SR0352LRB098 12357 RLC 46676 r
2 WHEREAS, In 2012 the City of Chicago experienced over 500
3homicides, 87% of which were gun related; and
4 WHEREAS, Recent news articles have highlighted that many of
5those prosecuted for firearms offenses in the City of Chicago
6and Cook County are receiving minimal or inconsistent
7punishment under Illinois law; and
8 WHEREAS, Under federal law a convicted felon in possession
9of a firearm or ammunition is eligible for a sentence of up to
1010 years in federal prison; and
11 WHEREAS, Increasing the number of federal prosecutions for
12firearms offenses will help keep violent and repeat offenders
13off the street longer; and
14 WHEREAS, Increasing the number of federal prosecutions for
15firearms offenses will free up local criminal justice resources
16for other criminal prosecutions; and
17 WHEREAS, Increasing the number of federal prosecutions for
18firearms offenses is an effective way to fight violence in the
19community; therefore, be it

SR0352- 2 -LRB098 12357 RLC 46676 r
2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that a comprehensive State
3and federal approach is necessary to curb firearms violence and
4ensure that our communities are safe from increasing gang
5violence; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That we urge the President of the United States,
7the Attorney General of the United States, the Mayor of
8Chicago, the Chicago Police Superintendent, the Cook County
9Sheriff, and the Cook County State's Attorney to work together
10so that all firearms offenses that are eligible for federal
11prosecution be referred to the federal government for
12prosecution under existing federal law.