 said business is conducted.
    2.  The word "producer" as herein used in this chapter shall
 include anyone not a licensed dealer who has acquired such
 poultry or domestic fowls other than through a licensed dealer.
    Sec. 66.  Section 198.7, subsection 1, paragraph f, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    f.  If it is, or it bears or contains a new animal drug which
 is unsafe within the meaning of the federal Food, Drug, and
 Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. {801 {360b et seq.
    Sec. 67.  Section 206.24, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2015,
 is amended to read as follows:
    A program of education and demonstration in the area of
 the agricultural use of fertilizers and pesticides shall be
 initiated by the secretary of agriculture on July 1, 1987.
 The secretary shall coordinate the activities of the state
 regarding this program.
    Sec. 68.  Section 206.32, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  A person shall not offer for sale, sell, purchase, apply,
 or use chlordane in this state, on or after January 1, 1989.
    Sec. 69.  Section 215.23, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    215.23  Servicer's license.
    A servicer shall not install, service, or repair a
 commercial weighing or and measuring device until the
 servicer has demonstrated that the servicer has available
 adequate testing equipment, and that the servicer possesses
 a working knowledge of all devices the servicer intends to
 install or repair and of all appropriate weights, measures,
 statutes, and rules, as evidenced by passing a qualifying
 examination to be conducted by the department and obtaining
 a license. The secretary of agriculture shall establish by
 rule pursuant to chapter 17A, requirements for and contents
 of the examination. In determining these qualifications, the
 secretary shall consider the specifications of the United
 States national institute of standards and technology, handbook
 44, "Specifications, tolerances, and technical requirements
 for commercial weighing and measuring devices", or the current
 successor or equivalent specifications adopted by the United
 States national institute of standards and technology. The
 secretary shall require an annual license fee of not more than
 five dollars for each license. Each license shall expire one
 year from date of issuance.
    Sec. 70.  Section 215.24, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    215.24  Rules.
    The department of agriculture and land stewardship may
 promulgate adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A as necessary
 to promptly and effectively enforce the provisions of this
    Sec. 71.  Section 218.95, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  For purposes of construing the provisions of this and the
 following subtitles of this title and chapters 16, 35B, 347B,
 709A, 904, 913, and 914 relating to persons with mental illness
 and reconciling these provisions with other former and present
 provisions of statute, the following terms shall be considered
    a.  "Mentally ill" and "insane", except that the
 hospitalization or detention of any person for treatment
 of mental illness shall not constitute a finding or create
 a presumption that the individual is legally insane in the
 absence of a finding of incompetence made pursuant to section
    b.  "Parole" and "convalescent leave".
    c.  "Resident" and "patient".
    d.  "Escape" and "depart without proper authorization".
    e.  "Warrant" and "order of admission".
    f.  "Escapee" and "patient".
    g.  "Sane" and "in good mental health".
    h.  "Asylum" and "hospital".
    i.  "Commitment" and "admission".
    Sec. 72.  Section 229.26, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    229.26  Exclusive procedure for involuntary hospitalization.
 Sections 229.6 through 229.19 constitute the exclusive
 procedure for involuntary hospitalization of persons by reason
 of serious mental impairment in this state, except that this
 chapter does not negate the provisions of section 904.503
 relating to transfer of prisoners with mental illness to state
 hospitals for persons with mental illness and does not apply
 to commitments of persons under chapter 812 or the rules of
 criminal procedure, Iowa court rules, or negate the provisions
 of section 232.51 relating to disposition of children with
 mental illness or an intellectual disability.
    Sec. 73.  Section 230.11, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    230.11  Recovery of costs from state.
    Costs and expenses attending the taking into custody,
 care, and investigation of a person who has been admitted
 or committed to a state hospital, United States department
 of veterans affairs hospital, or other agency of the United
 States government, for persons with mental illness and who
 has no residence in this state or whose residence is unknown,
 including cost of commitment, if any, shall be paid as a state
 case as approved by the administrator. The amount of the costs
 and expenses approved by the administrator is appropriated
 to the department from any money in the state treasury
 not otherwise appropriated. Payment shall be made by the
 department on itemized vouchers executed by the auditor of the
 county which has paid them, and approved by the administrator.
    Sec. 74.  Section 231D.16, subsection 1, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    1.  Adult day services programs that are serving at least
 two but not more than five persons and that are not voluntarily
 accredited by a recognized accrediting entity prior to July 1,
 2003, shall comply with this chapter by June 30, 2005.
    Sec. 75.  Section 231E.13, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    231E.13  Implementation.
    Implementation of this chapter is subject to availability of
 funding as determined by the department. The department shall
 notify the Code editor upon implementation of this chapter.
    Sec. 76.  Section 232.46, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (3), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (3)  The performance of a work assignment of value to the
 state or to the public making restitution consisting of a
 monetary payment to the victim or a work assignment directly
 of value to the victim.
    Sec. 77.  Section 232.46, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph:
    NEW SUBPARAGRAPH.  (3A)  Making restitution consisting of a
 monetary payment to the victim or a work assignment directly
 of value to the victim.
    Sec. 78.  Section 232.125, subsection 4, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    4.  The petition shall state all of the following:
    a.  The names and residences of the child., and
    b.  The names and residences of the child's living parents,
 guardian, custodian, and guardian ad litem, if any. and the
    c.  The age of the child.
    Sec. 79.  Section 232.178, subsections 3 and 4, Code 2015,
 are amended to read as follows:
    3.  The petition shall state all of the following:
    a.  The names and residence of the child. and the
    b.  The names and residence of the child's living parents,
 guardian, custodian, and guardian ad litem, if any., and the
    c.  The age of the child.
    4.  The petition shall describe the all of the following:
    a.  The child's emotional, physical, or intellectual
 disability which requires care and treatment.; the
    b.  The reasonable efforts to maintain the child in the
 child's home.; the
    c.  The department's request to the family of a child with
 an intellectual disability, other developmental disability, or
 organic mental illness to determine if any services or support
 provided to the family will enable the family to continue to
 care for the child in the child's home.; and the
    d.  The reason the child's parent, guardian, or custodian has
 requested a foster family care placement.
    e.  The petition shall also describe the commitment
 of the parent, guardian, or custodian in fulfilling the
 responsibilities defined in the case permanency plan. and how
    f.  How the placement will serve the child's best interests.
    Sec. 80.  Section 235B.4, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    235B.4  Legislative findings and purposes.
    1.  The general assembly finds and declares that a
 central registry is required to provide a single source for
 the statewide collection, maintenance, and dissemination
 of dependent adult abuse information. Such a registry is
 imperative for increased effectiveness in dealing with the
 problem of dependent adult abuse. The general assembly also
 finds that vigorous protection of rights of individual privacy
 is an indispensable element of a fair and effective system of
 collecting, maintaining, and disseminating dependent adult
 abuse information.
    2.  The purposes of this section and sections 235B.5 to
  through 235B.13 are to facilitate the identification of
 victims or potential victims of dependent adult abuse by making
 available a single, statewide source of dependent adult abuse
 data; to facilitate research on dependent adult abuse by making
 available a single, statewide source of dependent adult abuse
 data; and to provide maximum safeguards against the unwarranted
 invasions of privacy which such a registry might otherwise
    Sec. 81.  Section 235F.1, subsection 12, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    12.  "Present danger of elder abuse" means a situation in
 which the defendant has recently threatened the vulnerable
 elder with initial or additional elder abuse, or the potential
 exists for misappropriation, misuse, or removal of the funds,
 benefits, property, resources, belongings, or assets of the
 vulnerable elder combined with reasonable grounds to believe
 that elder abuse is likely to occur.
    Sec. 82.  Section 235F.5, subsection 6, unnumbered paragraph
 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    The showing At the hearing, the allegation of elder abuse may
 be proven as required under subsection 1 may be made by, but is
 not limited to the testimony at the hearing of, from any of the
    Sec. 83.  Section 235F.6, subsection 3, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    3.  The court shall not use issue an order issued under this
 section to do that does any of the following:
    a.  To allow Allows any person other than the vulnerable
 elder to assume responsibility for the funds, benefits,
 property, resources, belongings, or assets of the vulnerable
    b.  For Grants relief that is more appropriately obtained
 in a protective proceeding filed under chapter 633 including
 but not limited to giving control and management of the funds,
 benefits, property, resources, belongings, or assets of the
 vulnerable elder to a guardian, conservator, or attorney in
 fact for any purpose other than the relief granted under
 subsection 2.
    Sec. 84.  Section 235F.8, subsection 2, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  The plaintiff's right to relief under this chapter is not
 affected by the vulnerable elder leaving the vulnerable elder's
 home to avoid elder abuse.
    Sec. 85.  Section 237A.30, subsection 1, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    1.  The department shall work with the community empowerment
 office of early childhood Iowa office in the department of
 management established in section 28.3 256I.5 and the state
 child care advisory committee in designing and implementing a
 voluntary quality rating system for each provider type of child
 care facility.
    Sec. 86.  Section 256.2, Code 2015, is amended by adding the
 following new subsection:
    NEW SUBSECTION.  5.  "Telecommunications" means narrowcast
 communications through systems that are directed toward
 a narrowly defined audience and includes interactive live
 communications. "Telecommunications" does not include online
    Sec. 87.  Section 256.7, subsection 7, paragraph d, Code
 2015, is amended by striking the paragraph.
    Sec. 88.  Section 256B.2, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  "Children requiring special education" means persons under
 twenty=one years of age, including children under five years of
 age, who have a disability in obtaining an education because
 of a head injury, autism, behavioral disorder, or physical,
 mental, communication, or learning disability, as defined by
 the rules of the department of education. If a child requiring
 special education reaches "Children requiring special education"
  includes children receiving special education services, who
 reach the age of twenty=one during an academic year, the child
 may and who elect to receive special education services until
 the end of the academic year.
    Sec. 89.  Section 256F.2, subsection 2, Code 2015, is amended
 by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 90.  Section 260C.58, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  a.  All bonds or notes issued under the provisions of
 this subchapter shall be payable from and shall be secured by
 an irrevocable first lien pledge of a sufficient portion of any
 of the following:  the
    (1)  The net rents, profits, and income derived from the
 operation of residence halls, dormitories, dining or other
 incidental facilities and additions, including necessary real
 and personal property, acquired or improved in whole or in part
 with the proceeds of such bonds or notes, regardless of the
 manner of such acquisition or improvement. ; and the
    (2)  The net rents, profits, and income not pledged for other
 purposes derived from the operation of any other residence
 halls or dormitories, including dining or other incidental
 facilities and additions, at the particular institution.
    b.  In addition, the board may secure any bonds or notes
 issued by borrowing money, by mortgaging any real estate or
 improvements erected on real estate, or by pledging rents,
 profits, and income received from property for the discharge
 of mortgages. All bonds or notes issued under the provisions
 of this subchapter shall have all the qualities of negotiable
 instruments under the laws of this state.
    Sec. 91.  Section 262.44, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  Set aside and use portions of the respective campuses
 of the institutions of higher education under its control,
 namely, the state university of Iowa, the Iowa state university
 of science and technology, and the university of northern
 Iowa, as the board determines are suitable for the acquisition
 or construction of self=liquidating and revenue producing
 buildings and facilities which the board deems necessary for
 the students and suitable for the purposes for which the
 institutions were established including without limitation:
    a.  Student unions, recreational buildings, auditoriums,
 stadiums, field houses, and athletic buildings and areas.,
    b.  Parking structures and areas., electric
    c.  Electric, heating, sewage treatment, and communication
 utilities., research
    d.  Research equipment. and additions
    e.  Additions to or alterations of existing buildings or
    Sec. 92.  Section 262.49, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    262.49  No obligation against state.
    No obligation created hereunder shall ever be or become
 a charge against the state of Iowa but all such obligations,
 including principal and interest, shall be payable solely from
 any of the following:
    1.  From the The net rents, profits, and income arising from
 the property so pledged or mortgaged,.
    2.  From the The net rents, profits, and income which has
 not been pledged for other purposes arising from any similar
 building, facility, area or improvement under the control and
 management of said board,.
    3.  From the The fees or charges established by said
 board for students attending the institution for the use or
 availability of the building, structure, area, facility or
 improvement for which the obligation was incurred, or.
    4.  From the The income derived from gifts and bequests made
 to the institutions under the control of said board for such
    Sec. 93.  Section 262.57, subsection 2, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  All bonds or notes issued under the provision provisions
  of this subchapter shall be payable solely and only from and
 shall be secured by an irrevocable pledge of a sufficient
 portion of the net rents, profits and income derived from the
 operation of residence halls, dormitories, dining or other
 incidental facilities and additions, including necessary real
 and personal property, acquired or improved in whole or in part
 with the proceeds of such bonds or notes, regardless of the
 manner of such acquisition or improvement, and the net rents,
 profits and income not pledged for other purposes derived from
 the operation of any other residence halls or dormitories,
 including dining or other incidental facilities and additions,
 at the particular institution. All bonds or notes issued under
 the provisions of this subchapter shall have all the qualities
 of negotiable instruments under the laws of this state.
    Sec. 94.  Section 262A.2, subsection 7, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    7.  "Student fees and charges" shall mean all tuitions, fees
 and charges for general or special purposes levied against
 and collected from students attending the institutions except
 rates, fees, rentals or charges imposed and collected under any
 of the following provisions of (a)sections:
    a.  Sections 262.35 through 262.42., (b)sections
    b.  Sections 262.44 through 262.53., and (c)sections
    c.  Sections 262.55 through 262.66.
    Sec. 95.  Section 263.8, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    263.8  Reports ==== tests.
    1.  Charges may be assessed for transportation of specimens
 and cost of examination. Reports of epidemiological
 examinations and investigations shall be sent to the
 responsible agency.
    2.  In addition to its regular work, the state hygienic
  laboratory shall perform without charge all bacteriological,
 serological, and epidemiological examinations and
 investigations which may be required by the Iowa department of
 public health and said the department shall establish adopt
  rules pursuant to chapter 17A therefor. The laboratory shall
 also provide, those laboratory, scientific field measurement,
 and environmental quality services which, by contract, are
 requested by the other agencies of government.
    3.  The state hygienic laboratory is authorized to perform
 such other laboratory determinations as may be requested by
 any state institution, citizen, school, municipality or local
 board of health, and the laboratory is authorized to charge
 fees covering transportation of samples and the costs of
 examinations performed upon their request.
    Sec. 96.  Section 303.4, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  The governor shall appoint one member from each of the
 state's congressional districts established under section 40.1.
    Sec. 97.  Section 321.19, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    321.19  Exemptions ==== distinguishing plates ==== definitions of
 urban transit company and regional transit system.
    1.a.  The following vehicles are exempted from the payment
 of the registration fees imposed by this chapter, except as
 provided for urban transit companies in subsection 2, but are
 not exempt from the penalties provided in this chapter:
    (1)  All vehicles owned or leased for a period of sixty
 days or more by the government and used in the transaction of
 official business by the representatives of foreign governments
 or by officers, boards, or departments of the government of the
 United States, and by the state, counties, municipalities and
 other political subdivisions of the state including vehicles
 used by an urban transit company operated by a municipality or
 a regional transit system, and self=propelling vehicles used
 neither for the conveyance of persons for hire, pleasure, or
 business nor for the transportation of freight other than those
 used by an urban transit company operated by a municipality or
 a regional transit system., all
    (2)  All fire trucks, providing they are not owned and
 operated for a pecuniary profit., and authorized
    (3)  Authorized emergency vehicles used only in disaster
 relief owned and operated by an organization not operated
 for pecuniary profit, are exempted from the payment of the
 registration fees imposed by this chapter, except as provided
 for urban transit companies in subsection 2, but are not exempt
 from the penalties provided in this chapter.
    b.  (1)  The department shall furnish, on application, free
 of charge, distinguishing plates for vehicles thus exempted,
 which plates except plates on state patrol vehicles shall bear
 the word "official" and the department shall keep a separate
    (2)  Registration plates issued for state patrol vehicles,
 except unmarked patrol vehicles, shall bear two red stars
 on a yellow background, one before and one following the
 registration number on the plate, which registration number
 shall be the officer's badge number.
    (3)  Registration plates issued for county sheriff's patrol
 vehicles shall display one seven=pointed gold star followed by
 the letter "S" and the call number of the vehicle. However,
    c.  However, the director of the department of administrative
 services or the director of transportation may order the
 issuance of regular registration plates for any exempted
 vehicle used by peace any of the following:
    (1)  Peace officers in the enforcement of the law., persons
    (2)  Persons enforcing chapter 124 and other laws relating to
 controlled substances., persons
    (3)  Persons in the department of justice, the alcoholic
 beverages division of the department of commerce, disease
 investigators of the Iowa department of public health, the
 department of inspections and appeals, and the department of
 revenue, who are regularly assigned to conduct investigations
 which cannot reasonably be conducted with a vehicle displaying
 "official" state registration plates., persons
    (4)  Persons in the Iowa lottery authority whose regularly
 assigned duties relating to security or the carrying of
 lottery tickets cannot reasonably be conducted with a vehicle
 displaying "official" registration plates., persons
    (5)  Persons in the economic development authority
 who are regularly assigned duties relating to existing
 industry expansion or business attraction, and mental health
 professionals or health care professionals who provide off=site
 or in=home medical or mental health services to clients of
 publicly funded programs.
    d.  For purposes of sale of exempted vehicles, the exempted
 governmental body, upon the sale of the exempted vehicle, may
 issue for in=transit purposes a pasteboard card bearing the
 words "Vehicle in Transit", the name of the official body from
 which the vehicle was purchased, together with the date of the
 purchase plainly marked in at least one=inch letters, and other
 information required by the department. The in=transit card is
 valid for use only within forty=eight hours after the purchase
 date as indicated on the bill of sale which shall be carried by
 the driver.
    2.  a.  "Urban transit company" means any person, firm,
 corporation, company, or municipality which operates buses
 or trolley cars or both, primarily upon the streets of
 cities over well=defined routes between certain termini, for
 the transportation of passengers for a uniform fare, and
 which accepts for passengers all who present themselves for
 transportation without discrimination up to the limit of the
 capacity of each vehicle. Included are street railways,
 plants, equipment, property, and rights, used and useful
 in the transportation of passengers. Motor carriers and
 interurbans subject to the jurisdiction of the state department
 of transportation, and taxicabs, are not included.
    b.  The department, in accordance with subsection 1,
 shall furnish distinguishing plates for vehicles used by
 urban transit companies operated by a municipality. No
 other provision of law providing for the payment of taxes,
 registration, or license fees for vehicles shall be applicable
 to any bus, car, or vehicle for the transportation of
 passengers owned and operated by any urban transit company.
    c.  Chapter 326 is not applicable to urban transit companies
 or systems.
    3.  a.  "Regional transit system" means a public transit
 system serving one county or all or part of a multicounty area
 whose boundaries correspond to the same boundaries as those of
 the regional planning areas designated by the governor, except
 as agreed upon by the department.  Privately chartered bus
 services and uses other than providing services that are open
 and public on a shared ride basis shall not be construed to be a
 regional transit system.
    b.  Each county board of supervisors within the region is
 responsible for determining the service and funding within
 its county. However, the administration and overhead support
 services for the overall regional transit system shall be
 consolidated into one existing or new agency to be mutually
 agreed upon by the participating members. Privately chartered
 bus services and uses other than providing services that are
 open and public on a shared ride basis shall not be construed
 to be a regional transit system.
    Sec. 98.  Section 321.34, subsection 20C, paragraphs a and c,
 Code 2015, are amended to read as follows:
    a.  The department, in consultation with the adjutant
 general, shall design combat infantryman badge, combat
 action badge, combat action ribbon, air force combat action
 medal, and combat medical badge distinguishing processed
 emblems. Upon receipt of two hundred fifty orders for combat
 infantryman badge, combat action badge, combat action ribbon,
 air force combat action medal, or combat medical badge special
 registration plates, accompanied by a start=up fee of twenty
 dollars per order, the department shall begin issuing special
 registration plates with the applicable distinguishing
 processed emblem as provided in paragraphs "b", "c", and "d".
 The minimum order requirement shall apply separately to each of
 the special registration plates created under this subsection.
    c.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 who is approved for special registration plates under this
 subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 plates with a combat infantryman badge, combat action badge,
 combat action ribbon, air force combat action medal, and or
  combat medical badge distinguishing processed emblem at no
    Sec. 99.  Section 321.34, subsection 27, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who served in the
 armed forces of the United States and was discharged under
 honorable conditions may, upon written application to the
 department and upon presentation of satisfactory proof of
 military service and discharge under honorable conditions,
 order special registration plates bearing a distinguishing
 processed emblem depicting the word "veteran" below an image
 of the American flag. The application is subject to approval
 by the department. The special plate fees collected by the
 director under subsection 12, paragraph "a", from the annual
 validation of letter=number designated United States veteran
 plates, and subsection 12, paragraph "c", from the issuance
 and annual validation of personalized United States veteran
 plates, shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and
 deposited in the road use tax fund.  The treasurer of state
 shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund
  created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans
 license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the
 special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in
 the previous month for United States veteran plates.
    Sec. 100.  Section 321.59, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    321.59  Issuance of certificate.
    The department, upon granting any such an application made
 as provided under section 321.58, shall issue to the applicant
 a certificate containing the applicant's name and address and
 the general distinguishing number assigned to the applicant.
    Sec. 101.  Section 321.154, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    321.154  Reports by department.
    The department, immediately upon receiving said the county
 treasurer's report under section 321.153, shall also report to
 the treasurer of state the amount so collected by such county
    Sec. 102.  Section 321.191, subsection 7, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    7.  Endorsements and removal of air brake restrictions.  The
 fee for a double/triple double or triple trailer endorsement,
 tank vehicle endorsement, and hazardous materials endorsement
 is five dollars for each endorsement. The fee for a passenger
 endorsement or a school bus endorsement is ten dollars. The
 fee for removal of an air brake restriction on a commercial
 driver's license is ten dollars. Fees imposed under this
 subsection for endorsements or removal of restrictions are
 valid for the period of the license. Upon renewal of a
 commercial driver's license, no fee is payable for retaining
 endorsements or the removal of the air brake restriction for
 those endorsements or restrictions which do not require the
 taking of either a knowledge or a driving skills test for
    Sec. 103.  Section 321.198, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  The provisions of this section shall also apply to
 the spouse and children, or ward of such military personnel
 when such spouse, children, or ward are living with the above
 described military personnel described in subsection 1 outside
 of the state of Iowa and provided that such extension of
 license does not exceed five years.
    Sec. 104.  Section 321.453, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    321.453  Exceptions.
    1.  The Except as provided in sections 321.463, 321.471, and
 321.474, the provisions of this chapter governing size, weight,
 and load and the permit requirements of chapter 321E do not
 apply to fire any of the following:
    a.  Fire apparatus.; road
    b.  Road maintenance equipment owned by, under lease to, or
 used in the performance of a contract with any state or local
 authority.; implements
    c.  Implements of husbandry when moved or moving upon a
 highway that is not a portion of the interstate.; or equipment
    d.  Equipment used primarily for construction of permanent
 conservation practices on agricultural land when moved or
 moving upon a highway that is not a portion of the interstate,
 so long as the equipment is without payload and the movement
 does not violate posted weight limitations on bridges, except
 as provided in sections 321.463, 321.471, and 321.474.
    2.  A vehicle that is carrying an implement of husbandry
 or equipment used primarily for construction of permanent
 conservation practices and is exempted from the permit
 requirements under this section shall be equipped with an amber
 flashing light visible from the rear. If the amber flashing
 light is obstructed by the loaded implement or equipment,
 the loaded implement or equipment shall also be equipped
 with and display an amber flashing light. The vehicle shall
 also be equipped with warning flags on that portion of the
 vehicle which protrudes into oncoming traffic, and shall only
 operate from thirty minutes prior to sunrise to thirty minutes
 following sunset.
    Sec. 105.  Section 321A.39, subsection 1, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    1.  Whenever any dealer licensed under chapter 322 sells a
 motor vehicle at retail and the transaction does not include
 the sale of liability insurance coverage which will protect the
 purchaser under the Iowa motor vehicle financial and safety
 responsibility Act this chapter the purchase order or invoice
 evidencing the transaction shall contain a statement in the
 following form:
 I understand that liability insurance coverage which would
 protect me under the Iowa Motor Vehicle Financial and Safety
 Responsibility Act, Iowa Code chapter 321A, IS NOT INCLUDED
 in my purchase of the herein described motor vehicle. I have
 received a copy of this statement.
 (Purchaser's signature)
    Sec. 106.  Section 321E.11, subsection 3, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    3.  Except as provided in section 321.457, no movement under
 permit shall be permitted on holidays, after 12:00 noon on days
 preceding holidays and holiday weekends, or special events
 when abnormally high traffic volumes can be expected. Such
 restrictions shall not be applicable to urban transit systems
 as defined in section 321.19, subsection 2 324A.1.
    Sec. 107.  Section 321G.4, subsection 4, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    4.  Notwithstanding subsections 1 and 2, a snowmobile
 manufactured prior to 1984 may be registered as an antique
 snowmobile for a one=time fee of twenty=five dollars, which
 shall exempt the owner from annual registration and fee
 requirements for that snowmobile. However, if ownership of an
 antique snowmobile is transferred, the new owner shall register
 the snowmobile and pay the one=time fee as required under this
 subsection. A An antique snowmobile may be registered under
 this section with only a signed bill of sale as evidence of
    Sec. 108.  Section 331.508, subsection 5, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    5.  A permanent record book of the names and addresses of
 persons receiving veteran assistance as provided in section
    Sec. 109.  Section 358.21, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    358.21  Debt limit ==== borrowing ==== bonds ==== purposes.
    1.  a.  Any sanitary district organized hereunder under this
 chapter may borrow money for its corporate purposes, but shall
 not become indebted in any manner or for any purpose to an
 amount in the aggregate exceeding five percent on the value of
 the taxable property within such district, to be ascertained by
 the last state and county tax lists previous to the incurring
 of such indebtedness. Indebtedness within this constitutional
 limit shall not include the indebtedness of any other municipal
 corporation located wholly or partly within the boundaries of
 such sanitary district.
    b.  Subject only to this the debt limitation described in
 paragraph "a", any such sanitary district organized hereunder
  under this chapter shall have and it is hereby vested with
 all of the same powers to issue bonds, including both general
 obligation and revenue bonds, which cities now or may hereafter
 have under the laws of this state. In the application of
 such laws to this chapter, the words used in any such laws
 referring to municipal corporations or to cities shall be held
 to include sanitary districts organized under this chapter,
 the words "council" or "city council" shall be held to include
 the board of trustees of a sanitary district; the words
 "mayor" and "clerk" shall be held to include the president and
 clerk of any such board of trustees or sanitary district; and
 like construction shall be given to any other words in such
 laws where required to permit the exercise of such powers by
 sanitary districts.
    2.  Any and all bonds issued hereunder under the provisions
 of this section shall be signed by the president of the board
 of trustees and attested by the clerk, with the seal of the
 district, if any, affixed, and interest coupons attached
 thereto shall be attested by the signature of the clerk.
    3.  The proceeds of any bond issue made under the provisions
 of this section shall be used only for the purpose of
 acquiring, locating, laying out, establishing and construction
 of drainage facilities, conduits, treatment plants, pumping
 plants, works, ditches, channels and outlets of such capacity
 and character as may be required for the treatment, carrying
 off and disposal of the sewage and industrial wastes and other
 drainage incidental thereto of such district, or to repair,
 change, enlarge and add to such facilities as may be necessary
 or proper to meet the requirements present and future for the
 purposes aforesaid. Proceeds from such bond issue may also
 be used for the payment of special assessment deficiencies.
 Said bonds shall be payable in not more than forty annual
 installments and with interest at a rate not exceeding that
 permitted by chapter 74A, and shall be made payable at such
 place and be of such form as the board of trustees shall by
 resolution designate. Any sanitary district issuing bonds
 as authorized in this section is hereby granted authority to
 pledge the future avails of a tax levy to the payment of the
 principal and interest of such bonds after the same come due,
 and the power to impose and certify said levy is hereby granted
 to the trustees of sanitary districts organized under the
 provisions of this chapter.
    Sec. 110.  Section 359A.6, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    359A.6  Default ==== costs and fees collected.
    If the erecting, rebuilding, or repairing of a fence is not
 completed within thirty days from and after the time fixed
 in the order, the board of township trustees acting as fence
 viewers shall cause the fence to be erected, rebuilt, and
 repaired, and the value thereof may be fixed by the fence
 viewers, and unless. Unless the sum so fixed, together with
 all fees of the fence viewers caused by such the default, is
 paid to the county treasurer, within ten days after the same
  full amount due is so ascertained;, or when ordered to pay for
 an existing fence, and the value thereof is fixed by the fence
 viewers, and said the sum, together with the fees of the fence
 viewers, remains unpaid by the party in default for ten days,
 the fence viewers shall certify to the county treasurer the
 full amount due from the party or parties in default, including
 all fees and costs assessed by the fence viewers, together
 with a description of the real estate owned by the party or
 parties in default along or upon which the said fence exists,
 and the. The county treasurer shall enter the same full amount
 due upon the county system, and the amount shall be collected
 in the same manner as ordinary taxes. Upon certification to
 the county treasurer, the amount assessed shall be a lien on
 the parcel until paid.
    Sec. 111.  Section 364.24, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    364.24  Traffic light synchronization.
    After July 1, 1992, all All cities with more than three
 traffic lights within the corporate limits shall establish a
 traffic light synchronization program for energy efficiency
 in accordance with rules adopted by the state department of
 transportation pursuant to chapter 17A.  The state department
 of transportation shall adopt rules required by this section
  by July 1, 1990. This section does not require that a city
 replace lighting, which has not completed its useful life,
 in order to comply with the requirements of this section.
 However, all lighting shall be replaced, whether or not it has
 completed its useful life, by July 1, 2001.
    Sec. 112.  Section 388.11, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    388.11  Liability within two miles.
    A city or city utility providing water service within two
 miles of the limits of the city shall not be liable for a claim
 for failure to provide or maintain fire hydrants, facilities,
 or an adequate supply of water or water pressure for fire
 protection purposes in the area receiving water service if such
 hydrants, facilities, or water are not intended to be used for
 fire protection purposes.
    Sec. 113.  Section 403.9, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  A municipality shall have power to periodically issue
 bonds in its discretion to pay the costs of carrying out the
 purposes and provisions of this chapter, including but not
 limited to the payment of principal and interest upon any
 advances for surveys and planning, and the payment of interest
 on bonds, herein authorized, not to exceed three years from
 the date the bonds are issued. The municipality shall have
 power to issue refunding bonds for the payment or retirement
 of such bonds previously issued by it the municipality. Said
 bonds shall be payable solely from the income and proceeds of
 the fund and portion of taxes referred to in section 403.19,
 subsection 2, and revenues and other funds of the municipality
 derived from or held in connection with the undertaking and
 carrying out of urban renewal projects under this chapter. The
 municipality may pledge to the payment of the bonds the fund
 and portion of taxes referred to in section 403.19, subsection
 2, and may further secure the bonds by a pledge of any loan,
 grant, or contribution from the federal government or other
 source in aid of any urban renewal projects of the municipality
 under this chapter, or by a mortgage of any such urban renewal
 projects, or any part thereof, title which is vested in the
    Sec. 114.  Section 403.15, subsection 1, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    1.  There is hereby created in each municipality a public
 body corporate and politic to be known as the "urban renewal
 agency" of the municipality: Provided, that such. An urban
 renewal agency shall not transact any business or exercise its
 powers hereunder until or unless the local governing body has
 made the finding prescribed in section 403.4, and has elected
 to have the urban renewal project powers exercised by an urban
 renewal agency as provided in section 403.14.
    Sec. 115.  Section 404.4, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    404.4  Prior approval of eligibility.
    1.  A person may submit a proposal for an improvement
 project to the governing body of the city or county to receive
 prior approval for eligibility for a tax exemption on the
 project. The governing body shall, by resolution, give its
 prior approval for an improvement project if the project is
 in conformance with the plan for revitalization developed by
 the city or county. Such prior approval shall not entitle the
 owner to exemption from taxation until the improvements have
 been completed and found to be qualified real estate; however,
 if the proposal is not approved, the person may submit an
 amended proposal for the governing body to approve or reject.
    2.  An application shall be filed for each new exemption
 claimed. The first application for an exemption shall be
 filed by the owner of the property with the governing body
 of the city or county in which the property is located by
 February 1 of the assessment year for which the exemption
 is first claimed, but not later than the year in which all
 improvements included in the project are first assessed for
 taxation, or the following two assessment years, in which case
 the exemption is allowed for the total number of years in the
 exemption schedule. However, upon the request of the owner at
 any time, the governing body of the city or county provides by
 resolution that the owner may file an application by February
 1 of any other assessment year selected by the governing body
 in which case the exemption is allowed for the number of years
 remaining in the exemption schedule selected. The application
 shall contain, but not be limited to, all of the following
    a.  The nature of the improvement., its
    b.  The cost, of the improvement project.
    c.  The estimated or actual date of completion., the
    d.  The tenants that occupied the owner's building on the
 date the city or county adopted the resolution referred to in
 section 404.2, subsection 1., and which
    e.  Which exemption in section 404.3 or in the different
 schedule, if one has been adopted, will be elected.
    3.  The governing body of the city or county shall approve
 the application, subject to review by the local assessor
 pursuant to section 404.5, if the project is in conformance
 with the plan for revitalization developed by the city or
 county, is located within a designated revitalization area,
 and if the improvements were made during the time the area
 was so designated. The governing body of the city or county
 shall forward for review all approved applications to the
 appropriate local assessor by March 1 of each year with a
 statement indicating whether section 404.3, subsection 1, 2,
 3 or 4 applies or if a different schedule has been adopted,
 which exemption from that schedule applies. Applications for
 exemption for succeeding years on approved projects shall not
 be required.
    Sec. 116.  Section 422.11D, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    422.11D  Historic preservation and cultural and entertainment
 district tax credit.
    The taxes imposed under this division, less the credits
 allowed under section 422.12, shall be reduced by a historic
 preservation and cultural and entertainment district tax credit
 allowed under section 404A.2 chapter 404A.
    Sec. 117.  Section 422.11L, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  Sixty percent of the federal residential energy efficient
 property credit related to solar energy provided in section
 25E(a)(1) 25D(a)(1) and section 25D(a)(2) of the Internal
 Revenue Code, not to exceed five thousand dollars.
    Sec. 118.  Section 422.33, subsection 10, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    10.  The taxes imposed under this division shall be reduced
 by a historic preservation and cultural and entertainment
 district tax credit allowed under section 404A.2 chapter 404A.
    Sec. 119.  Section 422.60, subsection 4, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    4.  The taxes imposed under this division shall be reduced by
 a historic preservation and cultural and entertainment district
 tax credit allowed under section 404A.2 chapter 404A.
    Sec. 120.  Section 423.3, subsection 26A, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    26A.  a.  The sales price of reagents and related accessory
 equipment to a regional blood testing facility if all of the
 following conditions are met:
    (1)  a.  The regional blood testing facility is registered by
 the federal food and drug administration.
    (2)  b.  The regional blood testing facility performs donor
 testing for other blood centers.
    (3)  c.  The regional blood testing facility is located in
 this state on or before January 1, 2011.
    b.  This subsection is repealed if a regional blood testing
 facility is not located in this state on or before January 1,
    Sec. 121.  Section 423.30, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    423.30  Foreign sellers not registered under the agreement.
    1.  The director may, upon application, authorize the
 collection of the use tax by any seller who is a retailer not
 maintaining a place of business within this state and not
 registered under the agreement, who, to the satisfaction of
 the director, furnishes adequate security to ensure collection
 and payment of the tax. Such sellers shall be issued, without
 charge, permits to collect tax subject to any regulations which
 the director shall prescribe. When so authorized, it shall
 be the duty of foreign sellers to collect the tax upon all
 tangible personal property sold, to the retailer's knowledge,
 for use within this state, in the same manner and subject to
 the same requirements as a retailer maintaining a place of
 business within this state. The authority and permit may be
 canceled when, at any time, the director considers the security
 inadequate, or that tax can more effectively be collected from
 the person using property in this state.
    2.  The discretionary power granted in this section
 subsection 1 is extended to apply in the case of foreign
 retailers furnishing services enumerated in section 423.2.
    Sec. 122.  Section 432.12A, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    432.12A  Historic preservation and cultural and entertainment
 district tax credit.
    The taxes imposed under this chapter shall be reduced by a
 historic preservation and cultural and entertainment district
 tax credit allowed under section 404A.2 chapter 404A.
    Sec. 123.  Section 445.37, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  However Notwithstanding paragraph "a", if there is a
 delay in the delivery of the tax list referred to in chapter
 443 to the county treasurer, the amount of ad valorem taxes
 and manufactured or mobile home taxes due shall become
 delinquent thirty days after the date of delivery or on the
 delinquent date of the first installment, whichever date
 occurs later. The delay shall not affect the due dates for
 special assessments and rates or charges. The delinquent
 date for special assessments and rates or charges is the
 same as the first installment delinquent date for ad valorem
 taxes, including any extension, in absence of a statute to the
    Sec. 124.  Section 452A.3, subsection 3, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    3.  An excise tax of seventeen cents is imposed on each
 gallon of E=85 gasoline as defined in section 214A.1, subject
 to the determination provided in subsection 4.
    Sec. 125.  Section 452A.8, subsection 1, unnumbered
 paragraph 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    For the purpose of determining the amount of the supplier's,
 restrictive supplier's, or importer's tax liability, a supplier
 or restrictive supplier shall file a return, not later than
 the last day of the month following the month in which this
 division becomes effective and not later than the last day of
 each calendar month thereafter, and an importer shall file a
 return semimonthly with the department, signed under penalty
 for false certification. For an importer for the reporting
 period from the first day of the month through the fifteenth of
 the month, the return is due on the last day of the month. For
 an importer for the reporting period from the sixteenth of the
 month through the last day of the month, the return is due on
 the fifteenth day of the following month. The returns shall
 include the following:
    Sec. 126.  Section 452A.8, subsection 2, paragraph e,
 subparagraph (2), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (2)  The tax for compressed natural gas, liquefied natural
 gas, and liquefied petroleum gas delivered by a licensed
 dealer for use in this state shall attach at the time of
 the delivery and shall be collected by the dealer from the
 consumer purchaser and paid to the department as provided in
 this chapter. The tax, with respect to compressed natural gas,
 liquefied natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas acquired by
 a consumer purchaser in any manner other than by delivery by
 a licensed dealer into a fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle,
 attaches at the time of the use of the fuel and shall be paid
 over to the department by the consumer purchaser as provided in
 this chapter.
    Sec. 127.  Section 452A.8, subsection 2, paragraph e,
 subparagraph (3), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (3)  The department shall adopt rules governing the
 dispensing of compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas,
 and liquefied petroleum gas by licensed dealers and licensed
 users. The director may require by rule that reports and
 returns be filed by electronic transmission. The department
 shall require that all pumps located at dealer locations and
 user locations through which liquefied petroleum gas can be
 dispensed shall be metered, inspected, tested for accuracy, and
 sealed and licensed by the department of agriculture and land
 stewardship, and that fuel delivered into the fuel supply tank
 of any motor vehicle shall be dispensed only through tested
 metered pumps and may be sold without temperature correction
 or corrected to a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If
 the metered gallonage is to be temperature=corrected, only a
 temperature=compensated meter shall be used. Natural gas used
 as fuel shall be delivered into compressing equipment through
 sealed meters certified for accuracy by the department of
 agriculture and land stewardship.
    Sec. 128.  Section 452A.8, subsection 2, paragraph e,
 subparagraph (5), subparagraph division (a), Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    (a)  For the purpose of determining the amount of liability
 for fuel tax, each dealer and each user shall file with the
 department not later than the last day of the month following
 the month in which this division becomes effective and not
 later than the last day of each calendar month thereafter
  a monthly tax return certified under penalties for false
 certification. The return shall show, with reference to each
 location at which fuel is delivered or placed by the dealer or
 user into a fuel supply tank of any motor vehicle during the
 next preceding calendar month, information as required by the
    Sec. 129.  Section 452A.62, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (2), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (2)  A licensed compressed natural gas, liquefied natural
 gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer, user, or person
 supplying compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or
 liquefied petroleum gas to a licensed compressed natural gas,
 liquefied natural gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer or
    Sec. 130.  Section 452A.74, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  Any delivery of compressed natural gas, liquefied
 natural gas, or liquefied petroleum gas to a compressed natural
 gas, liquefied natural gas, or liquefied petroleum gas dealer
 or user for the purpose of evading the state tax on compressed
 natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or liquefied petroleum gas,
 into facilities other than those licensed above under this
 chapter knowing that the fuel will be used for highway use
 shall constitute a violation of this section. Any compressed
 natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or liquefied petroleum
 gas dealer or user for purposes of evading the state tax on
 compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or liquefied
 petroleum gas, who allows a distributor to place compressed
 natural gas, liquefied natural gas, or liquefied petroleum gas
 for highway use in facilities other than those licensed above
  under this chapter, shall also be deemed in violation of this
    Sec. 131.  Section 455B.133, subsection 4, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended by striking the paragraph.
    Sec. 132.  Section 455B.198, subsection 1, unnumbered
 paragraph 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    The commission shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter
 17A to regulate the discharge of wastewater from water well
 drilling sites. The rules shall incorporate the following
    Sec. 133.  Section 455B.198, subsection 4, Code 2015, is
 amended by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 134.  Section 455D.11A, subsection 5, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  For a waste tire collection or processing site, the
 financial assurance instrument for a waste tire collection
 site shall provide coverage in an amount which is equivalent
 to thirty=five cents per passenger tire equivalent collected
 by the site prior to July 1, 1998. The financial assurance
 instrument for a waste tire processing site shall provide
 coverage in an amount which is equivalent to thirty=five cents
 per passenger tire equivalent collected for processing by the
 site which is above the three=day processing supply of tires
 for the site as determined by the department. This paragraph
 shall take effect July 1, 1999.
    Sec. 135.  Section 455D.11A, subsection 8, Code 2015, is
 amended by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 136.  Section 455D.19, subsection 6, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    6.  a.  By July 1, 1992, a A manufacturer or distributor
 of packaging or packaging components shall make available
 to purchasers, to the department, and to the general public
 upon request, certificates of compliance which state that
 the manufacturer's or distributor's packaging or packaging
 components comply with, or are exempt from, the requirements of
 this section.
    b.  If the manufacturer or distributor of the package or
 packaging component reformulates or creates a new package or
 packaging component, the manufacturer or distributor shall
 provide an amended or new certificate of compliance for the
 reformulated or new package or packaging component.
    Sec. 137.  Section 455E.11, subsection 2, paragraph b,
 subparagraph (3), subparagraph division (b), subparagraph
 subdivision (i), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (i)  A county applying for grants under this subparagraph
 division shall submit only one application. To be eligible
 for a grant, a county must have adopted standards for private
 water supply and private disposal facilities at least as
 stringent as the standards adopted by the commission. During
 each fiscal year, the amount granted each eligible applicant
 shall be the total funds available divided by the number of
 eligible counties applying. Upon receipt of the grant, the
 county may apply the funds to any one or more of the above three
  county=based programs for the testing of private rural water
 supply wells, private rural water supply well sealing, and the
 proper closure of private rural abandoned wells and cisterns.
    Sec. 138.  Section 456A.16, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    456A.16  Income tax refund checkoff for fish and game
 protection fund.
    1.  A person who files an individual or a joint income tax
 return with the department of revenue under section 422.13
 may designate any amount to be paid to the state fish and
 game protection fund. If the refund due on the return or the
 payment remitted with the return is insufficient to pay the
 additional amount designated by the taxpayer to the state
 fish and game protection fund, the amount designated shall be
 reduced to the remaining amount of refund or the remaining
 amount remitted with the return.
    2.  The revenues received shall be used within the state
 of Iowa for habitat development and shall be deposited in the
 state fish and game protection fund. The revenue may be used
 for the matching of federal funds. The revenues and matched
 federal funds may be used for acquisition of land, leasing of
 land or obtaining of easements from willing sellers for use of
 land as wildlife habitats for game and nongame species. Not
 less than fifty percent of the funds derived from the checkoff
 shall be used for the purposes of preserving, protecting,
 perpetuating and enhancing nongame wildlife in this state.
 Nongame wildlife includes those animal species which are
 endangered, threatened or not commonly pursued or killed either
 for sport or profit. Notwithstanding the exemption in section
 427.1, the land acquired with the revenues and matched federal
 funds is subject to the full consolidated levy of property
 taxes which shall be paid from those revenues. In addition
 the revenues may be used for the development and enhancement
 of wildlife lands and habitat areas and for research and
 management necessary to qualify for federal funds.
    3.  The director of revenue shall draft the income tax form
 to allow the designation of contributions to the state fish and
 game protection fund on the tax return.
    4.  The department of revenue on or before January 31 of
 the year following the preceding calendar year shall certify
 the total amount designated on the tax return forms due in the
 preceding calendar year and shall report the amount to the
 state treasurer. The state treasurer shall credit the amount
 to the state fish and game protection fund.
    5.  The general assembly shall appropriate annually from
 the state fish and game protection fund the amount credited to
 the fund from the checkoff to the department for the purposes
 specified in this section.
    6.  The action taken by a person for the checkoff is
    7.  The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A
  to implement this section. However, before a checkoff pursuant
 to this section shall be permitted, all liabilities on the
 books of the department of administrative services and accounts
 identified as owing under section 8A.504 and the political
 contribution allowed under section 68A.601 shall be satisfied.
    Sec. 139.  Section 456A.27, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    456A.27  Federal wildlife Act ==== assent.
    The state of Iowa assents to the provisions of the Act of
 Congress entitled "An Act To Provide That The United States
 Shall Aid The States In Wildlife Restoration Projects, And For
 Other Purposes", approved September 2, 1937, 50 Stat. 917,
 codified at 16 U.S.C. {669 = 669k, and the department may
 perform acts as necessary to the conduct and establishment
 of cooperative wildlife restoration projects, as defined in
 the Act of Congress, in compliance with the Act and with
 regulations promulgated by the secretary of agriculture under
 the Act. No funds accruing to the state of Iowa from license
 fees paid by hunters shall be diverted for any other purpose
 than as set out in sections 456A.17 and 456A.19.
    Sec. 140.  Section 456A.28, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    456A.28  Fish restoration projects.
    The state of Iowa assents to the provisions of the Act of
 Congress entitled "An Act To Provide That The United States
 Shall Aid The States In Fish Restoration Projects, And For
 Other Purposes", approved August 9, 1950, Pub. L. No. 681 Ch.
 658, 64 Stat. 430, codified at 16 U.S.C. {777 = 777n, and the
 department may perform acts as necessary to the conduct and
 establishment of cooperative fish restoration projects, as
 defined in the Act of Congress, in compliance with the Act and
 with regulations promulgated by the secretary of the interior
 under the Act. No funds accruing to the state of Iowa from
 fishing license fees shall be diverted for any other purposes
 than as set out in sections 456A.17 and 456A.19.
    Sec. 141.  Section 459.102, subsection 57, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    57.  "Swine farrow=to=finish operation" means a confinement
 feeding operation in which porcine animals are produced and in
 which a primary portion of the phases of the production cycle
 are conducted at one confinement feeding operation. Phases of
 the production cycle include but are not limited to gestation,
 farrowing, growing, and finishing.
    Sec. 142.  Section 461A.57, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    461A.57  Penalties.
    Any Unless another punishment is provided, any person
 violating any of the provisions of sections 461A.36 to through
  461A.41, 461A.43, and 461A.45 to through 461A.56 is guilty of a
 simple misdemeanor.
    Sec. 143.  Section 468.3, subsections 2, 6, and 8, Code 2015,
 are amended to read as follows:
    2.  Within the meaning of this subchapter, parts 1 through 5
 and 7, and subchapter II, part 1, the term "board" shall embrace
 the board of supervisors, the joint boards of supervisors in
 case of intercounty levee or drainage districts, and the board
 of trustees in case of a district under trustee management.
    6.  The term "engineer" and the term or "civil engineer",
 within the meaning of this subchapter, parts 1 through 5 and
 7, subchapter II, parts 1, 4, 5, and 6, and subchapter V, shall
 mean a person licensed as a professional engineer under the
 provisions of chapter 542B.
    8.  For the purpose of this subchapter, parts 1 through 5
 and 7, and with reference to improvements along or adjacent
 to the Missouri river, the word "levee" shall be construed to
 include, in addition to its ordinary and accepted meaning,
 embankments, revetments, retards, or any other approved system
 of construction which may be deemed necessary to adequately
 protect the banks of any river or stream, within or adjacent to
 any county, from wash, cutting, or erosion.
    Sec. 144.  Section 468.49, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    468.49  Classification as basis for future assessments.
    1.  A classification of land for drainage, erosion or flood
 control purposes, when finally adopted, shall remain the
 basis of all future assessments for the purpose of said the
  district unless revised by the board in the manner provided
 for reclassification, except that. However, where land
 included in said classification has been destroyed, in whole
 or in part, by the erosion of a river, or where additional
 right=of=way has been subsequently taken for drainage purposes,
 said the land which has been so eroded and carried away by
 the action of a river or which has been taken for additional
 right=of=way, may be removed by said the board from said the
  district as classified, without any reclassification, and no
 assessment shall thereafter be made on the land so removed.
 Any deficiency in assessment existing as the result of said
 action of the board shall be spread by it over the balance
 of lands remaining in said district in the same ratio as was
 fixed in the classification of the lands, payable at the next
 taxpaying period.
    2.  Except districts established by mutual agreement in
 accordance with section 468.142 in the event any forty=acre
 tract or less, or any lot, tract, or parcel, as set forth in
 the existing classification or reclassification of any drainage
 district now or hereafter established, is divided into two or
 more tracts, whether such division is by sale or condemnation
 or platted as a subdivision, the classification of the original
 tract shall be apportioned to the resulting parcels, regardless
 of use, except for land taken for additional drainage
 right=of=way. The classification of the original tract may be
 apportioned between the resulting parcels by agreement between
 the parties to such division. The parties shall file with the
 county auditor a written agreement setting forth the original
 description and the description of the tracts as subdivided and
 the percentage of the original classification apportioned to
 each. This agreement shall bear the signature of all of the
 parties to such the subdivision. The agreement contemplated
 herein may be contained in the deed or other instrument
 effecting the division of the land, which agreement shall be
 binding upon the grantee or grantees by their acceptance of
 such instrument and their signatures shall not be necessary.
 The auditor shall enter this agreement in the drainage record
 and amend the current classification of the district in
 accordance with such the agreement.
    3.  In the event the parties to such the subdivision cannot
 agree as to the apportionment of the percentage classification,
 the board of supervisors shall, upon application of either
 party, appoint a commission having the qualifications of
 commissioners, in accordance with section 468.38. The
 commissioners shall inspect the lands involved and apportion
 the existing classification of the original tract equitably and
 fairly to each of the several tracts as subdivided and. The
 board shall make a full, accurate, and detailed report thereof
 and file the same report with the county auditor within the
 time set by the board. The report of the commissioners shall
 set forth the names of the owners thereof, the description
 of each of the tracts and the percentage of the original
 classification that each such tract shall bear for main ditches
 and settling basins, for laterals, for levees and pumping
 station. Thereafter all the proceedings in relation thereto as
 to notice of hearing and fixing of percentage benefits shall
 be as in this subchapter, parts 1 through 5 and 7, provided
 in relation to original classification and assessments, and
 at such hearing, the board may affirm, increase or diminish
 the percentage of benefits so as to make them just and
 equitable, and cause the record of the existing classification,
 percentage of benefits or assessments, or both, to be modified
 accordingly. In the event the parties neither agree as to the
 apportionment of classification nor make application for the
 appointment of commissioners, then the auditor of the county
 in which the land is situated shall make such apportionment
 upon an equitable basis and enter the same of record as herein
 provided. No tract of land included within the boundary of any
 drainage district shall be exempt from drainage assessments or
 reassessments, except as herein provided.
    Sec. 145.  Section 468.206, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    468.206  Notice and hearing.
    If upon consideration of the plan or amended plan and the
 report or reports of the engineer and the commitments involved
 in the adoption of the plan the board finds that the district
 will benefit therefrom or the purposes for which the district
 was established will be promoted thereby, the board shall adopt
 the same as a tentative plan, entering enter an order to that
 effect, and fixing fix a date for hearing thereon not less
 than thirty days thereafter and directing direct the auditor
 to cause notice to be given of such hearing as hereinafter
  provided in section 468.207.
    Sec. 146.  Section 468.209, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    If the board, after consideration of the subject matter,
 including all objections filed to the adoption of the plan and
 all claims for damages, shall find that the district will be
 benefited by adoption of the plan or the purposes for which
 the district was established is furthered thereby by the plan,
 they shall enter an order approving and adopting such the final
 plan. Such The order shall have the effect of:
    Sec. 147.  Section 468.220, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    468.220  Occupancy and use permitted ==== assessments paid.
    1.  Any levee or drainage district organized, or in the
 process of being organized, under the laws of this state may
 occupy and use for any lawful levee or drainage purpose land
 owned by the state of Iowa, upon first obtaining permission to
 do so from the state or state agency controlling the same land.
    2.  In the case of lands lying within the beds of meandered
 streams and border streams the permission shall be obtained
 from the natural resource commission of the department of
 natural resources. In the case of lands that are not under
 the control of no any office or agency of the state, then the
 permission shall be obtained from the executive council.
    3.  Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld and
 shall be in the form of an easement executed by the governor
 or in the case of an agency, by the chairperson or presiding
 officer thereof, and when once granted shall be perpetual,
 except that if no use is made of the same easement for a period
 of five years such, the permission shall immediately thereafter
    4.  All uses and occupancies as contemplated by this section
 existing on July 4, 1961, are hereby legalized.
    5.  The state of Iowa, its agencies and subdivisions shall be
 financially responsible for drainage and special assessments
 against land which they own, or hold title to, within existing
 drainage districts.
    Sec. 148.  Section 468.262, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    468.262  Purpose.
    The provisions of this part apply to drainage or levee
 districts, governed by a board of supervisors, joint boards
 of supervisors, or board of trustees, as provided in section
 468.3, when such districts participate in a merger.
    Sec. 149.  Section 468.269, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  The board must approve a report by an engineer
 appointed by the board as provided in this part 1 stating
 those improvements directly benefiting land situated in the
 participating dominant servient district were made within the
 five=year period provided in subsection 2.
    Sec. 150.  Section 468.540, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    468.540  Refunding bonds.
    The board of supervisors of any county may extend the time of
 the payment of any of its outstanding drainage bonds issued in
 anticipation of the collection of drainage assessments levied
 upon property within a drainage district, and may extend the
 time of payment of any unpaid assessment, or any installment or
 installments thereof, and. The board may renew or extend the
 time of payment of such legal bonded indebtedness, or any part
 thereof, for account of such drainage district, and may refund
 the same and issue drainage refunding bonds therefor subject to
 the limitation and in the manner hereinafter provided.
    Sec. 151.  Section 468.544, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    468.544  Requirements of notice.
    Said The notice shall be directed to each person whose name
 appears upon the transfer books in the auditor's office as
 owner of lands within said the drainage district upon which
 said the drainage assessments are unpaid, naming the owner, and
 also to the person or persons in actual occupancy of any of
 said the tracts of land without naming them, and. The notice
  shall also state the all of the following:
    1.  The amount of unpaid assessments upon each forty=acre
 tract of land or less., and that
    2.  That all of said the unpaid assessments, installment or
 installments thereof as proposed to be extended, may be paid on
 or before the time fixed for said the hearing., and that
    3.  That after the expiration of such time no assessments may
 be paid except in the manner and at the times fixed by the board
 in the resolution authorizing the issuance of said the drainage
 refunding bonds.
    Sec. 152.  Section 476.20, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  The board shall establish rules requiring a regulated
 public utility furnishing gas or electricity to include in
 the utility's notice of pending disconnection of service a
 written statement advising the customer that the customer
 may be eligible to participate in the low income home energy
 assistance program or weatherization assistance program
 administered by the division of community action agencies of
 the department of human rights. The written statement shall
 list the address and telephone number of the local agency
 which is administering the customer's low income home energy
 assistance program and the weatherization assistance program.
 The written statement shall also state that the customer
 is advised to contact the public utility to settle any of
 the customer's complaints with the public utility, but if a
 complaint is not settled to the customer's satisfaction, the
 customer may file the complaint with the board. The written
 statement shall include the address and phone number of the
 board. If the notice of pending disconnection of service
 applies to a residence, the written statement shall advise
 that the disconnection does not apply from November 1 through
 April 1 for a resident who is a "head of household", as defined
 by law in section 422.4, and who has been certified to the
 public utility by the local agency which is administering the
 low income home energy assistance program and weatherization
 assistance program as being eligible for either the low
 income home energy assistance program or weatherization
 assistance program, and that if such a resident resides within
 the serviced residence, the customer should promptly have
 the qualifying resident notify the local agency which is
 administering the low income home energy assistance program and
 weatherization assistance program. The board shall establish
 rules requiring that the written notice contain additional
 information as it deems necessary and appropriate.
    Sec. 153.  Section 476.29, subsection 3, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    3.  A certificate is transferable, subject to approval of the
 board pursuant to section 476.20, subsection 1, paragraph "a".
    Sec. 154.  Section 476.96, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    As used in sections 476.95, 476.100, and 476.101, unless the
 context otherwise requires:
    Sec. 155.  Section 478.15, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    478.15  Eminent domain ==== procedure ==== entering on land ====
 reversion on nonuse.
    1.  Any person, company, or corporation having secured a
 franchise as provided in this chapter, shall thereupon be
 vested with the right of eminent domain to such extent as the
 utilities board may approve, prescribe and find to be necessary
 for public use, not exceeding one hundred feet in width for
 right=of=way and not exceeding one hundred sixty acres in any
 one location, in addition to right=of=way, for the location
 of electric substations to carry out the purposes of said
 franchise; provided however, that where two hundred K V lines
 or higher voltage lines are to be constructed, the person,
 company, or corporation may apply to the board for a wider
 right=of=way not to exceed two hundred feet, and the board
 may for good cause extend the width of such right=of=way for
 such lines to the person, company, or corporation applying for
 the same. The burden of proving the necessity for public use
 shall be on the person, company, or corporation seeking the
 franchise. A homestead site, cemetery, orchard, or schoolhouse
 location shall not be condemned for the purpose of erecting
 an electric substation. If agreement cannot be made with the
 private owner of lands as to damages caused by the construction
 of said transmission line, or electric substations, the same
 proceedings shall be taken as provided for taking private
 property for works of internal improvement.
    2.  Any person, company, or corporation proposing to
 construct a transmission line or other facility which involves
 the taking of property under the right of eminent domain
 and desiring to enter upon the land, which it proposes to
 appropriate, for the purpose of examining or surveying the
 same, shall first file with the utilities board, a written
 statement under oath setting forth the proposed routing of
 the line or facility including a description of the lands to
 be crossed, the names and addresses of owners, together with
 request that a permit be issued by said the board authorizing
 said the person, company, or corporation or its duly appointed
 representative to enter upon the land for the purpose of
 examining and surveying and to take and use thereon on the
 land any vehicle and surveying equipment necessary in making
 the survey. Said The board shall within ten days after said
  the request issue a permit, accompanied by such bond in such
 amount as the board shall approve, to the person, company, or
 corporation making said the application, if in its the board's
  opinion the application is made in good faith and not for the
 purpose of harassing the owner of the land. If the board is
 of the opinion that the application is not made in good faith
 or made for the purpose of harassment to the owner of said the
  land it the board shall set the matter for hearing and it. The
 matter shall be heard not more than twenty days after filing
 said the application. Notice of the time and place of hearing
 shall be given by said the board, to the owner of said the land
 by registered mail with a return receipt requested, not less
 than ten days preceding the date of hearing.
    3.  Any person, company or corporation that has obtained
 a permit in the manner herein prescribed in this section may
 enter upon said the land or lands, as above provided in this
 section, and shall be liable for actual damages sustained in
 connection with such entry. An action in damages shall be the
 exclusive remedy.
    4.  If an electric transmission line right=of=way, or any
 part thereof, is wholly abandoned for public utility purposes
 by the relocation of the transmission lines, is not used or
 operated for a period of five years, or if its construction has
 been commenced and work has ceased and has not in good faith
 been resumed for five years, the right=of=way shall revert
 to the person or persons who, at the time of the abandonment
 or reversion, are the owners of the tract from which such
  the right=of=way was taken. Following such abandonment of
 right=of=way, the owner or holder of purported fee title
 to such the real estate may serve notice upon the owner of
 such the right=of=way easement, or the owner's successor in
 interest, and upon any party in possession of said the real
 estate, a written notice which shall accurately describe the
 real estate in question, set out the facts concerning ownership
 of the fee, ownership of the right=of=way easement, and the
 period of abandonment, and notify said the parties that such
 reversion shall be complete and final, and that the easement or
 other right shall be forfeited, unless said the parties shall,
 within one hundred twenty days after the completed service
 of notice, file an affidavit with the county recorder of the
 county in which the real estate is located disputing the facts
 contained in said the notice.
    5.  Said The notice shall be served in the same manner as
 an original notice under the Iowa rules of civil procedure,
 except that when notice is served by publication no affidavit
 therefor shall be required before publication. If no affidavit
 disputing the facts contained in the notice is filed within
 one hundred twenty days, the party serving the notice may file
 for record in the office of the county recorder a copy of the
 notice with proofs of service attached thereto or endorsed
 thereon, and when so recorded, the record shall be constructive
 notice to all persons of the abandonment, reversion, and
 forfeiture of such the right=of=way.
    Sec. 156.  Section 478.31, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    478.31  Temporary permits for lines less than one mile.
    1.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 478.1, any
 person, company, or corporation proposing to construct an
 electric transmission line not exceeding one mile in length
 and which does not involve the taking of property under the
 right of eminent domain may obtain a temporary construction
 permit from the utilities board by proceeding in the manner
 hereinafter set forth in this section. Said The person,
 company, or corporation shall first file with the board a
 verified petition setting forth the requirements of section
 478.3, subsection 1, paragraphs "a" through "h", with the
 further allegation that the petitioner is the nearest electric
 utility to the proposed point of service.
    2.  The petition shall also state that the filing thereof
 constitutes an application for a temporary construction
 permit and shall also have endorsed thereon the approval of
 the appropriate highway authority or railroad concerned if
 such line is to be constructed over, across or along a public
 highway or railroad.
    3.  Upon receipt of such the petition the utilities board
 shall consider same and may grant a temporary construction
 permit in whole or in part or upon such terms, conditions and
 restrictions, and with such modifications as to location as may
 seem to it just and proper, however, no. A finding of public
 use will shall not be made at the time of the issuance of the
 permit, such finding to but shall be made, if substantiated by
 petitioner, at the subsequent consideration of the propriety
 of granting a franchise for the line subject to the permit.
 The signature of one utilities board member on such the
  permit shall be sufficient. The issuance of such the permit
 shall constitute temporary authority for the permit holder to
 construct the line for which the permit is granted.
    4.  Upon the granting of such temporary construction permit
 the utilities board shall cause the publication of notice
 required by section 478.5 and all other requirements shall be
 complied with as in the manner provided for the granting of a
 franchise. If a hearing is required then the petitioner shall
 make a sufficient and proper showing thereat before a franchise
 will be issued for the line. Any franchise issued will be
 subject to all applicable provisions of this chapter.
    5.  Notwithstanding anything foregoing subsections 1 through
 4, if the utilities board shall determine that a franchise
 should not be granted, or that further restrictions, conditions
 or modifications are required, or if the petitioner shall fail
 to make a sufficient and proper showing of the necessity for
 the granting of a franchise within six months of the granting
 of the temporary construction permit, the permit issued
 hereunder shall become null and void and the permit holder may
 be required to take such action deemed necessary by the board
 to remove, modify or relocate the construction undertaken by
 virtue of the temporary permit issued hereunder.
    Sec. 157.  Section 481A.22, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    481A.22  Field and retriever meets ==== permit required.
    1.  a.  All officially sanctioned field meets or trials
 and retriever meets or trials where the skill of dogs is
 demonstrated in pointing, retrieving, trailing, or chasing any
 game bird, game animal, or fur=bearing animal shall require
 a field trial permit. Except as otherwise provided by law,
 it shall be unlawful to kill any wildlife in such events.
 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 481A.21 it shall
 be lawful to hold field meets or trials and retriever meets
 or trials where dogs are permitted to work in exhibition or
 contest whereby the skill of dogs is demonstrated by retrieving
 dead or wounded game birds which have been propagated by
 licensed game breeders within the state or secured from lawful
 sources outside the state and lawfully brought into the state.
 All such of the birds must be released on the day of trials on
 premises where the trials are held.
    b.  Such Any birds released may be shot by official guns
 after having secured a permit as herein provided in this
    c.  Such The permits may be issued by the director of the
 department upon proper application and the payment of a fee
 of two dollars for each trial held. A representative of the
 department shall attend all such trials and enforce the laws
 and regulations governing same.
    2.  The person or persons designated by the committee in
 charge to do the shooting for such the trials shall be known
 as the official guns, and no other person shall be permitted
 to kill or attempt to kill any of the birds released for such
    3.  Before any birds are released under this section, they
 must each have attached a tag provided by the department and
 attached by a representative of the department at a cost of
 not more than ten cents for each tag. All tags are to remain
 attached to birds until prepared for consumption.
    4.  It is unlawful for any person to hold, conduct, or to
 participate in a field or retriever trial before the permit
 required by this section has been secured or for any person to
 possess or remove from the trial grounds any birds which have
 not been tagged as herein in this section required.
    Sec. 158.  Section 490.1302, subsection 2, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (3), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (3)  Issued by an open=end management investment company
 registered with the United States securities and exchange
 commission under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940,
 15 U.S.C. {80a=1 et seq., and may be redeemed at the option of
 the holder at net asset value.
    Sec. 159.  Section 490.1402, subsection 2, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (2), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (2)  If paragraph "a", subparagraph (1), subparagraph
 division (a) or (2) (b), applies, it must communicate the basis
 for so proceeding.
    Sec. 160.  Section 491.3, subsection 6, Code 2015, is amended
 to read as follows:
    6.  To make contracts, and acquire and transfer property
 ==== property, possessing the same powers in such respects as
 natural persons.
    Sec. 161.  Section 491.23, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    491.23  Dissolution ==== filing a statement with secretary of
    A corporation may be dissolved prior to the period fixed
 in the articles of incorporation, by unanimous consent, or
 in accordance with the provisions of its articles, and if a
 statement swearing to the dissolution, signed by the officers
 of such corporation, is filed with the secretary of state. A
 recording fee of one dollar shall apply to the filing of the
    Sec. 162.  Section 502A.4, subsection 1, paragraph e, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    e.  A commodity contract under which the offeree or the
 purchaser is a person under section 502A.3, an insurance
 company, an investment company as defined in the federal
 Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. {80a=1 et seq., or
 an employee pension and profit sharing or benefit plan other
 than a self=employed individual retirement plan, or individual
 retirement account.
    Sec. 163.  Section 511.8, subsection 22, paragraph i,
 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    Securities held in the legal reserve of a life insurance
 company or association and pledged as collateral for financial
 instruments used in hedging transactions shall continue
 to be eligible for inclusion in the legal reserve of the
 life insurance company or association subject to all of the
    Sec. 164.  Section 511.8, subsection 22, paragraph i,
 subparagraph (3), Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    (3)  Securities pledged as collateral for financial
 instruments used in hedging transactions that the life
 insurance company or association does not report as highly
 effective hedging transactions, together with securities
 pledged to a counterparty, clearing organization, or
 clearinghouse on an upfront basis in the form of initial
 margin, independent amount, or other securities pledged as a
 precondition of entering into hedging transactions pursuant to
 subparagraph (1) that the life insurance company or association
 does not report as highly effective hedging transactions
 pursuant to subparagraph (1), are not eligible in excess of
 three percent of the legal reserve of the life insurance
 company or association, less any financial instruments used
 in hedging transactions held in the legal reserve under this
    Sec. 165.  Section 515.103, subsection 11, Code 2015, is
 amended by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 166.  Section 517.2, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    517.2  Terms defined.
    As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
    1.  a.  The term "earned premiums" as used herein "Earned
 premiums" shall include gross premiums charged on all policies
 written, including all determined excess and additional
 premiums, less returned premiums, other than premiums returned
 to policyholders as dividends, and less reinsurance premiums
 and premiums on policies canceled, and less unearned premiums
 on policies in force.
    b.  Any participating company which has charged in its
 premiums a loading solely for dividends shall not be required
 to include such loading in its earned premiums, provided a
 statement of the amount of such loading has been filed with and
 approved by the commissioner of insurance.
    2.  The term "compensation" as used in this chapter
 "Compensation" shall relate to all insurances affected by virtue
 of statutes providing compensation to employees for personal
 injuries irrespective of fault of the employer.
    3.  The term "liability" "Liability" shall relate to all
 insurance, except compensation insurance, against loss or
 damage from accident to or injuries suffered by an employee or
 other person and for which the insured is liable.
    4.  The terms "loss payments" "Loss payments" and "loss
 expense payments" as used herein shall include all payments
 to claimants, including payments for medical and surgical
 attendance, legal expenses, salaries and expenses of
 investigators, and field personnel, rents, stationery,
 telegraph and telephone charges, postage, salaries and expenses
 of office employees, home office expenses, and all other
 payments made on account of claims, whether such payments shall
 be allocated to specific claims or unallocated.
    Sec. 167.  Section 517.3, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    517.3  Distribution of unallocated payments.
    1.  a.  All unallocated liability loss expense payments made
 in a given calendar year subsequent to the first four years in
 which an insurer has been issuing liability policies shall be
 distributed as follows:
    (1)  Thirty=five percent shall be charged to the policies
 written in that year., forty
    (2)  Forty percent to the policies written in the preceding
 year., ten
    (3)  Ten percent to the policies written in the second year
 preceding, ten percent to the policies written in the third
 year preceding., and five
    (4)  Five percent to the policies written in the fourth year
 preceding., and such
    b.  The payments made in each of the first four calendar
 years in which an insurer issues liability policies shall be
 distributed as follows:
    (1)  In the first calendar year one hundred percent shall be
 charged to the policies written in that year., in
    (2)  In the second calendar year fifty percent shall be
 charged to the policies written in that year and fifty percent
 to the policies written in the preceding year., in
    (3)  In the third calendar year forty percent shall be
 charged to the policies written in that year, forty percent to
 the policies written in the preceding year, and twenty percent
 to the policies written in the second year preceding., and in
    (4)  In the fourth calendar year thirty=five percent shall
 be charged to the policies written in that year, forty percent
 to the policies written in the preceding year, fifteen percent
 to the policies written in the second year preceding, and ten
 percent to the policies written in the third year preceding.,
 and a
    c.  A schedule showing such distribution shall be included
 in the annual statement.
    2.  a.  All unallocated compensation loss expense payments
 made in a given calendar year subsequent to the first three
 years in which an insurer has been issuing compensation
 policies shall be distributed as follows:
    (1)  Forty percent shall be charged to the policies written
 in that year., forty=five
    (2)  Forty=five percent to the policies written in the
 preceding year., ten
    (3)  Ten percent to the policies written in the second year
 preceding. and five
    (4)  Five percent to the policies written in the third year
 preceding., and such
    b.  The payments made in each of the first three calendar
 years in which an insurer issues compensation policies shall be
 distributed as follows:
    (1)  In the first calendar year one hundred percent shall be
 charged to the policies written in that year., in
    (2)  In the second calendar year fifty percent shall be
 charged to the policies written in that year and fifty percent
 to the policies written in the preceding year., in
    (3)  In the third calendar year forty=five percent shall
 be charged to the policies written in that year, forty=five
 percent to the policies written in the preceding year and ten
 percent to the policies written in the second year preceding.,
 and a
    c.  A schedule showing such distribution shall be included
 in the annual statement.
    3.  Whenever, in the judgment of the commissioner of
 insurance, the liability or compensation loss reserves of any
 insurer under the commissioner's supervision, calculated in
 accordance with the foregoing provisions, are inadequate, the
 commissioner may, in the commissioner's discretion, require
 such insurer to maintain additional reserves based upon
 estimated individual claims or otherwise.
    Sec. 168.  Section 518A.1, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  An application on blanks furnished by the association and
 signed by the insured or the insured's representative, which
 may contain in addition to other provisions:  the
    (1)  The value of the property., the
    (2)  The proper description thereof, the of the property.
    (3)  The amount of other insurance and the encumbrance
 thereon, and agreement on the property.
    (4)  Agreement to be governed by the articles of
 incorporation and bylaws in force at the time the policy is
 issued., a
    (5)  A representation that the foregoing statements are true
 as far as the same are known to the insured or material to the
 risk., and that
    (6)  That the insurance shall take effect when approved by
 the secretary.
    Sec. 169.  Section 523I.312, subsection 2, paragraph n, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    n.  Include an explanation of regulatory oversight by
 the insurance division in twelve point boldface type, in
 substantially the following language:
 This agreement is subject to rules administered by the Iowa
 insurance division. You may call the insurance division with
 inquiries or complaints at (515)281=5705 (insert telephone
 number). Written inquiries or complaints should be mailed
 to:  Iowa Securities and Regulated Industries Bureau, 330 Maple
 Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319 (insert address).
    Sec. 170.  Section 533.301, subsection 5, paragraph i,
 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    Corporate bonds as defined by and subject to terms and
 conditions imposed by the superintendent, provided that the
 superintendent shall not approve investment in corporate bonds
 unless the bonds are investment grade. For purposes of this
 paragraph, "investment grade" means the issuer of a security
 has an adequate capacity to meet the financial commitments
 under the security for the projected life of the asset or
 exposure, even under adverse economic conditions. An issuer
 has an adequate capacity to meet the financial commitments of
 a security if the risk of default by the obligor is low and
 the full and timely repayment of principal and interest on the
 security is expected. A state credit union may consider any
 or all of the following nonexhaustive or nonmutually exclusive
 factors, to the extent appropriate, with respect to the credit
 risk of a security:
    Sec. 171.  Section 536.1, subsections 4 and 5, Code 2015, are
 amended to read as follows:
    4.  A person who enters into less than ten supervised loans
 per year in this state and who neither has an office physically
 located in this state nor engages in face=to=face solicitation
 in this state may contract for and receive the rate of interest
 permitted in this chapter for licensees under this chapter. A
 "consumer loan" means the same as defined in section 537.1301.
    5.  For the purposes of this section:, "threshold amount"
    a.  "Consumer loan" means the same as defined in section
    b.  "Threshold amount" means the same as defined in section
    Sec. 172.  Section 537.1301, subsection 26, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    26.  "Lender" means a person who makes a loan or, except as
 otherwise provided in this Act chapter, a person who takes an
 assignment of a lender's right to payment, but use of the term
 does not in itself impose on an assignee any obligation of the
    Sec. 173.  Section 551A.4, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  The offer or sale of a business opportunity if the
 purchaser is a bank, federally chartered savings and loan
 association, trust company, insurance company, credit union,
 or investment company as defined by the federal Investment
 Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. {80a=1 et seq., a pension
 or profit=sharing trust, or other financial institution or
 institutional buyer, or a broker=dealer registered pursuant to
 chapter 502, whether the purchaser is acting for itself or in a
 fiduciary capacity.
    Sec. 174.  Section 554.8110, subsection 5, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  if an agreement between the securities intermediary
 and its entitlement holder governing the securities account
 expressly provides that a particular jurisdiction is the
 securities intermediary's jurisdiction for purposes of this
 part, this Article, or this Act 2000 Iowa Acts, ch. 1149, that
 jurisdiction is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction.
    Sec. 175.  Section 558.1, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    558.1  "Instruments affecting real estate" defined ====
    All instruments containing a power to convey, or in any
 manner relating to real estate, including certified copies of
 petitions in bankruptcy with or without the schedules appended,
 of decrees of adjudication in bankruptcy, and of orders
 approving trustees' bonds in bankruptcy, and a jobs training
 agreement entered into under chapter 260E between an employer
 and community college which contains a description of the real
 estate affected, shall be held to be instruments "instruments
  affecting the same; and no such real estate". An instrument
 affecting real estate, when acknowledged or certified and
 recorded as in this chapter prescribed, can cannot be revoked
 as to third parties by any act of the parties by whom it was
 executed, until the instrument containing such revocation is
 acknowledged and filed for record in the same office in which
 the instrument containing such power is recorded, except that
 uniform commercial code financing statements and financing
 statement changes as provided in chapter 554 need not be thus
    Sec. 176.  Section 602.8108, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  Except as otherwise provided, the clerk of the district
 court shall report and submit to the state court administrator,
 not later than the fifteenth day of each month, the fines and
 fees received during the preceding calendar month. Except as
 provided in subsections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, the
 state court administrator shall deposit the amounts received
 with the treasurer of state for deposit in the general fund of
 the state. The state court administrator shall report to the
 legislative services agency within thirty days of the beginning
 of each fiscal quarter the amount received during the previous
 quarter in the account established under this section.
    Sec. 177.  Section 602.11113, Code 2015, is amended to read
 as follows:
    602.11113  Bailiffs employed as court attendants.
    Persons who were employed as bailiffs and who were
 performing services for the court, other than law enforcement
 services, immediately prior to the effective date of section
 602.6601 July 1, 1983, shall be employed by the district court
 administrators as court attendants under section 602.6601 on
 the effective date of that section July 1, 1983.
    Sec. 178.  Section 614.6, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2015,
 is amended to read as follows:
    The period of limitation above described specified in
 sections 614.1 through 614.5 shall be computed omitting any
 time when:
    Sec. 179.  Section 614.35, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    614.35  Recording interest.
    To be effective and to be entitled to record, the notice
 above referred to in section 614.34 shall contain an accurate
 and full description of all land affected by such notice which
 description shall be set forth in particular terms and not by
 general inclusions; but if the claim is founded upon a recorded
 instrument, then the description in such notice may be the same
 as that contained in such recorded instrument. Such notice
 shall be filed for record in the office of the county recorder
 of the county or counties where the land described in the
 notice is situated. The recorder of each county shall accept
 all such notices presented to the recorder which describe land
 located in the county in which the recorder serves and shall
 enter and record full copies of the notices and shall index the
 applicable entries specified in sections 558.49 and 558.52, and
 each recorder shall be entitled to charge the same fees for the
 recording of the notices as are charged for recording deeds.
 In indexing such notices in the recorder's office each recorder
 shall enter such notices under the grantee indexes of deeds in
 the names of the claimants appearing in such notices.
    Sec. 180.  Section 633.279, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  An attested will may be made self=proved at the time of
 its execution, or at any subsequent date, by the acknowledgment
 thereof by the testator and the affidavits of the witnesses,
 each made before a person authorized to administer oaths
 and take acknowledgments under the laws of this state, and
 evidenced by such person's certificate, under seal, attached
 or annexed to the will, in form and content substantially as
 State of......            )
 County of......            ) ss
 We, the undersigned, ......., ....... and ........., the
 testator and the witnesses, respectively, whose names are
 signed to the attached or foregoing instrument, being first
 duly sworn, declare to the undersigned authority that at the
 date of the instrument, we all knew the identity of each other;
 the instrument was exhibited to the witnesses by the testator,
 who declared it to be the testator's last will and testament
 and was signed by the testator or by another at the direction
 of the testator at ........, in the County of ......, State
 of ......, on the date shown in the instrument, and in the
 presence of each other as subscribing witnesses; that we, as
 witnesses, declare to the undersigned authority that in our
 presence the testator executed and acknowledged such will as
 the testator's will and that we, in the testator's presence, at
 the testator's request, and in the presence of each other, did
 subscribe our names thereto as attesting witnesses on the date
 of such will; and that the witnesses were sixteen years of age
 or older.
 Subscribed, sworn and acknowledged before me by ........, the
 testator; and subscribed and sworn before me by ........ and
 ......., witnesses, this ... day of ...... (month), ... (year)
           Notary Public, or other
           Signature of notarial
           officer authorized to take
 (Stamp)          and certify acknowledgments
           and administer oaths
           Title of office
           [My commission expires]
    Sec. 181.  Section 633.304, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2015,
 are amended to read as follows:
    2.  On admission of a will to probate, the executor, as
 soon as letters are issued, shall cause notice to be published
 once each week for two consecutive weeks in a daily or weekly
 newspaper of general circulation published in the county in
 which the estate is pending and at. At any time during the
 pendency of administration that the executor has knowledge of
 the name and address of a person believed to own or possess a
 claim which will not or may not be paid or otherwise satisfied
 during administration, the executor shall provide notice by
 ordinary mail to each such claimant at the claimant's last
 known address, and. The executor shall also, as soon as
 practicable give notice, except to any executor, by ordinary
 mail to the surviving spouse, each heir of the decedent,
 and each devisee under the will admitted to probate whose
 identities are reasonably ascertainable, at such persons' last
 known addresses, that gives notice of admission of the will to
 probate and of the appointment of the executor. In the notice
 shall be included a notice that any action to set aside the
 probate of the will must be brought within the later to occur
 of four months from the date of the second publication of the
 notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice
 or thereafter be forever barred, a notice to debtors to make
 payment, and a notice to creditors having claims against the
 estate to file them with the clerk within four months from the
 second publication of the notice, or thereafter be forever
    3.  The notice shall be substantially in the following form:
 In the District Court of Iowa
  in and for .... County.
 Probate No. ....
 In the Estate of ......, Deceased
 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of ......, Deceased,
 who died on or about ...... (date):
 You are hereby notified that on the .. day of .... (month),
 ...... (year), the last will and testament of ........,
 deceased, bearing date of the .. day of .... (month), ..
 (year), was admitted to probate in the above named court and
 that ........ was appointed executor of the estate. Any
 action to set aside the will must be brought in the district
 court of said county within the later to occur of four months
 from the date of the second publication of this notice or one
 month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of
 the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are
 reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred.
 Notice is further given that all persons indebted to
 the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the
 undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate
 shall file them with the clerk of the above named district
 court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,
 and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from
 the date of second publication of this notice or one month from
 the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or
 paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred.
 Dated this .. day of ...... (month), .. (year)
 Executor of estate
 Attorney for executor
 Date of second publication
 .. day of ...... (month), .. (year)
 (Date to be inserted by publisher)
    Sec. 182.  Section 633A.3110, subsection 5, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    5.  The notice described in subsection 2 shall be
 substantially in the following form:
 To all persons regarding ...............................,
 deceased, who died on or about
 ........................................(date).  You are hereby
 notified that .......................... is the trustee of
 the ................ Trust.
 Any action to contest the validity of the trust must be
 brought in the District Court of .... County, Iowa, within
 the later to occur of four months from the date of second
 publication of this notice, or thirty days from the date of
 mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent settlor
 and the spouse of the decedent settlor whose identities are
 reasonably ascertainable. Any suit not filed within this
 period shall be forever barred.
 Notice is further given that any person or entity possessing
 a claim against the trust must mail proof of the claim to the
 trustee at the address listed below via certified mail, return
 receipt requested, by the later to occur of four months from
 the date of the second publication of this notice or thirty
 days from the date of mailing this notice if required, or
 the claim shall be forever barred, unless paid or otherwise
 Dated this ............ day of
 ........................(month), ...............(year)
 Address: .....................................
 Date of second publication
 ............ day of ........................(month),
    Sec. 183.  Section 633B.203, subsections 3 and 9, Code 2015,
 are amended to read as follows:
    3.  Execute, acknowledge, seal, deliver, file, or record
 any instrument or communication the agent considers desirable
 to accomplish a purpose of a transaction, including but not
 limited to creating at any time a schedule listing some or all
 of the principal's property and attaching the instrument of or
  communication to the power of attorney.
    9.  Access communications intended for, and communicate
 on behalf of, the principal, whether by mail, electronic
 transmission, telephone, or other means.
    Sec. 184.  Section 633B.205, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  Sell; exchange; convey with or without covenants,
 representations, or warranties; quitclaim; release; surrender;
 create a security interest in; grant options concerning; lease;
 sublease; or, otherwise dispose of tangible personal property
 or an interest in tangible personal property.
    Sec. 185.  Section 633B.205, subsection 5, unnumbered
 paragraph 1, Code 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    Manage or conserve tangible personal property or an interest
 in tangible personal property on behalf of the principal,
 including but not limited to by doing all of the following:
    Sec. 186.  Section 636.33, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    636.33  Final discharge.
    Said fiduciary may file such the receipt described in
 section 636.32 with the fiduciary's final report, and if it
 shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that
 the fiduciary has in all other respects complied with the law
 governing the fiduciary's appointment and duties, the court may
 approve such final report and enter the fiduciary's discharge.
    Sec. 187.  Section 636.34, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    636.34  Notice of deposit.
    Notice of such a contemplated deposit under section 636.31,
 and of final report, shall be given for the same time and in
 the same manner as is now required in cases of final report by
 personal representatives under the probate code.
    Sec. 188.  Section 654.13, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    654.13  Pledge of rents ==== priority.
    Whenever any real estate is encumbered by two or more real
 estate mortgages which in addition to the lien upon the real
 estate grant to the mortgagee the right to subject the rents,
 profits, avails and/or, or income from said real estate to the
 payment of the debt secured by such mortgage, the priority
 of the respective mortgagees under the provisions of their
 mortgages affecting the rents, profits, avails and/or, or
  incomes from the said real estate shall, as between such
 mortgagees, be in the same order as the priority of the lien of
 their respective mortgages on the real estate.
    Sec. 189.  Section 654.14, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  If the owner or person in actual possession of
 agricultural land as defined in section 9H.1 is not afforded
 a right of first refusal in leasing the mortgaged premises by
 the receiver, the owner or person in actual possession has a
 cause of action against the receiver to recover either actual
 damages or a one thousand dollar penalty, and costs, including
 reasonable attorney's fees. The receiver shall deliver notice
 of an offer made to the receiver to the owner or person in
 actual possession or the attorney of the owner or person in
 actual possession, of an offer made to the receiver, which
 contains the terms of the offer, and the name and address
 of the person making the offer. The delivery shall be made
 personally with receipt returned or by certified or registered
 mail, with the proper postage on the envelope, addressed to
 the owner or person in actual possession or the attorney of
 the owner or person in actual possession. An offer shall be
 deemed to have been refused if the owner or person in actual
 possession or the attorney of the owner or person in actual
 possession does not respond within ten days following the date
 that the notice is mailed.
    Sec. 190.  Section 656.5, Code 2015, is amended to read as
    656.5  Proof and record of service.
    If the terms and conditions as to which there is default are
 not performed within said thirty days, the party serving said
  the notice or causing the same notice to be served, may file
 for record in the office of the county recorder a copy of the
 notice aforesaid with proofs of service attached or endorsed
 thereon (and, in case of service. If notice has been served
  by publication, a personal affidavit that personal service
 could not be made within this state), and when state shall
 also be attached or endorsed on the notice. When so filed and
 recorded, the said record shall be constructive notice to all
 parties of the due forfeiture and cancellation of said the
    Sec. 191.  Section 669.2, subsection 4, paragraph c, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    c.  "Employee of the state" also includes an architect
 registered pursuant to chapter 544A or a professional engineer
 licensed pursuant to chapter 542B who voluntarily and without
 compensation provides initial structural or building systems
 inspection services for the purposes of determining human
 occupancy at the scene of a disaster as defined in section
 29C.2, subsection 4. To be considered an employee of the
 state, the architect or engineer shall be acting at the
 request and under the direction of the commissioner of public
 safety and in coordination with the local emergency management
 commission established under chapter 29C.  For purposes of this
 paragraph, "compensation" does not include reimbursement for
    Sec. 192.  Section 714.11, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    c.  A fraudulent practice where it is not possible to
 determine an amount of money or value of property and service
  services involved.
    Sec. 193.  Section 714.14, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  If money, property, or a service involved in two or
 more acts of fraudulent practice is from the same person or
 location, or from different persons by two or more acts which
 occur in approximately the same location or time period so that
 the fraudulent practices are attributable to a single scheme,
 plan, or conspiracy, these acts may be considered as a single
 fraudulent practice and the value may be the total value of all
 money, property, and service services involved.
    Sec. 194.  Section 724.1, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  An antique firearm. An antique firearm is any firearm,
 including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion
 cap, or similar type of ignition system, manufactured in
 or before 1898 or any firearm which is a replica of such a
 firearm if such replica is not designed or redesigned for using
 conventional rimfire or centerfire fixed ammunition or which
 uses only rimfire or centerfire fixed ammunition which is no
 longer manufactured in the United States and which is not
 readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
    Sec. 195.  Section 725.1, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    c.  If the person who sells or offers for sale the person's
 services as a partner in a sex act is under the age of eighteen,
 upon the expiration of two years following the person's
 conviction for a violation of paragraph "a" or of a similar
 local ordinance, the person may petition the court to expunge
 the conviction, and if the person has had no other criminal
 convictions, other than local traffic violations or simple
 misdemeanor violations of chapter 321 during the two=year
 period, the conviction shall be expunged as a matter of
 law. The court shall enter an order that the record of the
 conviction be expunged by the clerk of the district court.
 Notwithstanding section 692.2, after receipt of notice from
 the clerk of the district court that a record of conviction
 has been expunged for a violation of paragraph "a" has been
 expunged, the record of conviction shall be removed from the
 criminal history data files maintained by the department of
 public safety.
    Sec. 196.  Section 915.50, subsection 3, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    3.  The right to receive a criminal no=contact order upon a
 finding of probable cause, pursuant to section 664A.3.
    Sec. 197.  Section 915.50A, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
 amended to read as follows:
    2.  The right to receive a criminal no=contact order upon a
 finding of probable cause, pursuant to section 664A.3.
    Sec. 198.  REPEAL.  Sections 123.6, 123.7, 123.12, and
 507C.8, Code 2015, are repealed.
    Sec. 199.  REPEAL.  2013 Iowa Acts, chapter 125, division II,
 is repealed.
    Sec. 200.  Section 633B.213, subsection 1, unnumbered
 paragraph 1, as enacted by 2014 Iowa Acts, chapter 1078,
 section 38, is amended to read as follows:
    Unless the power of attorney otherwise provides and subject
 to subsection section 633B.201, language in a power of attorney
 granting general authority with respect to personal and family
 maintenance authorizes the agent to do all of the following:
    Sec. 201.  REPEAL.  2014 Iowa Acts, chapter 1080, section
 121, is repealed.
    Sec. 202.  REPEAL.  2014 Iowa Acts, chapter 1092, sections
 153 and 199, are repealed.
    Sec. 203.  2014 Iowa Acts, chapter 1092, section 197,
 subsection 2, is amended by striking the subsection.
    1.  The Code editor shall transfer and renumber the following
 sections as follows:
    a.  Section 123.9 to become section 123.6.
    b.  Section 123.10 to become section 123.7.
    c.  Section 123.16 to become section 123.8.
    d.  Section 123.20 to become section 123.9.
    e.  Section 123.21 to become section 123.10.
    f.  Section 123.13 to become section 123.12.
    g.  Section 123.17 to become section 123.13.
    h.  Section 123.18 to become section 123.15.
    i.  Section 123.55 to become section 123.16.
    j.  Section 123.53 to become section 123.17.
    k.  Section 123.54 to become section 123.18.
    l.  Section 123.19 to become section 123.23.
    m.  Section 226.47 to become section 226.1A.
    n.  Section 462A.69 to become section 462A.3A.
    o.  Section 462A.71 to become section 462A.3B.
    2.  The Code editor shall correct internal references as
    Sec. 205.  EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT.  The following
 provision or provisions of this division of this Act, being
 deemed of immediate importance, take effect upon enactment:
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 237A.30,
 subsection 1.
    2.  The section of this Act amending section 321.34,
 subsection 27, paragraph "a".
    Sec. 206.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  The following provision or
 provisions of this division of this Act take effect June 30,
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 15.294,
 subsection 4.
    Sec. 207.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  The following provision or
 provisions of this division of this Act take effect July 1,
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 124.401,
 subsection 5, unnumbered paragraph 3.
    Sec. 208.  RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY.  The following
 provision or provisions of this division of this Act apply
 retroactively to July 1, 2010:
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 237A.30,
 subsection 1.
    Sec. 209.  RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY.  The following
 provision or provisions of this division of this Act apply
 retroactively to July 1, 2014:
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 321.34,
 subsection 27, paragraph "a".
    Sec. 210.  RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY.  The following
 provision or provisions of this division of this Act apply
 retroactively to January 1, 2014, for tax years beginning on
 or after that date:
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 422.11L.
                           DIVISION II
    Sec. 211.  NEW SECTION.  135.153A  Safety net provider
 recruitment and retention initiatives program ==== repeal.
    The department, in accordance with efforts pursuant to
 sections 135.163 and 135.164 and in cooperation with the Iowa
 collaborative safety net provider network governing group as
 described in section 135.153, shall establish and administer
 a safety net provider recruitment and retention initiatives
 program to address the health care workforce shortage relative
 to safety net providers. Funding for the program may be
 provided through the health care workforce shortage fund or
 the safety net provider network workforce shortage account
 created in section 135.175. The department, in cooperation
 with the governing group, shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter
 17A to implement and administer such program. This section is
 repealed June 30, 2016.
    Sec. 212.  NEW SECTION.  135.175  Health care workforce
 support initiative ==== workforce shortage fund ==== accounts.
    1.  a.  A health care workforce support initiative is
 established to provide for the coordination and support of
 various efforts to address the health care workforce shortage
 in this state.  This initiative shall include the medical
 residency training state matching grants program created in
 section 135.176, the nurse residency state matching grants
 program created in section 135.178, the fulfilling Iowa's need
 for dentists matching grant program created in section 135.179,
 the health care professional incentive payment program and
 Iowa needs nurses now initiative created in sections 261.128
 and 261.129, the safety net provider recruitment and retention
 initiatives program created in section 135.153A, health care
 workforce shortage national initiatives, and the physician
 assistant mental health fellowship program created in section
    b.  A health care workforce shortage fund is created in
 the state treasury as a separate fund under the control of
 the department, in cooperation with the entities identified
 in this section as having control over the accounts within
 the fund.  The fund and the accounts within the fund shall
 be controlled and managed in a manner consistent with the
 principles specified and the strategic plan developed pursuant
 to sections 135.163 and 135.164.
    2.  The fund and the accounts within the fund shall consist
 of moneys appropriated from the general fund of the state for
 the purposes of the fund or the accounts within the fund;
 moneys received from the federal government for the purposes of
 addressing the health care workforce shortage; contributions,
 grants, and other moneys from communities and health care
 employers; and moneys from any other public or private source
    3.  The department and any entity identified in this section
 as having control over any of the accounts within the fund,
 may receive contributions, grants, and in=kind contributions
 to support the purposes of the fund and the accounts within
 the fund.  Not more than five percent of the moneys allocated
 to any account within the fund may be used for administrative
    4.  The fund and the accounts within the fund shall be
 separate from the general fund of the state and shall not be
 considered part of the general fund of the state.  The moneys
 in the fund and the accounts within the fund shall not be
 considered revenue of the state, but rather shall be moneys
 of the fund or the accounts.  The moneys in the fund and the
 accounts within the fund are not subject to section 8.33 and
 shall not be transferred, used, obligated, appropriated, or
 otherwise encumbered, except to provide for the purposes of
 this section.  Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2,
 interest or earnings on moneys deposited in the fund shall be
 credited to the fund and the accounts within the fund.
    5.  The fund shall consist of the following accounts:
    a.  The medical residency training account.  The medical
 residency training account shall be under the control of the
 department and the moneys in the account shall be used for
 the purposes of the medical residency training state matching
 grants program as specified in section 135.176.  Moneys in
 the account shall consist of moneys appropriated or allocated
 for deposit in or received by the fund or the account and
 specifically dedicated to the medical residency training state
 matching grants program or account for the purposes of such
    b.  The health care professional and Iowa needs nurses now
 initiative account.  The health care professional and Iowa
 needs nurses now initiative account shall be under the control
 of the college student aid commission created in section 261.1
 and the moneys in the account shall be used for the purposes
 of the health care professional incentive payment program and
 the Iowa needs nurses now initiative as specified in sections
 261.128 and 261.129.  Moneys in the account shall consist of
 moneys appropriated or allocated for deposit in or received
 by the fund or the account and specifically dedicated to the
 health care professional and Iowa needs nurses now initiative
 or the account for the purposes of the account.
    c.  The safety net provider network workforce shortage
 account.  The safety net provider network workforce shortage
 account shall be under the control of the governing group of
 the Iowa collaborative safety net provider network created in
 section 135.153 and the moneys in the account shall be used
 for the purposes of the safety net provider recruitment and
 retention initiatives program as specified in section 135.153A.
 Moneys in the account shall consist of moneys appropriated
 or allocated for deposit in or received by the fund or the
 account and specifically dedicated to the safety net provider
 recruitment and retention initiatives program or the account
 for the purposes of the account.
    d.  The health care workforce shortage national initiatives
 account.  The health care workforce shortage national
 initiatives account shall be under the control of the state
 entity identified for receipt of the federal funds by the
 federal government entity through which the federal funding
 is available for a specified health care workforce shortage
 initiative.  Moneys in the account shall consist of moneys
 appropriated or allocated for deposit in or received by the
 fund or the account and specifically dedicated to health care
 workforce shortage national initiatives or the account and for
 a specified health care workforce shortage initiative.
    e.  The physician assistant mental health fellowship program
 account.  The physician assistant mental health fellowship
 program account shall be under the control of the department
 and the moneys in the account shall be used for the purposes
 of the physician assistant mental health fellowship program
 as specified in section 135.177.  Moneys in the account shall
 consist of moneys appropriated or allocated for deposit in or
 received by the fund or the account and specifically dedicated
 to the physician assistant mental health fellowship program or
 the account for the purposes of the account.
    f.  The Iowa needs nurses now infrastructure account.  The
 Iowa needs nurses now infrastructure account shall be under
 the control of the department and the moneys in the account
 shall be used to award grants in accordance with rules adopted
 by the department, in consultation with the board of nursing,
 the department of education, and a statewide association that
 represents nurses specified by the director, pursuant to
 chapter 17A, for clinical simulators, laboratory facilities,
 health information technology, and other infrastructure to
 improve the training of nurses and nurse educators in the state
 and to enhance the clinical experience for nurses. Grants
 awarded shall authorize the use of a reasonable portion of the
 grant moneys for training in the use of the infrastructure
 purchased with the grant moneys.  Moneys in the account shall
 consist of moneys appropriated or allocated for deposit in or
 received by the fund or the account and specifically dedicated
 to the Iowa needs nurses now infrastructure account for the
 purposes of the account.
    g.  The nurse residency state matching grants program
 account.  The nurse residency state matching grants program
 account shall be under the control of the department and the
 moneys in the account shall be used for the purposes of the
 nurse residency state matching grants program as specified
 in section 135.178.  Moneys in the account shall consist of
 moneys appropriated or allocated for deposit in or received
 by the fund or the account and specifically dedicated to the
 nurse residency state matching grants program account for the
 purposes of such account.
    h.  The fulfilling Iowa's need for dentists matching grant
 program account. The fulfilling Iowa's need for dentists
 matching grant program account shall be under the control of
 the department and the moneys in the account shall be used
 for the purposes of the fulfilling Iowa's need for dentists
 matching grant program as specified in section 135.179.
 Moneys in the account shall consist of moneys appropriated or
 allocated for deposit in the account or received by the fund
 or the account and specifically dedicated to the fulfilling
 Iowa's need for dentists matching grant program account for the
 purposes of such account.
    6.  a.  Moneys in the fund and the accounts in the fund
 shall only be appropriated in a manner consistent with the
 principles specified and the strategic plan developed pursuant
 to sections 135.163 and 135.164 to support the medical
 residency training state matching grants program, the nurse
 residency state matching grants program, the fulfilling Iowa's
 need for dentists matching grant program, the health care
 professional incentive payment program, the Iowa needs nurses
 now initiative, the safety net recruitment and retention
 initiatives program, for national health care workforce
 shortage initiatives, for the physician assistant mental health
 fellowship program, for the purposes of the Iowa needs nurses
 now infrastructure account, and to provide funding for state
 health care workforce shortage programs as provided in this
    b.  State programs that may receive funding from the fund
 and the accounts in the fund, if specifically designated
 for the purpose of drawing down federal funding, are the
 primary care recruitment and retention endeavor (PRIMECARRE),
 the Iowa affiliate of the national rural recruitment and
 retention network, the primary care office shortage designation
 program, the state office of rural health, and the Iowa health
 workforce center, administered through the bureau of health
 care access of the department of public health; the area
 health education centers programs at Des Moines university ====
 osteopathic medical center and the university of Iowa; the Iowa
 collaborative safety net provider network established pursuant
 to section 135.153; any entity identified by the federal
 government entity through which federal funding for a specified
 health care workforce shortage initiative is received; and
 a program developed in accordance with the strategic plan
 developed by the department of public health in accordance with
 sections 135.163 and 135.164.
    c.  State appropriations to the fund shall be allocated in
 equal amounts to each of the accounts within the fund, unless
 otherwise specified in the appropriation or allocation.  Any
 federal funding received for the purposes of addressing state
 health care workforce shortages shall be deposited in the
 health care workforce shortage national initiatives account,
 unless otherwise specified by the source of the funds, and
 shall be used as required by the source of the funds.  If
 use of the federal funding is not designated, twenty=five
 percent of such funding shall be deposited in the safety net
 provider network workforce shortage account to be used for the
 purposes of the account and the remainder of the funds shall
 be used in accordance with the strategic plan developed by the
 department of public health in accordance with sections 135.163
 and 135.164, or to address workforce shortages as otherwise
 designated by the department of public health.  Other sources
 of funding shall be deposited in the fund or account and used
 as specified by the source of the funding.
    7.  No more than five percent of the moneys in any of the
 accounts within the fund, not to exceed one hundred thousand
 dollars in each account, shall be used for administrative
 purposes, unless otherwise provided by the appropriation,
 allocation, or source of the funds.
    8.  The department, in cooperation with the entities
 identified in this section as having control over any of the
 accounts within the fund, shall submit an annual report to the
 governor and the general assembly regarding the status of the
 health care workforce support initiative, including the balance
 remaining in and appropriations from the health care workforce
 shortage fund and the accounts within the fund.
    Sec. 213.  NEW SECTION.  135.176  Medical residency training
 state matching grants program.
    1.  The department shall establish a medical residency
 training state matching grants program to provide matching
 state funding to sponsors of accredited graduate medical
 education residency programs in this state to establish,
 expand, or support medical residency training programs.
 Funding for the program may be provided through the health
 care workforce shortage fund or the medical residency training
 account created in section 135.175.  For the purposes of this
 section, unless the context otherwise requires, "accredited"
 means a graduate medical education program approved by the
 accreditation council for graduate medical education or the
 American osteopathic association.  The grant funds may be
 used to support medical residency programs through any of the
    a.  The establishment of new or alternative campus accredited
 medical residency training programs.  For the purposes of
 this paragraph, "new or alternative campus accredited medical
 residency training program" means a program that is accredited
 by a recognized entity approved for such purpose by the
 accreditation council for graduate medical education or the
 American osteopathic association with the exception that
 a new medical residency training program that, by reason
 of an insufficient period of operation is not eligible for
 accreditation on or before the date of submission of an
 application for a grant, may be deemed accredited if the
 accreditation council for graduate medical education or the
 American osteopathic association finds, after consultation with
 the appropriate accreditation entity, that there is reasonable
 assurance that the program will meet the accreditation
 standards of the entity prior to the date of graduation of the
 initial class in the program.
    b.  The provision of new residency positions within existing
 accredited medical residency or fellowship training programs.
    c.  The funding of residency positions which are in excess of
 the federal residency cap.  For the purposes of this paragraph,
 "in excess of the federal residency cap" means a residency
 position for which no federal Medicare funding is available
 because the residency position is a position beyond the cap for
 residency positions established by the federal Balanced Budget
 Act of 1997, Pub. L. No. 105=33.
    2.  The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A
 to provide for all of the following:
    a.  Eligibility requirements for and qualifications
 of a sponsor of an accredited graduate medical education
 residency program to receive a grant.  The requirements and
 qualifications shall include but are not limited to all of the
    (1)  Only a sponsor that establishes a dedicated fund to
 support a residency program that meets the specifications of
 this section shall be eligible to receive a matching grant.  A
 sponsor funding residency positions in excess of the federal
 residency cap, as defined in subsection 1, paragraph "c",
 exclusive of funds provided under the medical residency
 training state matching grants program established in this
 section, is deemed to have satisfied this requirement and
 shall be eligible for a matching grant equal to the amount of
 funds expended for such residency positions, subject to the
 limitation on the maximum award of grant funds specified in
 paragraph "e".
    (2)  A sponsor shall demonstrate, through documented
 financial information as prescribed by rule of the department,
 that funds have been reserved and will be expended by the
 sponsor in the amount required to provide matching funds for
 each residency proposed in the request for state matching
    (3)  A sponsor shall demonstrate, through objective evidence
 as prescribed by rule of the department, a need for such
 residency program in the state.
    b.  The application process for the grant.
    c.  Criteria for preference in awarding of the grants,
 including preference in the residency specialty.
    d.  Determination of the amount of a grant.  The total amount
 of a grant awarded to a sponsor shall be limited to no more
 than twenty=five percent of the amount that the sponsor has
 demonstrated through documented financial information has been
 reserved and will be expended by the sponsor for each residency
 sponsored for the purpose of the residency program.
    e.  The maximum award of grant funds to a particular
 individual sponsor per year.  An individual sponsor shall not
 receive more than twenty=five percent of the state matching
 funds available each year to support the program.  However,
 if less than ninety=five percent of the available funds has
 been awarded in a given year, a sponsor may receive more than
 twenty=five percent of the state matching funds available
 if total funds awarded do not exceed ninety=five percent of
 the available funds.  If more than one sponsor meets the
 requirements of this section and has established, expanded,
 or supported a graduate medical residency training program,
 as specified in subsection 1, in excess of the sponsor's
 twenty=five percent maximum share of state matching funds, the
 state matching funds shall be divided proportionately among
 such sponsors.
    f.  Use of the funds awarded.  Funds may be used to pay the
 costs of establishing, expanding, or supporting an accredited
 graduate medical education program as specified in this
 section, including but not limited to the costs associated with
 residency stipends and physician faculty stipends.
    Sec. 214.  NEW SECTION.  135.177  Physician assistant mental
 health fellowship program ==== repeal.
    1.  The department, in cooperation with the college student
 aid commission, shall establish a physician assistant mental
 health fellowship program in accordance with this section.
 Funding for the program may be provided through the health
 care workforce shortage fund or the physician assistant mental
 health fellowship program account created in section 135.175.
 The purpose of the program is to determine the effect of
 specialized training and support for physician assistants in
 providing mental health services on addressing Iowa's shortage
 of mental health professionals.
    2.  The program shall provide for all of the following:
    a.  Collaboration with a hospital serving a thirteen=county
 area in central Iowa that provides a clinic at the Iowa
 veterans home, a private nonprofit agency headquartered in a
 city with a population of more than one hundred ninety thousand
 that operates a freestanding psychiatric medical institution
 for children, a private university with a medical school
 educating osteopathic physicians located in a city with a
 population of more than one hundred ninety thousand, the Iowa
 veterans home, and any other clinical partner designated for
 the program.  Population figures used in this paragraph refer
 to the most recent certified federal census.  The clinical
 partners shall provide supervision, clinical experience,
 training, and other support for the program and physician
 assistant students participating in the program.
    b.  Elderly, youth, and general population clinical
    c.  A fellowship of twelve months for three physician
 assistant students, annually.
    d.  Supervision of students participating in the program
 provided by the university and the other clinical partners
 participating in the program.
    e.  A student participating in the program shall be eligible
 for a stipend of not more than fifty thousand dollars for the
 twelve months of the fellowship plus related fringe benefits.
 In addition, a student who completes the program and practices
 in Iowa in a mental health professional shortage area, as
 defined in section 135.180, shall be eligible for up to twenty
 thousand dollars in loan forgiveness. The stipend and loan
 forgiveness provisions shall be determined by the department
 and the college student aid commission, in consultation with
 the clinical partners.
    f.  The state and private entity clinical partners shall
 regularly evaluate and document their experiences with the
 approaches utilized and outcomes achieved by the program
 to identify an optimal model for operating the program.
 The evaluation process shall include but is not limited
 to identifying ways the program's clinical and training
 components could be modified to facilitate other student and
 practicing physician assistants specializing as mental health
    3.  This section is repealed June 30, 2016.
    Sec. 215.  NEW SECTION.  135.178  Nurse residency state
 matching grants program ==== repeal.
    1.  The department shall establish a nurse residency state
 matching grants program to provide matching state funding
 to sponsors of nurse residency programs in this state to
 establish, expand, or support nurse residency programs that
 meet standards adopted by rule of the department.  Funding for
 the program may be provided through the health care workforce
 shortage fund or the nurse residency state matching grants
 program account created in section 135.175.  The department,
 in cooperation with the Iowa board of nursing, the department
 of education, Iowa institutions of higher education with board
 of nursing=approved programs to educate nurses, and the Iowa
 nurses association, shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A
 to establish minimum standards for nurse residency programs
 to be eligible for a matching grant that address all of the
    a.  Eligibility requirements for and qualifications of
 a sponsor of a nurse residency program to receive a grant,
 including that the program includes both rural and urban
    b.  The application process for the grant.
    c.  Criteria for preference in awarding of the grants.
    d.  Determination of the amount of a grant.
    e.  Use of the funds awarded.  Funds may be used to pay
 the costs of establishing, expanding, or supporting a nurse
 residency program as specified in this section, including but
 not limited to the costs associated with residency stipends and
 nursing faculty stipends.
    2.  This section is repealed June 30, 2016.
    Sec. 216.  NEW SECTION.  261.128  Health care professional
 incentive payment program ==== repeal.
    1.  The commission shall establish a health care
 professional incentive payment program to recruit and retain
 health care professionals in this state.  Funding for the
 program may be provided through the health care workforce
 shortage fund or the health care professional and Iowa needs
 nurses now initiative account created in section 135.175.
    2.  The commission shall administer the incentive payment
 program with the assistance of Des Moines university ====
 osteopathic medical center.
    3.  The commission, with the assistance of Des Moines
 university ==== osteopathic medical center, shall adopt rules
 pursuant to chapter 17A relating to the establishment and
 administration of the health care professional incentive
 payment program.  The rules adopted shall address all of the
    a.  Eligibility and qualification requirements for a
 health care professional, a community, and a health care
 employer to participate in the incentive payment program.  Any
 community in the state and all health care specialties shall be
 considered for participation.  However, health care employers
 located in and communities that are designated as medically
 underserved areas or populations or that are designated as
 health professional shortage areas by the health resources
 and services administration of the United States department
 of health and human services shall have first priority in the
 awarding of incentive payments.
    (1)  To be eligible, a health care professional at a minimum
 must not have any unserved obligations to a federal, state, or
 local government or other entity that would prevent compliance
 with obligations under the agreement for the incentive payment;
 must have a current and unrestricted license to practice the
 professional's respective profession; and must be able to begin
 full=time clinical practice upon signing an agreement for an
 incentive payment.
    (2)  To be eligible, a community must provide a clinical
 setting for full=time practice of a health care professional
 and must provide a fifty thousand dollar matching contribution
 for a physician and a fifteen thousand dollar matching
 contribution for any other health care professional to receive
 an equal amount of state matching funds.
    (3)  To be eligible, a health care employer must provide
 a clinical setting for a full=time practice of a health care
 professional and must provide a fifty thousand dollar matching
 contribution for a physician and a fifteen thousand dollar
 matching contribution for any other health care professional to
 receive an equal amount of state matching funds.
    b.  The process for awarding incentive payments.  The
 commission shall receive recommendations from the department
 of public health regarding selection of incentive payment
 recipients.  The process shall require each recipient to
 enter into an agreement with the commission that specifies
 the obligations of the recipient and the commission prior to
 receiving the incentive payment.
    c.  Public awareness regarding the program including
 notification of potential health care professionals,
 communities, and health care employers about the program and
 dissemination of applications to appropriate entities.
    d.  Measures regarding all of the following:
    (1)  The amount of the incentive payment and the specifics
 of obligated service for an incentive payment recipient.  An
 incentive payment recipient shall agree to provide service in
 full=time clinical practice for a minimum of four consecutive
 years.  If an incentive payment recipient is sponsored by a
 community or health care employer, the obligated service shall
 be provided in the sponsoring community or health care employer
 location.  An incentive payment recipient sponsored by a health
 care employer shall agree to provide health care services as
 specified in an employment agreement with the sponsoring health
 care employer.
    (2)  Determination of the conditions of the incentive
 payment applicable to an incentive payment recipient.  At
 the time of approval for participation in the program, an
 incentive payment recipient shall be required to submit proof
 of indebtedness incurred as the result of obtaining loans to
 pay for educational costs resulting in a degree in health
 sciences.  For the purposes of this subparagraph, "indebtedness"
 means debt incurred from obtaining a government or commercial
 loan for actual costs paid for tuition, reasonable education
 expenses, and reasonable living expenses related to the
 graduate, undergraduate, or associate education of a health
 care professional.
    (3)  Enforcement of the state's rights under an incentive
 payment agreement, including the commencement of any court
 action.  A recipient who fails to fulfill the requirements
 of the incentive payment agreement is subject to repayment
 of the incentive payment in an amount equal to the amount of
 the incentive payment.  A recipient who fails to meet the
 requirements of the incentive payment agreement may also be
 subject to repayment of moneys advanced by a community or
 health care employer as provided in any agreement with the
 community or employer.
    (4)  A process for monitoring compliance with eligibility
 requirements, obligated service provisions, and use of funds by
 recipients to verify eligibility of recipients and to ensure
 that state, federal, and other matching funds are used in
 accordance with program requirements.
    (5)  The use of the funds received.  Any portion of the
 incentive payment that is attributable to federal funds shall
 be used as required by the federal entity providing the funds.
 Any portion of the incentive payment that is attributable
 to state funds shall first be used toward payment of any
 outstanding loan indebtedness of the recipient.  The remaining
 portion of the incentive payment shall be used as specified in
 the incentive payment agreement.
    4.  A recipient is responsible for reporting on federal
 income tax forms any amount received through the program,
 to the extent required by federal law.  Incentive payments
 received through the program by a recipient in compliance with
 the requirements of the incentive payment program are exempt
 from state income taxation.
    5.  This section is repealed June 30, 2016.
    Sec. 217.  NEW SECTION.  261.129  Iowa needs nurses now
 initiative ==== repeal.
    1.  Nurse educator incentive payment program.
    a.  The commission shall establish a nurse educator
 incentive payment program.  Funding for the program may be
 provided through the health care workforce shortage fund or the
 health care professional and Iowa needs nurses now initiative
 account created in section 135.175.  For the purposes of this
 subsection, "nurse educator" means a registered nurse who holds
 a master's degree or doctorate degree and is employed as a
 faculty member who teaches nursing in a nursing education
 program as provided in 655 IAC 2.6 at a community college, an
 accredited private institution, or an institution of higher
 education governed by the state board of regents.
    b.  The program shall consist of incentive payments to
 recruit and retain nurse educators.  The program shall provide
 for incentive payments of up to twenty thousand dollars for a
 nurse educator who remains teaching in a qualifying teaching
 position for a period of not less than four consecutive
 academic years.
    c.  The nurse educator and the commission shall enter into an
 agreement specifying the obligations of the nurse educator and
 the commission.  If the nurse educator leaves the qualifying
 teaching position prior to teaching for four consecutive
 academic years, the nurse educator shall be liable to repay
 the incentive payment amount to the state, plus interest as
 specified by rule.  However, if the nurse educator leaves
 the qualifying teaching position involuntarily, the nurse
 educator shall be liable to repay only a pro rata amount of the
 incentive payment based on incompleted years of service.
    d.  The commission, in consultation with the department
 of public health, the board of nursing, the department of
 education, and the Iowa nurses association, shall adopt rules
 pursuant to chapter 17A relating to the establishment and
 administration of the nurse educator incentive payment program.
 The rules shall include provisions specifying what constitutes
 a qualifying teaching position.
    2.  Nursing faculty fellowship program.
    a.  The commission shall establish a nursing faculty
 fellowship program to provide funds to nursing schools in the
 state, including but not limited to nursing schools located at
 community colleges, for fellowships for individuals employed
 in qualifying positions on the nursing faculty.  Funding for
 the program may be provided through the health care workforce
 shortage fund or the health care professional and the Iowa
 needs nurses now initiative account created in section 135.175.
 The program shall be designed to assist nursing schools in
 filling vacancies in qualifying positions throughout the state.
    b.  The commission, in consultation with the department
 of public health, the board of nursing, the department of
 education, and the Iowa nurses association, and in cooperation
 with nursing schools throughout the state, shall develop a
 distribution formula which shall provide that no more than
 thirty percent of the available moneys are awarded to a single
 nursing school. Additionally, the program shall limit funding
 for a qualifying position in a nursing school to no more than
 ten thousand dollars per year for up to three years.
    c.  The commission, in consultation with the department
 of public health, the board of nursing, the department of
 education, and the Iowa nurses association, shall adopt
 rules pursuant to chapter 17A to administer the program.  The
 rules shall include provisions specifying what constitutes a
 qualifying position at a nursing school.
    d.  In determining eligibility for a fellowship, the
 commission shall consider all of the following:
    (1)  The length of time a qualifying position has gone
 unfilled at a nursing school.
    (2)  Documented recruiting efforts by a nursing school.
    (3)  The geographic location of a nursing school.
    (4)  The type of nursing program offered at the nursing
 school, including associate, bachelor's, master's, or doctoral
 degrees in nursing, and the need for the specific nursing
 program in the state.
    3.  Nurse educator scholarship program.
    a.  The commission shall establish a nurse educator
 scholarship program.  Funding for the program may be provided
 through the health care workforce shortage fund or the health
 care professional and the Iowa needs nurses now initiative
 account created in section 135.175.  The goal of the nurse
 educator scholarship program is to address the waiting list of
 qualified applicants to Iowa's nursing schools by providing
 incentives for the training of additional nursing educators.
 For the purposes of this subsection, "nurse educator" means
 a registered nurse who holds a master's degree or doctorate
 degree and is employed as a faculty member who teaches nursing
 in a nursing education program as provided in 655 IAC 2.6 at
 a community college, an accredited private institution, or an
 institution of higher education governed by the state board of
    b.  The program shall consist of scholarships to further
 advance the education of nurses to become nurse educators.  The
 program shall provide for scholarship payments in an amount
 established by rule for students who are preparing to teach in
 qualifying teaching positions.
    c.  The commission, in consultation with the department
 of public health, the board of nursing, the department of
 education, and the Iowa nurses association, shall adopt rules
 pursuant to chapter 17A relating to the establishment and
 administration of the nurse educator scholarship program.  The
 rules shall include provisions specifying what constitutes a
 qualifying teaching position and the amount of any scholarship.
    4.  Nurse educator scholarship=in=exchange=for=service
    a.  The commission shall establish a nurse educator
 scholarship=in=exchange=for=service program. Funding for the
 program may be provided through the health care workforce
 shortage fund or the health care professional and Iowa needs
 nurses now initiative account created in section 135.175. The
 goal of the nurse educator scholarship=in=exchange=for=service
 program is to address the waiting list of qualified applicants
 to Iowa's nursing schools by providing incentives for the
 education of additional nursing educators. For the purposes
 of this subsection, "nurse educator" means a registered nurse
 who holds a master's degree or doctorate degree and is employed
 as a faculty member who teaches nursing in a nursing education
 program as provided in 655 IAC 2.6 at a community college, an
 accredited private institution, or an institution of higher
 education governed by the state board of regents.
    b.  The program shall consist of scholarships to further
 advance the education of nurses to become nurse educators. The
 program shall provide for scholarship=in=exchange=for=service
 payments in an amount established by rule for students who
 are preparing to teach in qualifying teaching positions for a
 period of not less than four consecutive academic years.
    c.  The scholarship=in=exchange=for=service recipient
 and the commission shall enter into an agreement specifying
 the obligations of the applicant and the commission.
 If the nurse educator leaves the qualifying teaching
 position prior to teaching for four consecutive academic
 years, the nurse educator shall be liable to repay the
 scholarship=in=exchange=for=service amount to the state plus
 interest as specified by rule. However, if the nurse educator
 leaves the qualified teaching position involuntarily, the nurse
 educator shall be liable to repay only a pro rata amount of the
 scholarship based on incomplete years of service.
    d.  The receipt of a nurse educator
 scholarship=in=exchange=for=service shall not impact
 eligibility of an individual for other financial incentives
 including but not limited to loan forgiveness programs.
    e.  The commission, in consultation with the department
 of public health, the board of nursing, the department
 of education, and the Iowa nurses association, shall
 adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A relating to the
 establishment and administration of the nurse educator
 scholarship=in=exchange=for=service program. The rules
 shall include the provisions specifying what constitutes
 a qualifying teaching position and the amount of any
    5.  Repeal.  This section is repealed June 30, 2016.
    Sec. 218.  EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT.  This division of this
 Act, being deemed of immediate importance, takes effect upon
    Sec. 219.  RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY.  This division of this
 Act applies retroactively to June 30, 2014.
                          DIVISION III
    Sec. 220.  Section 135.175, subsection 1, paragraph a, as
 enacted in this Act, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  A health care workforce support initiative is established
 to provide for the coordination and support of various efforts
 to address the health care workforce shortage in this state.
 This initiative shall include the medical residency training
 state matching grants program created in section 135.176,
 the nurse residency state matching grants program created
 in section 135.178, the fulfilling Iowa's need for dentists
 matching grant program created in section 135.179, the health
 care professional incentive payment program and Iowa needs
 nurses now initiative created in sections 261.128 and 261.129,
 the safety net provider recruitment and retention initiatives
 program created in section 135.153A, and health care workforce
 shortage national initiatives, and the physician assistant
 mental health fellowship program created in section 135.177.
    Sec. 221.  Section 135.175, subsection 5, paragraphs b, c, e,
 f, and g, as enacted in this Act, are amended by striking the
    Sec. 222.  Section 135.175, subsection 6, paragraphs a and c,
 as enacted in this Act, are amended to read as follows:
    a.  Moneys in the fund and the accounts in the fund
 shall only be appropriated in a manner consistent with the
 principles specified and the strategic plan developed pursuant
 to sections 135.163 and 135.164 to support the medical
 residency training state matching grants program, the nurse
 residency state matching grants program, the fulfilling Iowa's
 need for dentists matching grant program, the health care
 professional incentive payment program, the Iowa needs nurses
 now initiative, the safety net recruitment and retention
 initiatives program, for national health care workforce
 shortage initiatives, for the physician assistant mental health
 fellowship program, for the purposes of the Iowa needs nurses
 now infrastructure account, and to provide funding for state
 health care workforce shortage programs as provided in this
    c.  State appropriations to the fund shall be allocated in
 equal amounts to each of the accounts within the fund, unless
 otherwise specified in the appropriation or allocation.  Any
 federal funding received for the purposes of addressing state
 health care workforce shortages shall be deposited in the
 health care workforce shortage national initiatives account,
 unless otherwise specified by the source of the funds, and
 shall be used as required by the source of the funds.  If
 use of the federal funding is not designated, twenty=five
 percent of such funding shall be deposited in the safety net
 provider network workforce shortage account to be used for the
 purposes of the account and the remainder of the funds shall
 be used in accordance with the strategic plan developed by the
 department of public health in accordance with sections 135.163
 and 135.164, or to address workforce shortages as otherwise
 designated by the department of public health.  Other sources
 of funding shall be deposited in the fund or account and used
 as specified by the source of the funding.
    Sec. 223.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This division of this Act takes
 effect July 1, 2016.
                           DIVISION IV
                      CORRESPONDING CHANGES
    Sec. 224.  Section 249A.3, subsection 11, paragraph b, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    b.  The department shall exercise the option provided in
 42 U.S.C. {1396p(c) to provide a period of ineligibility
 for medical assistance due to a transfer of assets by
 a noninstitutionalized individual or the spouse of a
 noninstitutionalized individual. For noninstitutionalized
 individuals, the number of months of ineligibility shall be
 equal to the total, cumulative uncompensated value of all
 assets transferred by the individual or the individual's
 spouse on or after the look=back date specified in 42
 U.S.C. {1396p(c)(1)(B)(i), divided by the average monthly
 cost to a private patient for nursing facility services in
 Iowa at the time of application. The services for which
 noninstitutionalized individuals shall be made ineligible
 shall include any long=term care services for which medical
 assistance is otherwise available. Notwithstanding section
 17A.4, the department may adopt rules providing a period of
 ineligibility for medical assistance due to a transfer of
 assets by a noninstitutionalized individual or the spouse of a
 noninstitutionalized individual without notice of opportunity
 for public comment, to be effective immediately upon filing
 under section 17A.5, subsection 2, paragraph "b", subparagraph
 (1), subparagraph division (a).
    Sec. 225.  Section 519A.4, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  The association shall submit a plan of operation to
 the commissioner, together with any amendments necessary
 or suitable to assure the fair, reasonable, and equitable
 administration of the association consistent with sections
 519A.2 to 519A.13. The plan of operation and any amendments
 thereto shall become effective only after promulgation of
 the plan or amendment by the commissioner as a rule pursuant
 to section 17A.4:  Provided that the initial plan may in the
 discretion of the commissioner become effective immediately
 upon filing with the secretary of state pursuant to section
 17A.5, subsection 2, paragraph "b", subparagraph (1),
 subparagraph division (a).

                               KRAIG PAULSEN
                               Speaker of the House

                               PAM JOCHUM
                               President of the Senate
    I hereby certify that this bill originated in the House and
 is known as House File 536, Eighty=sixth General Assembly.

                               CARMINE BOAL
                               Chief Clerk of the House
 Approved                , 2015

                               TERRY E. BRANSTAD
