Fifty-fifth Legislature                                                 Judiciary

Second Regular Session                                                  H.B. 2119




(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 1, line 6, after "writing" insert "and on the record"; strike the period insert "in the following manner:"

Line 7, strike "B." insert "1."

Reletter to conform

Line 8, strike "at the time of" insert "the court shall inform the person that the person's rights will be automatically restored on"

Line 9, after "imprisonment" insert a period strike remainder of line

Strike lines 10 through 13, insert "the court's order and judgment of guilt must include an explanation of the civil rights that will be automatically restored pursuant to this paragraph."

Line 14, strike "C." insert "2."

Reletter to conform

Line 15, after the comma strike remainder of line

Strike lines 16 through 20, insert "the court shall inform the person of the person's right to the restoration of civil rights.  The court's order and judgment of guilt must include an explanation that includes when the person can apply to have the person's civil rights restored.

B. The probation department shall provide a copy of the court's sentencing order and judgment of guilt to each person who completes probation.  The state department of corrections shall provide a copy of the court's sentencing order and judgment of guilt to each prisoner who obtains an absolute discharge from imprisonment unless the prisoner was sentenced to a term of probation to begin on absolute discharge from the state department of corrections."

Reletter to conform

Page 1, lines 21 and 22, strike "or the state department of corrections"

Amend title to conform







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