Senate File 418 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  CHELGREN

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to carrying weapons in or on the grounds of a
  2    school or courthouse by employees, and the payment of fees.
    TLSB 2244XS (2) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 724.4B, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
  1  2 amended by adding the following new paragraph:
  1  3    NEW PARAGRAPH.  c.  (1)  An employee of a school who has
  1  4 a valid permit to carry weapons issued pursuant to section
  1  5 724.11, if the employee is in or on the grounds of the school
  1  6 where employed.
  1  7    (2)  If an employee of a school obtains a permit to carry
  1  8 weapons pursuant to section 724.11, the school shall reimburse
  1  9 the school employee the full cost of obtaining or renewing the
  1 10 permit.
  1 11    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  724.4D  County courthouse == valid
  1 12 permit to carry weapons.
  1 13    1.  An employee, whose physical place of employment is
  1 14 located within a county courthouse, may go armed with, carry,
  1 15 or transport a firearm of any kind, whether concealed or not,
  1 16 in or on the grounds of the county courthouse where employed,
  1 17 if the person has a valid permit to carry weapons issued
  1 18 pursuant to section 724.11.
  1 19    2.  If an employee described in subsection 1 obtains a
  1 20 valid permit to carry weapons pursuant to section 724.11, the
  1 21 employee's employer shall reimburse the employee the full cost
  1 22 of obtaining or renewing the permit.
  1 23    Sec. 3.  IMPLEMENTATION OF ACT.  Section 25B.2, subsection
  1 24 3, shall not apply to this Act.
  1 25                           EXPLANATION
  1 26 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 27 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 28    This bill relates to carrying weapons in or on the grounds of
  1 29 a school or a courthouse by an employee.
  1 30    The bill allows an employee of a school to go armed with, to
  1 31 carry, or to transport a firearm of any kind, whether concealed
  1 32 or not, in or on the grounds of a school where employed, if the
  1 33 employee has a valid permit to carry weapons issued pursuant
  1 34 to Code section 724.11.  The bill requires the school to
  1 35 reimburse the school employee the full cost of obtaining or
  2  1 renewing the permit to carry weapons.
  2  2    The bill allows an employee whose physical place of
  2  3 employment is located within a county courthouse, to go armed
  2  4 with, to carry, or to transport a firearm of any kind, whether
  2  5 concealed or not, in or on the grounds of the courthouse where
  2  6 employed, if the employee has a valid permit to carry weapons
  2  7 issued pursuant to Code section 724.11.  The bill requires the
  2  8 employee's employer to reimburse the employee the full cost of
  2  9 obtaining or renewing the permit to carry weapons.
  2 10    The bill may include a state mandate as defined in Code
  2 11 section 25B.3. The bill makes inapplicable Code section 25B.2,
  2 12 subsection 3, which would relieve a political subdivision from
  2 13 complying with a state mandate if funding for the cost of
  2 14 the state mandate is not provided or specified.  Therefore,
  2 15 political subdivisions are required to comply with any state
  2 16 mandate included in the bill.
       LSB 2244XS (2) 86