H.B. NO.














making appropriations for invasive species prevention, control, outreach, research, assessment, and planning.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the invasion of Hawaii by insects, disease-bearing organisms, snakes, weeds, and other pests is the single greatest threat to Hawaii's economy and natural environment and to the health and lifestyle of Hawaii's people.  The legislature further finds that immediate action is needed to mitigate the threats and impacts of invasive species.

     Invasive pests already cause millions of dollars in crop losses, the extinction of native species, the destruction of native forests, and the spread of disease in the State.  Many more harmful pests now threaten to invade Hawaii and wreak further damage.  Even one new pest, like the brown tree snake or the red imported fire ant, could forever change the character of our islands.  For example, a 2010 study by Shwiff, et al., estimated that if brown tree snakes became established in Hawaii, the cost to the State in lost tourism, health costs, and damage to power infrastructure could range from $593,000,000 to $2,140,000,000 per year.  A 2007 study by Gutrich, et al., estimated that establishment of red imported fire ants in Hawaii would cost $211,000,000 annually, including $77,000,000 in control expenses and damage to utility, business, and household infrastructure and $134,000,000 in lost outdoor opportunities for visitors and residents.

Studies and experience show that preventing introduction and spread of pests is more cost effective than reactive responses or simply absorbing the economic, social, cultural, and ecological losses caused by established pests that are allowed to spread unchecked.  Stopping the influx of new pests and containing their spread is essential to Hawaii's current and future well-being.

     The legislature previously recognized the critical importance of invasive species as an issue in Hawaii beginning with Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 45, H.D. 1 (2001), followed by the 2002 legislative reference bureau study, "Filling the Gaps in the Fight Against Invasive Species," and then Act 85, Session Laws of Hawaii 2003, which resulted in the creation of the interagency Hawaii invasive species council.  The Hawaii invasive species council, codified in chapter 194, Hawaii Revised Statutes, was created for the special purpose of providing policy level direction, coordination, and planning among agencies in Hawaii.  The Hawaii invasive species council has achieved its purpose, in part, by disbursing funds on an annual basis to support critical invasive species prevention, control, outreach, research, and planning projects that enhance or supplement existing departmental projects.

     A 2002 legislative reference bureau study estimated the annual cost to address invasive species issues in Hawaii at $50,000,000.  The original goal for an annual Hawaii invasive species council budget was $5,000,000 from the general fund, though its initial approved appropriation in fiscal year 2005 was $2,000,000.  From fiscal years 2010-2013, no general funds were appropriated to the council and in fiscal year 2014, only $750,000 was appropriated.  In fiscal year 2015, the originally-intended $5,750,000 funding was appropriated for the council from the general fund.  A continued commitment to the best possible understanding, science, plans, and capacity, and adequate funds are necessary to maintain and enhance invasive species prevention and mitigation in Hawaii to effectively protect Hawaii's natural resources and economy and the health and lifestyle of its people.

     The purpose of this Act is to maintain and enhance Hawaii's commitment to invasive species prevention and mitigation by:

     (1)  Providing funds to the department of land and natural resources, as administrative host of the Hawaii invasive species council, for the immediate protection of Hawaii's environment and economy and the health and lifestyle of its people through the support of invasive species prevention, control, research, outreach, and planning; and

     (2)  Providing funds and a directive to the legislative reference bureau to update its 2002 study titled "Filling the Gaps in the Fight Against Invasive Species," to provide a current assessment and recommendations related to the invasive species threat to Hawaii.

     SECTION 2.  The legislative reference bureau shall update its 2002 study titled "Filling the Gaps in the Fight Against Invasive Species."  In updating the study, the legislative reference bureau shall consult with relevant government and non-government organizations, experts, and individuals in its analysis.  The scope of the updated study shall include:

     (1)  The scope of the invasive species problem on global and local levels;

     (2)  Economic and other costs to Hawaii;

     (3)  Health and safety issues;

     (4)  State, federal, county, and non-government roles and responsibilities;

     (5)  Gaps and leaks in prevention and response systems; and

     (6)  Recommendations for policy, programs, and funding to address invasive species.

     The legislative reference bureau shall submit its updated study to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2017.

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $6,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2015-2016 and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2016-2017 to be expended on projects undertaken in accordance with the Hawaii invasive species council, including invasive species prevention, control, outreach, research, and planning.

     The sums appropriated shall be expended by the department of land and natural resources for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $         or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2015-2016 and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2016-2017 to update the 2002 study titled "Filling the Gaps in the Fight Against Invasive Species" as provided in this Act.

     The sums appropriated shall be expended by the legislative reference bureau for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2015.








Report Title:

Invasive Species; Appropriation



Appropriates funds to the departments of land and natural resources, the department of agriculture, the Hawaii invasive species council, and the legislative reference bureau for invasive species prevention, control, outreach, research, assessment, and planning.




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