House File 383 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  WINDSCHITL

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to establishing a statewide database for stolen
  2    firearms.
    TLSB 1958YH (3) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  80.45  Statewide database for stolen
  1  2 firearms.
  1  3    1.  As used in this section, "relevant information" means
  1  4 the make, model, and serial number of a firearm, and the name
  1  5 and contact information of the law enforcement agency reporting
  1  6 a stolen firearm.
  1  7    2.  The department shall create and maintain a statewide
  1  8 database in order for the public to access relevant information
  1  9 about a stolen firearm.  The statewide database shall be
  1 10 accessed by the public through an internet site maintained by
  1 11 the department.
  1 12    3.  If a report about a stolen firearm has been filed with
  1 13 a law enforcement agency, the law enforcement agency may
  1 14 report the relevant information relating to the firearm to the
  1 15 department for input into the statewide database.
  1 16    4.  The following shall be displayed on the internet site:
  1 17    a.  An internet search portal where a member of the public
  1 18 may input the serial number of a firearm.
  1 19    b.  A statement that warns a person not to take individual
  1 20 action based upon the information in the database and that the
  1 21 information is not a confirmation or probable cause that the
  1 22 firearm is stolen.
  1 23    c.  A statement that the site contains records from law
  1 24 enforcement agencies that have been selected for public access
  1 25 by the law enforcement agencies. Other records may exist that
  1 26 have not been selected for public access.
  1 27    d.  A statement indicating that the site is not intended to
  1 28 be a place to report a stolen firearm.
  1 29    e.  A statement that the relevant information may not be
  1 30 current, active, or complete, and that the person conducting
  1 31 the search should contact the person's local law enforcement
  1 32 agency or the reporting law enforcement agency for more
  1 33 information.
  1 34    5.  The department shall update the relevant information in
  1 35 the statewide database on a regular basis.
  2  1                           EXPLANATION
  2  2 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2  3 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2  4    This bill relates to establishing a statewide database for
  2  5 stolen firearms.
  2  6    The bill requires the department of public safety to create
  2  7 and maintain a statewide database in order for the public
  2  8 to access relevant information about a stolen firearm.  The
  2  9 bill defines "relevant information" to mean the make, model,
  2 10 and serial number of a firearm, and the name and contact
  2 11 information for the law enforcement agency reporting the stolen
  2 12 firearm.  The bill specifies that the statewide database shall
  2 13 be accessed by the public through an internet site maintained
  2 14 by the department.
  2 15    Under the bill, if a report about a stolen firearm has been
  2 16 filed with a law enforcement agency, the law enforcement agency
  2 17 may report the relevant information relating to the firearm to
  2 18 the department of public safety for input into the statewide
  2 19 database.
  2 20    The bill requires the internet site to display the
  2 21 following: an internet search portal where a member of the
  2 22 public may input the serial number of a firearm; a statement
  2 23 that warns a person not to take individual action based
  2 24 upon the information in the database; a statement that other
  2 25 information about the firearm may exist that has not been
  2 26 selected for public access; a statement indicating the site
  2 27 is not intended to be a place to report a stolen firearm; and
  2 28 a statement that the relevant information may not be current
  2 29 or complete and that the person should contact local law
  2 30 enforcement for more information.
  2 31    The bill requires the department of public safety to update
  2 32 the relevant information in the statewide database on a regular
  2 33 basis.
       LSB 1958YH (3) 86