Sen. Ram Villivalam

Filed: 4/16/2021

10200SB0916sam001LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 916 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Illinois Public Labor Relations Act is
5amended by changing Sections 9 and 10 as follows:
6 (5 ILCS 315/9) (from Ch. 48, par. 1609)
7 Sec. 9. Elections; recognition.
8 (a) Whenever in accordance with such regulations as may be
9prescribed by the Board a petition has been filed:
10 (1) by a public employee or group of public employees
11 or any labor organization acting in their behalf
12 demonstrating that 30% of the public employees in an
13 appropriate unit (A) wish to be represented for the
14 purposes of collective bargaining by a labor organization
15 as exclusive representative, or (B) asserting that the
16 labor organization which has been certified or is

10200SB0916sam001- 2 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 currently recognized by the public employer as bargaining
2 representative is no longer the representative of the
3 majority of public employees in the unit; or
4 (2) by a public employer alleging that one or more
5 labor organizations have presented to it a claim that they
6 be recognized as the representative of a majority of the
7 public employees in an appropriate unit, the Board shall
8 investigate such petition, and if it has reasonable cause
9 to believe that a question of representation exists, shall
10 provide for an appropriate hearing upon due notice. Such
11 hearing shall be held at the offices of the Board or such
12 other location as the Board deems appropriate. If it finds
13 upon the record of the hearing that a question of
14 representation exists, it shall direct an election in
15 accordance with subsection (d) of this Section, which
16 election shall be held not later than 120 days after the
17 date the petition was filed regardless of whether that
18 petition was filed before or after the effective date of
19 this amendatory Act of 1987; provided, however, the Board
20 may extend the time for holding an election by an
21 additional 60 days if, upon motion by a person who has
22 filed a petition under this Section or is the subject of a
23 petition filed under this Section and is a party to such
24 hearing, or upon the Board's own motion, the Board finds
25 that good cause has been shown for extending the election
26 date; provided further, that nothing in this Section shall

10200SB0916sam001- 3 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 prohibit the Board, in its discretion, from extending the
2 time for holding an election for so long as may be
3 necessary under the circumstances, where the purpose for
4 such extension is to permit resolution by the Board of an
5 unfair labor practice charge filed by one of the parties
6 to a representational proceeding against the other based
7 upon conduct which may either affect the existence of a
8 question concerning representation or have a tendency to
9 interfere with a fair and free election, where the party
10 filing the charge has not filed a request to proceed with
11 the election; and provided further that prior to the
12 expiration of the total time allotted for holding an
13 election, a person who has filed a petition under this
14 Section or is the subject of a petition filed under this
15 Section and is a party to such hearing or the Board, may
16 move for and obtain the entry of an order in the circuit
17 court of the county in which the majority of the public
18 employees sought to be represented by such person reside,
19 such order extending the date upon which the election
20 shall be held. Such order shall be issued by the circuit
21 court only upon a judicial finding that there has been a
22 sufficient showing that there is good cause to extend the
23 election date beyond such period and shall require the
24 Board to hold the election as soon as is feasible given the
25 totality of the circumstances. Such 120 day period may be
26 extended one or more times by the agreement of all parties

10200SB0916sam001- 4 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 to the hearing to a date certain without the necessity of
2 obtaining a court order. The showing of interest in
3 support of a petition filed under paragraph (1) of this
4 subsection (a) may be evidenced by electronic
5 communications, and such writing or communication may be
6 evidenced by the electronic signature of the employee as
7 provided under Section 5-120 of the Electronic Commerce
8 Security Act. The showing of interest shall be valid only
9 if signed within 12 months prior to the filing of the
10 petition. Nothing in this Section prohibits the waiving of
11 hearings by stipulation for the purpose of a consent
12 election in conformity with the rules and regulations of
13 the Board or an election in a unit agreed upon by the
14 parties. Other interested employee organizations may
15 intervene in the proceedings in the manner and within the
16 time period specified by rules and regulations of the
17 Board. Interested parties who are necessary to the
18 proceedings may also intervene in the proceedings in the
19 manner and within the time period specified by the rules
20 and regulations of the Board.
21 (a-5) The Board shall designate an exclusive
22representative for purposes of collective bargaining when the
23representative demonstrates a showing of majority interest by
24employees in the unit. If the parties to a dispute are without
25agreement on the means to ascertain the choice, if any, of
26employee organization as their representative, the Board shall

10200SB0916sam001- 5 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1ascertain the employees' choice of employee organization, on
2the basis of dues deduction authorization or other evidence,
3or, if necessary, by conducting an election. The showing of
4interest in support of a petition filed under this subsection
5(a-5) may be evidenced by electronic communications, and such
6writing or communication may be evidenced by the electronic
7signature of the employee as provided under Section 5-120 of
8the Electronic Commerce Security Act. The showing of interest
9shall be valid only if signed within 12 months prior to the
10filing of the petition. All evidence submitted by an employee
11organization to the Board to ascertain an employee's choice of
12an employee organization is confidential and shall not be
13submitted to the employer for review. The Board shall
14ascertain the employee's choice of employee organization
15within 120 days after the filing of the majority interest
16petition; however, the Board may extend time by an additional
1760 days, upon its own motion or upon the motion of a party to
18the proceeding. If either party provides to the Board, before
19the designation of a representative, clear and convincing
20evidence that the dues deduction authorizations, and other
21evidence upon which the Board would otherwise rely to
22ascertain the employees' choice of representative, are
23fraudulent or were obtained through coercion, the Board shall
24promptly thereafter conduct an election. The Board shall also
25investigate and consider a party's allegations that the dues
26deduction authorizations and other evidence submitted in

10200SB0916sam001- 6 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1support of a designation of representative without an election
2were subsequently changed, altered, withdrawn, or withheld as
3a result of employer fraud, coercion, or any other unfair
4labor practice by the employer. If the Board determines that a
5labor organization would have had a majority interest but for
6an employer's fraud, coercion, or unfair labor practice, it
7shall designate the labor organization as an exclusive
8representative without conducting an election. If a hearing is
9necessary to resolve any issues of representation under this
10Section, the Board shall conclude its hearing process and
11issue a certification of the entire appropriate unit not later
12than 120 days after the date the petition was filed. The
13120-day period may be extended one or more times by the
14agreement of all parties to a hearing to a date certain.
15 (a-6) A labor organization or an employer may file a unit
16clarification petition seeking to clarify an existing
17bargaining unit. The Board shall conclude its investigation,
18including any hearing process deemed necessary, and issue a
19certification of clarified unit or dismiss the petition not
20later than 120 days after the date the petition was filed. The
21120-day period may be extended one or more times by the
22agreement of all parties to a hearing to a date certain.
23 (b) The Board shall decide in each case, in order to assure
24public employees the fullest freedom in exercising the rights
25guaranteed by this Act, a unit appropriate for the purpose of
26collective bargaining, based upon but not limited to such

10200SB0916sam001- 7 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1factors as: historical pattern of recognition; community of
2interest including employee skills and functions; degree of
3functional integration; interchangeability and contact among
4employees; fragmentation of employee groups; common
5supervision, wages, hours and other working conditions of the
6employees involved; and the desires of the employees. For
7purposes of this subsection, fragmentation shall not be the
8sole or predominant factor used by the Board in determining an
9appropriate bargaining unit. Except with respect to non-State
10fire fighters and paramedics employed by fire departments and
11fire protection districts, non-State peace officers and peace
12officers in the State Department of State Police, a single
13bargaining unit determined by the Board may not include both
14supervisors and nonsupervisors, except for bargaining units in
15existence on the effective date of this Act. With respect to
16non-State fire fighters and paramedics employed by fire
17departments and fire protection districts, non-State peace
18officers and peace officers in the State Department of State
19Police, a single bargaining unit determined by the Board may
20not include both supervisors and nonsupervisors, except for
21bargaining units in existence on the effective date of this
22amendatory Act of 1985.
23 In cases involving an historical pattern of recognition,
24and in cases where the employer has recognized the union as the
25sole and exclusive bargaining agent for a specified existing
26unit, the Board shall find the employees in the unit then

10200SB0916sam001- 8 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1represented by the union pursuant to the recognition to be the
2appropriate unit.
3 Notwithstanding the above factors, where the majority of
4public employees of a craft so decide, the Board shall
5designate such craft as a unit appropriate for the purposes of
6collective bargaining.
7 The Board shall not decide that any unit is appropriate if
8such unit includes both professional and nonprofessional
9employees, unless a majority of each group votes for inclusion
10in such unit.
11 (c) Nothing in this Act shall interfere with or negate the
12current representation rights or patterns and practices of
13labor organizations which have historically represented public
14employees for the purpose of collective bargaining, including
15but not limited to the negotiations of wages, hours and
16working conditions, discussions of employees' grievances,
17resolution of jurisdictional disputes, or the establishment
18and maintenance of prevailing wage rates, unless a majority of
19employees so represented express a contrary desire pursuant to
20the procedures set forth in this Act.
21 (d) In instances where the employer does not voluntarily
22recognize a labor organization as the exclusive bargaining
23representative for a unit of employees, the Board shall
24determine the majority representative of the public employees
25in an appropriate collective bargaining unit by conducting a
26secret ballot election, except as otherwise provided in

10200SB0916sam001- 9 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1subsection (a-5). Such a secret ballot election may be
2conducted electronically, using an electronic voting system,
3in addition to paper ballot voting systems. Within 7 days
4after the Board issues its bargaining unit determination and
5direction of election or the execution of a stipulation for
6the purpose of a consent election, the public employer shall
7submit to the labor organization the complete names and
8addresses of those employees who are determined by the Board
9to be eligible to participate in the election. When the Board
10has determined that a labor organization has been fairly and
11freely chosen by a majority of employees in an appropriate
12unit, it shall certify such organization as the exclusive
13representative. If the Board determines that a majority of
14employees in an appropriate unit has fairly and freely chosen
15not to be represented by a labor organization, it shall so
16certify. The Board may also revoke the certification of the
17public employee organizations as exclusive bargaining
18representatives which have been found by a secret ballot
19election to be no longer the majority representative.
20 (e) The Board shall not conduct an election in any
21bargaining unit or any subdivision thereof within which a
22valid election has been held in the preceding 12-month period.
23The Board shall determine who is eligible to vote in an
24election and shall establish rules governing the conduct of
25the election or conduct affecting the results of the election.
26The Board shall include on a ballot in a representation

10200SB0916sam001- 10 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1election a choice of "no representation". A labor organization
2currently representing the bargaining unit of employees shall
3be placed on the ballot in any representation election. In any
4election where none of the choices on the ballot receives a
5majority, a runoff election shall be conducted between the 2
6choices receiving the largest number of valid votes cast in
7the election. A labor organization which receives a majority
8of the votes cast in an election shall be certified by the
9Board as exclusive representative of all public employees in
10the unit.
11 (f) A labor organization shall be designated as the
12exclusive representative by a public employer, provided that
13the labor organization represents a majority of the public
14employees in an appropriate unit. Any employee organization
15which is designated or selected by the majority of public
16employees, in a unit of the public employer having no other
17recognized or certified representative, as their
18representative for purposes of collective bargaining may
19request recognition by the public employer in writing. The
20public employer shall post such request for a period of at
21least 20 days following its receipt thereof on bulletin boards
22or other places used or reserved for employee notices.
23 (g) Within the 20-day period any other interested employee
24organization may petition the Board in the manner specified by
25rules and regulations of the Board, provided that such
26interested employee organization has been designated by at

10200SB0916sam001- 11 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1least 10% of the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit
2which includes all or some of the employees in the unit
3recognized by the employer. In such event, the Board shall
4proceed with the petition in the same manner as provided by
5paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this Section.
6 (h) No election shall be directed by the Board in any
7bargaining unit where there is in force a valid collective
8bargaining agreement. The Board, however, may process an
9election petition filed between 90 and 60 days prior to the
10expiration of the date of an agreement, and may further
11refine, by rule or decision, the implementation of this
12provision. Where more than 4 years have elapsed since the
13effective date of the agreement, the agreement shall continue
14to bar an election, except that the Board may process an
15election petition filed between 90 and 60 days prior to the end
16of the fifth year of such an agreement, and between 90 and 60
17days prior to the end of each successive year of such
19 (i) An order of the Board dismissing a representation
20petition, determining and certifying that a labor organization
21has been fairly and freely chosen by a majority of employees in
22an appropriate bargaining unit, determining and certifying
23that a labor organization has not been fairly and freely
24chosen by a majority of employees in the bargaining unit or
25certifying a labor organization as the exclusive
26representative of employees in an appropriate bargaining unit

10200SB0916sam001- 12 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1because of a determination by the Board that the labor
2organization is the historical bargaining representative of
3employees in the bargaining unit, is a final order. Any person
4aggrieved by any such order issued on or after the effective
5date of this amendatory Act of 1987 may apply for and obtain
6judicial review in accordance with provisions of the
7Administrative Review Law, as now or hereafter amended, except
8that such review shall be afforded directly in the Appellate
9Court for the district in which the aggrieved party resides or
10transacts business. Any direct appeal to the Appellate Court
11shall be filed within 35 days from the date that a copy of the
12decision sought to be reviewed was served upon the party
13affected by the decision.
14(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-813, eff. 10-30-09.)
15 (5 ILCS 315/10) (from Ch. 48, par. 1610)
16 Sec. 10. Unfair labor practices.
17 (a) It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer or
18its agents:
19 (1) to interfere with, restrain or coerce public
20 employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in this
21 Act or to dominate or interfere with the formation,
22 existence or administration of any labor organization or
23 contribute financial or other support to it; provided, an
24 employer shall not be prohibited from permitting employees
25 to confer with him during working hours without loss of

10200SB0916sam001- 13 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 time or pay;
2 (2) to discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of
3 employment or any term or condition of employment in order
4 to encourage or discourage membership in or other support
5 for any labor organization. Nothing in this Act or any
6 other law precludes a public employer from making an
7 agreement with a labor organization to require as a
8 condition of employment the payment of a fair share under
9 paragraph (e) of Section 6;
10 (3) to discharge or otherwise discriminate against a
11 public employee because he has signed or filed an
12 affidavit, petition or charge or provided any information
13 or testimony under this Act;
14 (4) to refuse to bargain collectively in good faith
15 with a labor organization which is the exclusive
16 representative of public employees in an appropriate unit,
17 including, but not limited to, the discussing of
18 grievances with the exclusive representative;
19 (5) to violate any of the rules and regulations
20 established by the Board with jurisdiction over them
21 relating to the conduct of representation elections or the
22 conduct affecting the representation elections;
23 (6) to expend or cause the expenditure of public funds
24 to any external agent, individual, firm, agency,
25 partnership or association in any attempt to influence the
26 outcome of representational elections held pursuant to

10200SB0916sam001- 14 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 Section 9 of this Act; provided, that nothing in this
2 subsection shall be construed to limit an employer's right
3 to internally communicate with its employees as provided
4 in subsection (c) of this Section, to be represented on
5 any matter pertaining to unit determinations, unfair labor
6 practice charges or pre-election conferences in any formal
7 or informal proceeding before the Board, or to seek or
8 obtain advice from legal counsel. Nothing in this
9 paragraph shall be construed to prohibit an employer from
10 expending or causing the expenditure of public funds on,
11 or seeking or obtaining services or advice from, any
12 organization, group, or association established by and
13 including public or educational employers, whether covered
14 by this Act, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act
15 or the public employment labor relations law of any other
16 state or the federal government, provided that such
17 services or advice are generally available to the
18 membership of the organization, group or association, and
19 are not offered solely in an attempt to influence the
20 outcome of a particular representational election;
21 (7) to refuse to reduce a collective bargaining
22 agreement to writing or to refuse to sign such agreement;
23 (8) to interfere with, restrain, coerce, deter, or
24 discourage public employees or applicants to be public
25 employees from: (i) becoming or remaining members of a
26 labor organization; (ii) authorizing representation by a

10200SB0916sam001- 15 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 labor organization; or (iii) authorizing dues or fee
2 deductions to a labor organization, nor shall the employer
3 intentionally permit outside third parties to use its
4 email or other communication systems to engage in that
5 conduct. An employer's good faith implementation of a
6 policy to block the use of its email or other
7 communication systems for such purposes shall be a defense
8 to an unfair labor practice; or
9 (9) to disclose to any person or entity information
10 set forth in subsection (c-5) of Section 6 of this Act that
11 the employer knows or should know will be used to
12 interfere with, restrain, coerce, deter, or discourage any
13 public employee from: (i) becoming or remaining members of
14 a labor organization, (ii) authorizing representation by a
15 labor organization, or (iii) authorizing dues or fee
16 deductions to a labor organization; or .
17 (10) to promise, threaten, or take any action: (i) to
18 permanently replace an employee who participates in a
19 strike as provided under Section 17; (ii) to discriminate
20 against an employee who is working or has unconditionally
21 offered to return to work for the employer because the
22 employee supported or participated in such a strike; or
23 (iii) to lockout, suspend, or otherwise withhold
24 employment from employees in order to influence the
25 position of such employees or the representative of such
26 employees in collective bargaining prior to a strike.

10200SB0916sam001- 16 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 (b) It shall be an unfair labor practice for a labor
2organization or its agents:
3 (1) to restrain or coerce public employees in the
4 exercise of the rights guaranteed in this Act, provided,
5 (i) that this paragraph shall not impair the right of a
6 labor organization to prescribe its own rules with respect
7 to the acquisition or retention of membership therein or
8 the determination of fair share payments and (ii) that a
9 labor organization or its agents shall commit an unfair
10 labor practice under this paragraph in duty of fair
11 representation cases only by intentional misconduct in
12 representing employees under this Act;
13 (2) to restrain or coerce a public employer in the
14 selection of his representatives for the purposes of
15 collective bargaining or the settlement of grievances; or
16 (3) to cause, or attempt to cause, an employer to
17 discriminate against an employee in violation of
18 subsection (a)(2);
19 (4) to refuse to bargain collectively in good faith
20 with a public employer, if it has been designated in
21 accordance with the provisions of this Act as the
22 exclusive representative of public employees in an
23 appropriate unit;
24 (5) to violate any of the rules and regulations
25 established by the boards with jurisdiction over them
26 relating to the conduct of representation elections or the

10200SB0916sam001- 17 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 conduct affecting the representation elections;
2 (6) to discriminate against any employee because he
3 has signed or filed an affidavit, petition or charge or
4 provided any information or testimony under this Act;
5 (7) to picket or cause to be picketed, or threaten to
6 picket or cause to be picketed, any public employer where
7 an object thereof is forcing or requiring an employer to
8 recognize or bargain with a labor organization of the
9 representative of its employees, or forcing or requiring
10 the employees of an employer to accept or select such
11 labor organization as their collective bargaining
12 representative, unless such labor organization is
13 currently certified as the representative of such
14 employees:
15 (A) where the employer has lawfully recognized in
16 accordance with this Act any labor organization and a
17 question concerning representation may not
18 appropriately be raised under Section 9 of this Act;
19 (B) where within the preceding 12 months a valid
20 election under Section 9 of this Act has been
21 conducted; or
22 (C) where such picketing has been conducted
23 without a petition under Section 9 being filed within
24 a reasonable period of time not to exceed 30 days from
25 the commencement of such picketing; provided that when
26 such a petition has been filed the Board shall

10200SB0916sam001- 18 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 forthwith, without regard to the provisions of
2 subsection (a) of Section 9 or the absence of a showing
3 of a substantial interest on the part of the labor
4 organization, direct an election in such unit as the
5 Board finds to be appropriate and shall certify the
6 results thereof; provided further, that nothing in
7 this subparagraph shall be construed to prohibit any
8 picketing or other publicity for the purpose of
9 truthfully advising the public that an employer does
10 not employ members of, or have a contract with, a labor
11 organization unless an effect of such picketing is to
12 induce any individual employed by any other person in
13 the course of his employment, not to pick up, deliver,
14 or transport any goods or not to perform any services;
15 or
16 (8) to refuse to reduce a collective bargaining
17 agreement to writing or to refuse to sign such agreement.
18 (c) The expressing of any views, argument, or opinion or
19the dissemination thereof, whether in written, printed,
20graphic, or visual form, shall not constitute or be evidence
21of an unfair labor practice under any of the provisions of this
22Act, if such expression contains no threat of reprisal or
23force or promise of benefit.
24 (d) The employer shall not discourage public employees or
25applicants to be public employees from becoming or remaining
26union members or authorizing dues deductions, and shall not

10200SB0916sam001- 19 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1otherwise interfere with the relationship between employees
2and their exclusive bargaining representative. The employer
3shall refer all inquiries about union membership to the
4exclusive bargaining representative, except that the employer
5may communicate with employees regarding payroll processes and
6procedures. The employer will establish email policies in an
7effort to prohibit the use of its email system by outside
9(Source: P.A. 101-620, eff. 12-20-19.)
10 Section 10. The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act
11is amended by changing Sections 7, 8, 13, and 14 as follows:
12 (115 ILCS 5/7) (from Ch. 48, par. 1707)
13 Sec. 7. Recognition of exclusive bargaining
14representatives - unit determination. The Board is empowered
15to administer the recognition of bargaining representatives of
16employees of public school districts, including employees of
17districts which have entered into joint agreements, or
18employees of public community college districts, or any State
19college or university, and any State agency whose major
20function is providing educational services, making certain
21that each bargaining unit contains employees with an
22identifiable community of interest and that no unit includes
23both professional employees and nonprofessional employees
24unless a majority of employees in each group vote for

10200SB0916sam001- 20 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1inclusion in the unit.
2 (a) In determining the appropriateness of a unit, the
3Board shall decide in each case, in order to ensure employees
4the fullest freedom in exercising the rights guaranteed by
5this Act, the unit appropriate for the purpose of collective
6bargaining, based upon but not limited to such factors as
7historical pattern of recognition, community of interest,
8including employee skills and functions, degree of functional
9integration, interchangeability and contact among employees,
10common supervision, wages, hours and other working conditions
11of the employees involved, and the desires of the employees.
12Nothing in this Act, except as herein provided, shall
13interfere with or negate the current representation rights or
14patterns and practices of employee organizations which have
15historically represented employees for the purposes of
16collective bargaining, including but not limited to the
17negotiations of wages, hours and working conditions,
18resolutions of employees' grievances, or resolution of
19jurisdictional disputes, or the establishment and maintenance
20of prevailing wage rates, unless a majority of the employees
21so represented expresses a contrary desire under the
22procedures set forth in this Act. This Section, however, does
23not prohibit multi-unit bargaining. Notwithstanding the above
24factors, where the majority of public employees of a craft so
25decide, the Board shall designate such craft as a unit
26appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining.

10200SB0916sam001- 21 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 The sole appropriate bargaining unit for tenured and
2tenure-track academic faculty at each campus of the University
3of Illinois shall be a unit that is comprised of
4non-supervisory academic faculty employed more than half-time
5and that includes all tenured and tenure-track faculty of that
6University campus employed by the board of trustees in all of
7the campus's undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools
8and degree and non-degree programs (with the exception of the
9college of medicine, the college of pharmacy, the college of
10dentistry, the college of law, and the college of veterinary
11medicine, each of which shall have its own separate unit),
12regardless of current or historical representation rights or
13patterns or the application of any other factors. Any
14decision, rule, or regulation promulgated by the Board to the
15contrary shall be null and void.
16 (b) An educational employer shall voluntarily recognize a
17labor organization for collective bargaining purposes if that
18organization appears to represent a majority of employees in
19the unit. The employer shall post notice of its intent to so
20recognize for a period of at least 20 school days on bulletin
21boards or other places used or reserved for employee notices.
22Thereafter, the employer, if satisfied as to the majority
23status of the employee organization, shall send written
24notification of such recognition to the Board for
25certification. Any dispute regarding the majority status of a
26labor organization shall be resolved by the Board which shall

10200SB0916sam001- 22 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1make the determination of majority status.
2 Within the 20 day notice period, however, any other
3interested employee organization may petition the Board to
4seek recognition as the exclusive representative of the unit
5in the manner specified by rules and regulations prescribed by
6the Board, if such interested employee organization has been
7designated by at least 15% of the employees in an appropriate
8bargaining unit which includes all or some of the employees in
9the unit intended to be recognized by the employer. In such
10event, the Board shall proceed with the petition in the same
11manner as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section.
12 (c) A labor organization may also gain recognition as the
13exclusive representative by an election of the employees in
14the unit. Petitions requesting an election may be filed with
15the Board:
16 (1) by an employee or group of employees or any labor
17 organizations acting on their behalf alleging and
18 presenting evidence that 30% or more of the employees in a
19 bargaining unit wish to be represented for collective
20 bargaining or that the labor organization which has been
21 acting as the exclusive bargaining representative is no
22 longer representative of a majority of the employees in
23 the unit; or
24 (2) by an employer alleging that one or more labor
25 organizations have presented a claim to be recognized as
26 an exclusive bargaining representative of a majority of

10200SB0916sam001- 23 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 the employees in an appropriate unit and that it doubts
2 the majority status of any of the organizations or that it
3 doubts the majority status of an exclusive bargaining
4 representative.
5 The Board shall investigate the petition and if it has
6reasonable cause to suspect that a question of representation
7exists, it shall give notice and conduct a hearing. If it finds
8upon the record of the hearing that a question of
9representation exists, it shall direct an election, which
10shall be held no later than 90 days after the date the petition
11was filed. The showing of interest in support of a petition
12filed under paragraph (1) of this subsection (c) may be
13evidenced by electronic communications, and such writing or
14communication may be evidenced by the electronic signature of
15the employee as provided under Section 5-120 of the Electronic
16Commerce Security Act. The showing of interest shall be valid
17only if signed within 12 months prior to the filing of the
18petition. Nothing prohibits the waiving of hearings by the
19parties and the conduct of consent elections.
20 (c-5) The Board shall designate an exclusive
21representative for purposes of collective bargaining when the
22representative demonstrates a showing of majority interest by
23employees in the unit. If the parties to a dispute are without
24agreement on the means to ascertain the choice, if any, of
25employee organization as their representative, the Board shall
26ascertain the employees' choice of employee organization, on

10200SB0916sam001- 24 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1the basis of dues deduction authorization or other evidence,
2or, if necessary, by conducting an election. The showing of
3interest in support of a petition filed under this subsection
4(c-5) may be evidenced by electronic communications, and such
5writing or communication may be evidenced by the electronic
6signature of the employee as provided under Section 5-120 of
7the Electronic Commerce Security Act. The showing of interest
8shall be valid only if signed within 12 months prior to the
9filing of the petition. All evidence submitted by an employee
10organization to the Board to ascertain an employee's choice of
11an employee organization is confidential and shall not be
12submitted to the employer for review. The Board shall
13ascertain the employee's choice of employee organization
14within 120 days after the filing of the majority interest
15petition; however, the Board may extend time by an additional
1660 days, upon its own motion or upon the motion of a party to
17the proceeding. If either party provides to the Board, before
18the designation of a representative, clear and convincing
19evidence that the dues deduction authorizations, and other
20evidence upon which the Board would otherwise rely to
21ascertain the employees' choice of representative, are
22fraudulent or were obtained through coercion, the Board shall
23promptly thereafter conduct an election. The Board shall also
24investigate and consider a party's allegations that the dues
25deduction authorizations and other evidence submitted in
26support of a designation of representative without an election

10200SB0916sam001- 25 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1were subsequently changed, altered, withdrawn, or withheld as
2a result of employer fraud, coercion, or any other unfair
3labor practice by the employer. If the Board determines that a
4labor organization would have had a majority interest but for
5an employer's fraud, coercion, or unfair labor practice, it
6shall designate the labor organization as an exclusive
7representative without conducting an election. If a hearing is
8necessary to resolve any issues of representation under this
9Section, the Board shall conclude its hearing process and
10issue a certification of the entire appropriate unit not later
11than 120 days after the date the petition was filed. The
12120-day period may be extended one or more times by the
13agreement of all parties to a hearing to a date certain.
14 (c-6) A labor organization or an employer may file a unit
15clarification petition seeking to clarify an existing
16bargaining unit. The Board shall conclude its investigation,
17including any hearing process deemed necessary, and issue a
18certification of clarified unit or dismiss the petition not
19later than 120 days after the date the petition was filed. The
20120-day period may be extended one or more times by the
21agreement of all parties to a hearing to a date certain.
22 (d) An order of the Board dismissing a representation
23petition, determining and certifying that a labor organization
24has been fairly and freely chosen by a majority of employees in
25an appropriate bargaining unit, determining and certifying
26that a labor organization has not been fairly and freely

10200SB0916sam001- 26 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1chosen by a majority of employees in the bargaining unit or
2certifying a labor organization as the exclusive
3representative of employees in an appropriate bargaining unit
4because of a determination by the Board that the labor
5organization is the historical bargaining representative of
6employees in the bargaining unit, is a final order. Any person
7aggrieved by any such order issued on or after the effective
8date of this amendatory Act of 1987 may apply for and obtain
9judicial review in accordance with provisions of the
10Administrative Review Law, as now or hereafter amended, except
11that such review shall be afforded directly in the Appellate
12Court of a judicial district in which the Board maintains an
13office. Any direct appeal to the Appellate Court shall be
14filed within 35 days from the date that a copy of the decision
15sought to be reviewed was served upon the party affected by the
17 No election may be conducted in any bargaining unit during
18the term of a collective bargaining agreement covering such
19unit or subdivision thereof, except the Board may direct an
20election after the filing of a petition between January 15 and
21March 1 of the final year of a collective bargaining
22agreement. Nothing in this Section prohibits the negotiation
23of a collective bargaining agreement covering a period not
24exceeding 3 years. A collective bargaining agreement of less
25than 3 years may be extended up to 3 years by the parties if
26the extension is agreed to in writing before the filing of a

10200SB0916sam001- 27 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1petition under this Section. In such case, the final year of
2the extension is the final year of the collective bargaining
3agreement. No election may be conducted in a bargaining unit,
4or subdivision thereof, in which a valid election has been
5held within the preceding 12 month period.
6(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-813, eff. 10-30-09.)
7 (115 ILCS 5/8) (from Ch. 48, par. 1708)
8 Sec. 8. Election - certification. Elections shall be by
9secret ballot, and conducted in accordance with rules and
10regulations established by the Illinois Educational Labor
11Relations Board. A secret ballot election may be conducted
12electronically by an electronic voting system in addition to
13paper ballot voting systems. An incumbent exclusive bargaining
14representative shall automatically be placed on any ballot
15with the petitioner's labor organization. An intervening labor
16organization may be placed on the ballot when supported by 15%
17or more of the employees in the bargaining unit. The Board
18shall give at least 30 days notice of the time and place of the
19election to the parties and, upon request, shall provide the
20parties with a list of names and addresses of persons eligible
21to vote in the election at least 15 days before the election.
22The ballot must include, as one of the alternatives, the
23choice of "no representative". No mail ballots are permitted
24except where a specific individual would otherwise be unable
25to cast a ballot.

10200SB0916sam001- 28 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 The labor organization receiving a majority of the ballots
2cast shall be certified by the Board as the exclusive
3bargaining representative. If the choice of "no
4representative" receives a majority, the employer shall not
5recognize any exclusive bargaining representative for at least
612 months. If none of the choices on the ballot receives a
7majority, a run-off shall be conducted between the 2 choices
8receiving the largest number of valid votes cast in the
9election. The Board shall certify the results of the election
10within 6 working days after the final tally of votes unless a
11charge is filed by a party alleging that improper conduct
12occurred which affected the outcome of the election. The Board
13shall promptly investigate the allegations, and if it finds
14probable cause that improper conduct occurred and could have
15affected the outcome of the election, it shall set a hearing on
16the matter on a date falling within 2 weeks of when it received
17the charge. If it determines, after hearing, that the outcome
18of the election was affected by improper conduct, it shall
19order a new election and shall order corrective action which
20it considers necessary to insure the fairness of the new
21election. If it determines upon investigation or after hearing
22that the alleged improper conduct did not take place or that it
23did not affect the results of the election, it shall
24immediately certify the election results.
25 Any labor organization that is the exclusive bargaining
26representative in an appropriate unit on the effective date of

10200SB0916sam001- 29 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1this Act shall continue as such until a new one is selected
2under this Act.
3(Source: P.A. 92-206, eff. 1-1-02.)
4 (115 ILCS 5/13) (from Ch. 48, par. 1713)
5 Sec. 13. Strikes.
6 (a) Notwithstanding the existence of any other provision
7in this Act or other law, educational employees employed in
8school districts organized under Article 34 of the School Code
9shall not engage in a strike at any time during the 18 month
10period that commences on the effective date of this amendatory
11Act of 1995. An educational employee employed in a school
12district organized under Article 34 of the School Code who
13participates in a strike in violation of this Section is
14subject to discipline by the employer. In addition, no
15educational employer organized under Article 34 of the School
16Code may pay or cause to be paid to an educational employee who
17participates in a strike in violation of this subsection any
18wages or other compensation for any period during which an
19educational employee participates in the strike, except for
20wages or compensation earned before participation in the
21strike. Notwithstanding the existence of any other provision
22in this Act or other law, during the 18-month period that
23strikes are prohibited under this subsection nothing in this
24subsection shall be construed to require an educational
25employer to submit to a binding dispute resolution process.

10200SB0916sam001- 30 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 (b) Notwithstanding the existence of any other provision
2in this Act or any other law, educational employees other than
3those employed in a school district organized under Article 34
4of the School Code and, after the expiration of the 18 month
5period that commences on the effective date of this amendatory
6Act of 1995, educational employees in a school district
7organized under Article 34 of the School Code shall not engage
8in a strike except under the following conditions:
9 (1) they are represented by an exclusive bargaining
10 representative;
11 (2) mediation has been used without success and, for
12 educational employers and exclusive bargaining
13 representatives to which subsection (a-5) of Section 12 of
14 this Act applies, at least 14 days have elapsed after the
15 Board has made public the parties' offers;
16 (2.5) if fact-finding was invoked pursuant to
17 subsection (a-10) of Section 12 of this Act, at least 30
18 days have elapsed after a fact-finding report has been
19 released for public information;
20 (2.10) for educational employees employed in a school
21 district organized under Article 34 of the School Code, at
22 least three-fourths of all bargaining unit employees who
23 are members of the exclusive bargaining representative
24 have affirmatively voted to authorize the strike;
25 provided, however, that all members of the exclusive
26 bargaining representative at the time of a strike

10200SB0916sam001- 31 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 authorization vote shall be eligible to vote;
2 (3) at least 10 days have elapsed after a notice of
3 intent to strike has been given by the exclusive
4 bargaining representative to the educational employer, the
5 regional superintendent and the Illinois Educational Labor
6 Relations Board;
7 (4) the collective bargaining agreement between the
8 educational employer and educational employees, if any,
9 has expired or been terminated; and
10 (5) the employer and the exclusive bargaining
11 representative have not mutually submitted the unresolved
12 issues to arbitration.
13 If, however, in the opinion of an employer the strike is or
14has become a clear and present danger to the health or safety
15of the public, the employer may initiate in the circuit court
16of the county in which such danger exists an action for relief
17which may include, but is not limited to, injunction. The
18court may grant appropriate relief upon the finding that such
19clear and present danger exists. However, no such relief shall
20be granted unless the educational employer demonstrates an
21inability to procure temporary replacements despite its best
22efforts. Cost shall not be a factor in determining such
23inability. An unfair practice or other evidence of lack of
24clean hands by the educational employer is a defense to such
25action. Except as provided for in this paragraph, the
26jurisdiction of the court under this Section is limited by the

10200SB0916sam001- 32 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1Labor Dispute Act.
2 (6) If the court orders any of the educational
3 employees in the affected unit to return to work, the
4 court shall require the educational employer and exclusive
5 representative to participate in the impasse arbitration
6 procedures set forth in this paragraph (6). The court
7 shall also require the educational employer to provide
8 educational employees ordered to return to work with an
9 hourly wage, exclusive of benefits or other pay,
10 equivalent to those the educational employer is paying any
11 temporary replacement employees in connection with the
12 work stoppage, provided that such hourly wage rate for any
13 temporary replacement employee exceeds the educational
14 employee's regular hourly wage rate. The court shall
15 determine for which employees such procedures in this
16 paragraph (6) shall apply.
17 (A) After such a court order, either the exclusive
18 representative or the educational employer may request
19 of the other, in writing, arbitration, and shall
20 submit a copy of the request to the Board. Within 14
21 days after such request, each party shall appoint one
22 member to a panel of arbitration as provided in this
23 subsection (b) unless the parties agree to proceed
24 without a tri-partite panel. Following these
25 appointments, if any, the parties shall select a
26 qualified impartial individual to serve as the neutral

10200SB0916sam001- 33 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 chairperson of the arbitration panel, if applicable.
2 An individual shall be considered qualified to serve
3 as the chairperson of the arbitration panel, if
4 appropriate, if he or she was not the same individual
5 who was appointed as the mediator and if the
6 individual satisfies all of the following
7 requirements:
8 (i) The individual's membership is in good
9 standing with the National Academy of Arbitrators,
10 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, or the
11 American Arbitration Association for a minimum of
12 10 years membership on the mediation roster for
13 the Illinois Labor Relations Board or Illinois
14 Educational Labor Relations Board.
15 (ii) The individual has received issuance of
16 at least 5 interest arbitration awards arising
17 under the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act.
18 (iii) The individual has participated in
19 impasse resolution processes arising under private
20 or public sector collective bargaining statutes in
21 other states.
22 If the parties are unable to agree on a
23 chairperson, the parties shall request a panel of
24 arbitrators who satisfy the requirements set forth in
25 this paragraph (A) from either the Federal Mediation
26 and Conciliation Service or the American Arbitration

10200SB0916sam001- 34 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 Association and shall select a chairperson from such
2 panel in accordance with the procedures established by
3 the organization providing the panel.
4 (B) The chairperson shall call a hearing to begin
5 within 15 days and give reasonable notice of the time
6 and place of the hearing. The hearing shall be held at
7 the offices of the Board or at such other location as
8 the Board deems appropriate. The chairperson shall
9 preside over the hearing and shall take testimony. Any
10 oral or documentary evidence and other data deemed
11 relevant by the arbitration panel may be received in
12 evidence. The proceedings shall be informal. Technical
13 rules of evidence shall not apply and the competency
14 of the evidence shall not thereby be deemed impaired.
15 A verbatim record of the proceedings shall be made and
16 the arbitrator shall arrange for the necessary
17 recording service. Transcripts may be ordered at the
18 expense of the party ordering the transcripts, but the
19 transcripts shall not be necessary for a decision by
20 the arbitration panel. The expense of the proceedings,
21 including a fee for the chairperson, shall be borne
22 equally by each of the parties to the dispute. The
23 delegates, if public officers or employees, shall
24 continue on the payroll of the public employer without
25 loss of pay. The hearing conducted by the arbitration
26 panel may be adjourned from time to time but, unless

10200SB0916sam001- 35 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 otherwise agreed by the parties, shall be concluded
2 within 30 days of the time of its commencement.
3 Majority actions and rulings shall constitute the
4 actions and rulings of the arbitration panel.
5 Arbitration proceedings under this Section shall not
6 be interrupted or terminated by reason of any unfair
7 labor practice charge filed by either party at any
8 time.
9 (C) The arbitration panel may administer oaths and
10 require the attendance of witnesses and the production
11 of such books, papers, contracts, agreements, and
12 documents as may be deemed material to a just
13 determination of the issues in dispute and may issue
14 subpoenas for such purpose. If any person refuses to
15 obey a subpoena, refuses to be sworn, or refuses to
16 testify or if any witness, party, or attorney is found
17 guilty of contempt while in attendance at any hearing,
18 the arbitration panel may, or the attorney general if
19 requested shall, invoke the aid of any circuit court
20 within the jurisdiction in which the hearing is being
21 held, which court shall issue an appropriate order.
22 Any failure to obey the order may be punished by the
23 court as contempt.
24 (D) At any time before the rendering of an award,
25 the chairperson of the arbitration panel, if the
26 chairperson is of the opinion that it is useful or

10200SB0916sam001- 36 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 beneficial to do so, may remand the dispute to the
2 parties for further collective bargaining for a period
3 not to exceed 2 weeks. If the dispute is remanded for
4 further collective bargaining, the time provisions of
5 this Act shall be extended for a time period equal to
6 that of the remand. The chairperson of the panel of
7 arbitration shall notify the Board of the remand.
8 (E) At or before the conclusion of the hearing
9 held pursuant to subparagraph (B), the arbitration
10 panel shall identify the economic issues in dispute
11 and direct each of the parties to submit, within such
12 time limit as the panel shall prescribe, to the
13 arbitration panel and to each other its last offer of
14 settlement on each economic issue. The determination
15 of the arbitration panel as to the issues in dispute
16 and as to which of these issues are economic shall be
17 conclusive. The arbitration panel, within 30 days
18 after the conclusion of the hearing, or such further
19 additional periods to which the parties may agree,
20 shall make written findings of fact and promulgate a
21 written opinion and shall mail or otherwise deliver a
22 true copy thereof to the parties and their
23 representatives and to the Board. As to each economic
24 issue, the arbitration panel shall adopt the last
25 offer of settlement that, in the opinion of the
26 arbitration panel, more nearly complies with the

10200SB0916sam001- 37 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 applicable factors prescribed in subparagraph (F). The
2 findings, opinions, and order as to all other issues
3 shall be based upon the applicable factors prescribed
4 in subparagraph (F).
5 (F) If there is no agreement between the parties,
6 or if there is an agreement but the parties have begun
7 negotiations or discussions looking to a new agreement
8 or amendment of the existing agreement, and wage rates
9 or other conditions of employment under the proposed
10 new or amended agreement are in dispute, the
11 arbitration panel shall base its findings, opinions,
12 and order upon any of the following factors as may be
13 applicable:
14 (i) the lawful authority of the educational
15 employer;
16 (ii) the stipulations of the parties;
17 (iii) the interests and welfare of the public
18 and the financial ability of the unit of
19 government to meet those costs;
20 (iv) comparison of the wages, hours, and
21 conditions of employment of the employees involved
22 in the arbitration proceeding with the wages,
23 hours, and conditions of employment of other
24 employees performing similar services and with
25 other employees generally in public employment in
26 comparable communities or in private employment in

10200SB0916sam001- 38 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 comparable communities;
2 (v) the average consumer prices for goods and
3 services, commonly known as the cost of living;
4 (vi) the overall compensation presently
5 received by the employees, including direct wage
6 compensation, vacations, holidays and other
7 excused time, insurance and pensions, medical and
8 hospitalization benefits, the continuity and
9 stability of employment, and all other benefits
10 received;
11 (vii) any changes in circumstances in
12 subdivision (i) through (vi) during the pendency
13 of the arbitration proceedings; and
14 (viii) other factors, not confined to the
15 foregoing, that are normally or traditionally
16 taken into consideration in the determination of
17 wages, hours, and conditions of employment through
18 voluntary collective bargaining, mediation,
19 fact-finding, or arbitration or otherwise between
20 the parties in public service or in private
21 employment.
22 (G) Arbitration procedures shall be deemed to be
23 initiated by the filing of a letter requesting
24 mediation as required under subparagraph (A). The
25 commencement of a new fiscal year after the initiation
26 of arbitration procedures under this Section but

10200SB0916sam001- 39 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 before the arbitration decision or its enforcement
2 shall not be deemed to render a dispute moot or to
3 otherwise impair the jurisdiction or authority of the
4 arbitration panel or its decision. Increases in the
5 rates of compensation awarded by the arbitration panel
6 may be effective only at the beginning of the fiscal
7 year commencing after the date of the arbitration
8 award. If a new fiscal year has commenced either since
9 the initiation of arbitration procedures under this
10 Act or since any mutually agreed extension of the
11 statutorily required period of mediation under this
12 Section by the parties to the labor dispute causing a
13 delay in the initiation of arbitration, the foregoing
14 limitations shall be inapplicable, and such awarded
15 increases may be retroactive to the commencement of
16 the fiscal year, notwithstanding any other law or
17 charter provision to the contrary. The parties may, by
18 stipulation, amend or modify an award of arbitration
19 at any time.
20 (H) Orders of the arbitration panel shall be
21 reviewable, upon appropriate petition by either the
22 educational employer or the exclusive bargaining
23 representative, by the circuit court for the county in
24 which the dispute arose or in which a majority of the
25 affected employees reside, but only if (i) the
26 arbitration panel was without or exceeded its

10200SB0916sam001- 40 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 statutory authority, (ii) the order is arbitrary or
2 capricious, or (iii) the order was procured by fraud,
3 collusion, or other similar and unlawful means. The
4 petition for review must be filed with the appropriate
5 circuit court within 90 days following the issuance of
6 the arbitration order. The pendency of such proceeding
7 for review shall not automatically stay the order of
8 the arbitration panel. The party against whom the
9 final decision of any such court shall be adverse, if
10 such court finds such appeal or petition to be
11 frivolous, shall pay reasonable attorney's fees and
12 costs to the successful party as determined by the
13 court in its discretion. If the court's decision
14 affirms the award of money, the award, if retroactive,
15 shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum from
16 the effective retroactive date.
17 (I) During the pendency of proceedings before the
18 arbitration panel, existing wages, hours, and other
19 conditions of employment shall not be changed by the
20 action of either party without the consent of the
21 other party, but a party may so consent without
22 prejudice to the party's rights or position under this
23 Act. The proceedings are deemed to be pending before
24 the arbitration panel upon the initiation of
25 arbitration procedures under this Act.
26 (J) Educational employees who are covered under

10200SB0916sam001- 41 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 this subsection (b) may not withhold services.
2 Educational employers who are covered under this
3 subsection (b) may not lock out or prevent educational
4 employees from performing services at any time.
5 (K) All of the terms decided upon by the
6 arbitration panel shall be included in an agreement to
7 be submitted to the educational employer's governing
8 body for ratification and adoption by law, ordinance,
9 or the equivalent appropriate means. The governing
10 body shall review each term decided by the arbitration
11 panel. If the governing body fails to reject one or
12 more terms of the arbitration panel's decision by a
13 three-fifth vote of those duly elected and qualified
14 members of the governing body within 20 days of
15 issuance, the term or terms shall become a part of the
16 collective bargaining agreement of the parties. If the
17 governing body affirmatively rejects one or more terms
18 of the arbitration panel's decision, the governing
19 body must provide reasons for the rejection with
20 respect to each term rejected by the governing body
21 within 20 days after the rejection. The parties shall
22 return to the arbitration panel for further
23 proceedings and issuance of a supplemental decision
24 with respect to the rejected terms. Any supplemental
25 decision made by an arbitration panel or other
26 decision maker that is agreed to by the parties shall

10200SB0916sam001- 42 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 be submitted to the governing body for ratification
2 and adoption in accordance with the procedures and
3 voting requirements set forth in this Section. The
4 voting requirements of this subparagraph (K) shall
5 apply to all disputes submitted to arbitration
6 pursuant to this paragraph (6), notwithstanding any
7 contrary voting requirements contained in any existing
8 collective bargaining agreement between the parties.
9 (L) If the governing body of the educational
10 employer votes to reject the panel's decision, the
11 parties shall return to the panel, within 30 days from
12 the issuance of the reasons for rejection, for further
13 proceedings and issuance of a supplemental decision.
14 All reasonable costs of such supplemental proceeding,
15 including the exclusive representative's reasonable
16 attorney's fees as established by the Board, shall be
17 paid by the employer.
18 (c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Section to
19the contrary, the employer and exclusive representative may
20agree to submit unresolved disputes concerning wages, hours,
21terms, and conditions of employment to an alternative form of
22impasse resolution.
23(Source: P.A. 97-7, eff. 6-13-11; 97-8, eff. 6-13-11; 98-513,
24eff. 1-1-14.)
25 (115 ILCS 5/14) (from Ch. 48, par. 1714)

10200SB0916sam001- 43 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 Sec. 14. Unfair labor practices.
2 (a) Educational employers, their agents or representatives
3are prohibited from:
4 (1) Interfering, restraining or coercing employees in
5 the exercise of the rights guaranteed under this Act.
6 (2) Dominating or interfering with the formation,
7 existence or administration of any employee organization.
8 (3) Discriminating in regard to hire or tenure of
9 employment or any term or condition of employment to
10 encourage or discourage membership in any employee
11 organization.
12 (4) Discharging or otherwise discriminating against an
13 employee because he or she has signed or filed an
14 affidavit, authorization card, petition or complaint or
15 given any information or testimony under this Act.
16 (5) Refusing to bargain collectively in good faith
17 with an employee representative which is the exclusive
18 representative of employees in an appropriate unit,
19 including, but not limited to, the discussing of
20 grievances with the exclusive representative; provided,
21 however, that if an alleged unfair labor practice involves
22 interpretation or application of the terms of a collective
23 bargaining agreement and said agreement contains a
24 grievance and arbitration procedure, the Board may defer
25 the resolution of such dispute to the grievance and
26 arbitration procedure contained in said agreement.

10200SB0916sam001- 44 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 (6) Refusing to reduce a collective bargaining
2 agreement to writing and signing such agreement.
3 (7) Violating any of the rules and regulations
4 promulgated by the Board regulating the conduct of
5 representation elections.
6 (8) Refusing to comply with the provisions of a
7 binding arbitration award.
8 (9) Expending or causing the expenditure of public
9 funds to any external agent, individual, firm, agency,
10 partnership or association in any attempt to influence the
11 outcome of representational elections held pursuant to
12 paragraph (c) of Section 7 of this Act; provided, that
13 nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit an
14 employer's right to be represented on any matter
15 pertaining to unit determinations, unfair labor practice
16 charges or pre-election conferences in any formal or
17 informal proceeding before the Board, or to seek or obtain
18 advice from legal counsel. Nothing in this paragraph shall
19 be construed to prohibit an employer from expending or
20 causing the expenditure of public funds on, or seeking or
21 obtaining services or advice from, any organization, group
22 or association established by, and including educational
23 or public employers, whether or not covered by this Act,
24 the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act or the public
25 employment labor relations law of any other state or the
26 federal government, provided that such services or advice

10200SB0916sam001- 45 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 are generally available to the membership of the
2 organization, group, or association, and are not offered
3 solely in an attempt to influence the outcome of a
4 particular representational election.
5 (10) Interfering with, restraining, coercing,
6 deterring or discouraging educational employees or
7 applicants to be educational employees from: (1) becoming
8 members of an employee organization; (2) authorizing
9 representation by an employee organization; or (3)
10 authorizing dues or fee deductions to an employee
11 organization, nor shall the employer intentionally permit
12 outside third parties to use its email or other
13 communications systems to engage in that conduct. An
14 employer's good faith implementation of a policy to block
15 the use of its email or other communication systems for
16 such purposes shall be a defense to an unfair labor
17 practice.
18 (11) Disclosing to any person or entity information
19 set forth in subsection (d) of Section 3 of this Act that
20 the employer knows or should know will be used to
21 interfere with, restrain, coerce, deter, or discourage any
22 public employee from: (i) becoming or remaining members of
23 a labor organization, (ii) authorizing representation by a
24 labor organization, or (iii) authorizing dues or fee
25 deductions to a labor organization.
26 (12) Promising, threatening, or taking any action (i)

10200SB0916sam001- 46 -LRB102 04778 RJF 25286 a
1 to permanently replace an employee who participates in a
2 strike under Section 13 of this Act, (ii) to discriminate
3 against an employee who is working or has unconditionally
4 offered to return to work for the employer because the
5 employee supported or participated in such as a strike, or
6 (iii) to lockout, suspend, or otherwise withhold from
7 employment employees in order to influence the position of
8 such employees or the representative of such employees in
9 collective bargaining prior to a strike.
10 (b) Employee organizations, their agents or
11representatives or educational employees are prohibited from:
12 (1) Restraining or coercing employees in the exercise
13 of the rights guaranteed under this Act, provided that a
14 labor organization or its agents shall commit an unfair
15 labor practice under this paragraph in duty of fair
16 representation cases only by intentional misconduct in
17 representing employees under this Act.
18 (2) Restraining or coercing an educational employer in
19 the selection of his representative for the purposes of
20 collective bargaining or the adjustment of grievances.
21 (3) Refusing to bargain collectively in good faith
22 with an educational employer, if they have been designated
23 in accordance with the provisions of this Act as the
24 exclusive representative of employees in an appropriate
25 unit.
26 (4) Violating any of the rules and regulations

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1 promulgated by the Board regulating the conduct of
2 representation elections.
3 (5) Refusing to reduce a collective bargaining
4 agreement to writing and signing such agreement.
5 (6) Refusing to comply with the provisions of a
6 binding arbitration award.
7 (c) The expressing of any views, argument, opinion or the
8dissemination thereof, whether in written, printed, graphic or
9visual form, shall not constitute or be evidence of an unfair
10labor practice under any of the provisions of this Act, if such
11expression contains no threat of reprisal or force or promise
12of benefit.
13 (c-5) The employer shall not discourage public employees
14or applicants to be public employees from becoming or
15remaining union members or authorizing dues deductions, and
16shall not otherwise interfere with the relationship between
17employees and their exclusive bargaining representative. The
18employer shall refer all inquiries about union membership to
19the exclusive bargaining representative, except that the
20employer may communicate with employees regarding payroll
21processes and procedures. The employer will establish email
22policies in an effort to prohibit the use of its email system
23by outside sources.
24 (d) The actions of a Financial Oversight Panel created
25pursuant to Section 1A-8 of the School Code due to a district
26violating a financial plan shall not constitute or be evidence

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1of an unfair labor practice under any of the provisions of this
2Act. Such actions include, but are not limited to, reviewing,
3approving, or rejecting a school district budget or a
4collective bargaining agreement.
5(Source: P.A. 101-620, eff. 12-20-19; revised 8-21-20.)".