REFERENCE TITLE: property; firearms clauses; agreements; prohibition





State of Arizona


Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SB 1220


Introduced by

Senator Rogers: Representative Chaplik





amending sections 33-1243, 33-1260.01, 33-1315, 33-1414, 33-1701, 33-1703, 33-1806.01 and 33-1818, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to property.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 33-1243, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1243. Board of directors and officers; conflict; powers; limitations; removal; annual audit; firearms; applicability

A. Except as provided in the declaration, the bylaws, subsection B of this section or other provisions of this chapter, the board of directors may act in all instances on behalf of the association.

B. The board of directors shall not act on behalf of the association to amend the declaration, terminate the condominium, elect members of the board of directors or determine the qualifications, powers and duties or terms of office of board of directors members.  Except as provided in subsection H of this section, the board of directors may fill vacancies in its membership for the unexpired portion of any term.

C. If any contract, decision or other action for compensation taken by or on behalf of the board of directors would benefit any member of the board of directors or any person who is a parent, grandparent, spouse, child or sibling of a member of the board of directors or a parent or spouse of any of those persons, that member of the board of directors shall declare a conflict of interest for that issue.  The member shall declare the conflict in an open meeting of the board before the board discusses or takes action on that issue and that member may then vote on that issue.  Any contract entered into in violation of this subsection is void and unenforceable.

D. Except as provided in the declaration, within thirty days after adoption of adopting any proposed budget for the condominium, the board of directors shall provide a summary of the budget to all the unit owners.  Unless the board of directors is expressly authorized in the declaration to adopt and amend budgets from time to time, any budget or amendment shall be ratified by the unit owners in accordance with the procedures set forth in this subsection. If ratification is required, the board of directors shall set a date for a meeting of the unit owners to consider ratification of the budget not fewer than fourteen nor or more than thirty days after mailing of the summary.  Unless at that meeting a majority of all the unit owners or any larger vote specified in the declaration rejects the budget, the budget is ratified, whether or not a quorum is present.  If the proposed budget is rejected, the periodic budget last ratified by the unit owners shall be continued until such time as the unit owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the board of directors.

E. The declaration may provide for a period of declarant control of the association, during which period a declarant or persons designated by the declarant may appoint and remove the officers and members of the board of directors. Regardless of the period provided in the declaration, a period of declarant control terminates no not later than the earlier of:

1. Ninety days after conveyance of seventy-five percent of the units that may be created to unit owners other than a declarant.

2. Four years after all declarants have ceased to offer units for sale in the ordinary course of business.

F. A declarant may voluntarily surrender the right to appoint and remove officers and members of the board of directors before termination of the period prescribed in subsection E of this section, but in that event the declarant may require, for the duration of the period of declarant control, that specified actions of the association or board of directors, as described in a recorded instrument executed by the declarant, be approved by the declarant before they become effective.

G. Not later than the termination of any period of declarant control, the unit owners shall elect a board of directors of at least three members, at least a majority of whom must be unit owners.  The board of directors shall elect the officers.  The board members and officers shall take office on election.

H. Notwithstanding any provision of the declaration or bylaws to the contrary, all of the following apply to a meeting at which a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, is proposed to be removed from the board of directors:

1. The unit owners who are eligible to vote at the time of the meeting may remove any member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, by a majority vote of those voting on the matter at a meeting of the unit owners.

2. The meeting of the unit owners shall be called pursuant to this section and action may be taken only if a quorum is present.

3. The unit owners may remove any member of the board of directors with or without cause, other than a member appointed by the declarant. 

4. For purposes of calling for removal of a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, the following apply:

(a) In an association with one thousand or fewer members, on receipt of a petition that calls for removal of a member of the board of directors and that is signed by the number of persons who are eligible to vote in the association at the time the person signs the petition equal to at least twenty-five percent of the votes in the association or by the number of persons who are eligible to vote in the association at the time the person signs the petition equal to at least one hundred votes in the association, whichever is less, the board shall call and provide written notice of a special meeting of the association as prescribed by section 33-1248, subsection B.

(b) Notwithstanding section 33-1248, subsection B, in an association with more than one thousand members, on receipt of a petition that calls for removal of a member of the board of directors and that is signed by the number of persons who are eligible to vote in the association at the time the person signs the petition equal to at least ten percent of the votes in the association or by the number of persons who are eligible to vote in the association at the time the person signs the petition equal to at least one thousand votes in the association, whichever is less, the board shall call and provide written notice of a special meeting of the association. The board shall provide written notice of a special meeting as prescribed by section 33-1248, subsection B.

(c) The special meeting shall be called, noticed and held within thirty days after receipt of the petition.

(d) For the purposes of a special meeting called pursuant to this subsection, a quorum is present if the number of owners who are eligible to vote in the association at the time the person attends the meeting equal to at least twenty percent of the votes of the association or the number of persons who are eligible to vote in the association at the time the person attends the meeting equal to at least one thousand votes, whichever is less, is present at the meeting in person or as otherwise permitted allowed by law.

(e) If a civil action is filed regarding the removal of a board member, the prevailing party in the civil action shall be awarded its reasonable attorney fees and costs.

(f) The board of directors shall retain all documents and other records relating to the proposed removal of the member of the board of directors and any election or other action taken for that director's replacement for at least one year after the date of the special meeting and shall permit allow members to inspect those documents and records pursuant to section 33-1258.

(g) A petition that calls for the removal of the same member of the board of directors shall not be submitted more than once during each term of office for that member.

5. On removal of at least one but fewer than a majority of the members of the board of directors at a special meeting of the membership called pursuant to this subsection, the vacancies shall be filled as provided in the condominium documents.

6. On removal of a majority of the members of the board of directors at a special meeting of the membership called pursuant to this subsection, or if the condominium documents do not provide a method for filling board vacancies, the association shall hold an election for the replacement of the removed directors at a separate meeting of the members of the association that is held not later than thirty days after the meeting at which the members of the board of directors were removed.

7. A member of the board of directors who is removed pursuant to this subsection is not eligible to serve on the board of directors again until after the expiration of the removed board member's term of office, unless the condominium documents specifically provide for a longer period of ineligibility.

I. For an association in which board members are elected from separately designated voting districts, a member of the board of directors, other than a member appointed by the declarant, may be removed only by a vote of the members from that voting district, and only the members from that voting district are eligible to vote on the matter or be counted for purposes of determining to determine a quorum.

J. Unless any provision in the condominium documents requires an annual audit by a certified public accountant, the board of directors shall provide for an annual financial audit, review or compilation of the association.  The audit, review or compilation shall be completed no not later than one hundred eighty days after the end of the association's fiscal year and shall be made available on request to the unit owners within thirty days after its completion.

K. Notwithstanding any provision in the CONDOMINIUM documents, the board of directors may not prohibit an owner, tenant or guest from carrying, POSSESSING, transporting or storing a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law. This subsection applies to any dwelling, office, parking lot or common element.

K. L. This section does not apply to timeshare plans or associations, or the period of declarant control under timeshare instruments, that are subject to chapter 20 of this title. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 33-1260.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1260.01. Rental property; unit owner and agent information; fee; disclosure

A. A unit owner may use the unit owner's unit as a rental property unless prohibited in the declaration and shall use it in accordance with the declaration's rental time period restrictions.

B. A unit owner may designate in writing a third party to act as the unit owner's agent with respect to all association matters relating to the rental unit, except for voting in association elections and serving on the board of directors.  The unit owner shall sign the written designation and shall provide a copy of the written designation to the association.  On delivery of the written designation, the association is authorized to conduct all association business relating to the unit owner's rental unit through the designated agent. Any notice given by the association to a unit owner's designated agent on any matter relating to the unit owner's rental unit constitutes notice to the unit owner.

C. Notwithstanding any provision in the condominium documents, on rental of a unit, an association shall not require a unit owner or a unit owner's agent to disclose any information regarding a tenant other than the name and contact information for any adults occupying the unit, the time period of the lease, including the beginning and ending dates of the tenancy, and a description and the license plate numbers of the tenants' vehicles. If the condominium is an age restricted age-restricted condominium, the unit owner, the unit owner's agent or the tenant shall show a government issued identification that bears a photograph and that confirms that the tenant meets the condominium's age restrictions or requirements.

D. On request of an association or its managing agent for the disclosures prescribed in subsection C of this section, the managing agent or, if there is no managing agent, the association may charge a fee of not more than twenty-five dollars $25, which shall be paid within fifteen days after the postmarked request.  The fee may be charged for each new tenancy for that unit but may not be charged for a renewal of a lease.  Except for the fee permitted allowed by this subsection and fees related to the use of recreational facilities, the association or its managing agent shall not assess, levy or charge a fee or fine or otherwise impose a requirement on a unit owner's rental unit any differently than on an owner-occupied unit in the association.

E. Notwithstanding any provision in the condominium documents, the association is prohibited from doing any of the following:

1. Requiring a unit owner to provide the association with a copy of the tenant's rental application, credit report, lease agreement or rental contract or other personal information except as prescribed by this section. This paragraph does not prohibit the association from acquiring a credit report on a person in an attempt to collect a debt.

2. Requiring the tenant to sign a waiver or other document limiting the tenant's due process rights as a condition of the tenant's occupancy of the rental unit.

3. Prohibiting or otherwise restricting a unit owner from serving on the board of directors based on the owner's not being an occupant of the unit.

4. Imposing on a unit owner or managing agent any fee, assessment, penalty or other charge in an amount greater than fifteen dollars $15 for incomplete or late information regarding the information requested pursuant to subsection C of this section.

5. prohibiting a unit owner, tenant or guest from carrying, possessing, transporting or storing a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law. This paragraph applies to the unit owner's property and any dwelling, office, parking lot or common element.

F. Any attempt by an association to exceed the fee, assessment, penalty or other charge authorized by subsection D or E of this section voids the fee, assessment, penalty or other charge authorized by subsection D or E of this section.  This section does not prevent an association from complying with the housing for older persons act of 1995 (P.L. 104–76; 109 Stat. 787).

G. An owner may use a crime free crime-free addendum as part of a lease agreement.  This section does not prohibit the owner's use of a crime free crime-free addendum.

H. This section does not prohibit and an association may lawfully enforce a provision in the condominium documents that restricts the residency of persons who are required to be registered pursuant to section 13-3821 and who are classified as level two or level three offenders.

I. An owner of rental property shall abate criminal activity as authorized in section 12-991. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 33-1315, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1315. Prohibited provisions in rental agreements

A. A rental agreement shall not provide that the tenant does any of the following:

1. Agrees to waive or to forego forgo rights or remedies under this chapter.

2. Agrees to pay the landlord's attorney fees, except an agreement in writing may provide that attorney fees may be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of court action and except that a prevailing party in a contested forcible detainer action is eligible to be awarded attorney fees pursuant to section 12-341.01 regardless of whether the rental agreement provides for such an award.

3. Agrees to the exculpation or limitation of any liability of the landlord arising under law or to indemnify the landlord for that liability or the costs connected therewith with that liability.

4. Agrees to waive or limit the tenant's right to summon or any other person's right to summon a peace officer or other emergency assistance in response to an emergency.

5. Agrees to payment of pay monetary penalties or otherwise penalizes the tenant for the tenant summoning or for any other person summoning a peace officer or other emergency assistance in response to an emergency.

6. AGrees not to carry, possess, TRANSPORT or store on the premises a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law.  This paragraph applies to the tenant, the tenant's guest, the tenant's dwelling and any parking area or other area open for use by the tenant.

B. A provision that is prohibited by subsection A of this section and that is included in a rental agreement is unenforceable. If a landlord deliberately uses a rental agreement containing provisions known by the landlord to be prohibited, the tenant may recover actual damages sustained by the tenant and not more than two months' periodic rent.

C. This section does not limit the landlord's right to evict a tenant pursuant to section 33-1368. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Section 33-1414, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1414. Prohibited provisions in rental agreements; late payment penalty

A. A rental agreement shall not provide that the tenant agrees to:

1. Waive or to forgo rights or remedies under this chapter.

2. Pay the landlord's attorney fees, except an agreement in writing may provide that attorney fees may be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of court action.

3. The exculpation or limitation of any liability of the landlord arising under law or to indemnify the landlord for that liability or the costs connected therewith with that liability.

4. Permit Allow the landlord to charge a penalty fee for late payment of rent unless a tenant is allowed a minimum of five days beyond after the date the rent is due in which to remit payment.

5. Permit allow the landlord to charge a fee for a guest who does not stay for more than a total of fourteen days in any calendar month.

6. Waive or limit the tenant's right to summon or any other person's right to summon a peace officer or other emergency assistance in response to an emergency.

7. Payment of Pay monetary penalties or otherwise penalizes the tenant for the tenant summoning or for any other person summoning a peace officer or other emergency assistance in response to an emergency.

8. Place any additional person's name on the title to the mobile home as a condition of tenancy or residency for that additional person or pay a fee or other form of penalty for failing to place an additional person's name on the title to the mobile home.

9. Waive the tenant's or guest's right to Carry, possess, TRANSPORT or store a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law. This paragraph applies to the tenant's dwelling and any parking area or other area open to use by the tenant.

B. A provision that is prohibited by subsection A of this section and that is included in a rental agreement is unenforceable. If a landlord deliberately uses a rental agreement containing provisions known to be prohibited, the tenant may recover actual damages sustained and the rental agreement is voidable by the tenant.

C. A landlord may charge a penalty fee of not to exceed five dollars more than $5 per day from the due date of the rent for late payment of rent if the payment is not remitted by the sixth day from after the due date.

D. This section does not limit the landlord's right to evict a tenant pursuant to section 33-1476. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5. Section 33-1701, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1701. Definitions; exception

A. In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Default" means the failure failing to perform on time any obligation or duty set forth in the rental agreement.

2. "Department" means the Arizona game and fish department in the case of motorized watercraft and the department of transportation in the case of all other vehicles.

3. "Electronic mail" means an electronic message or an executable program or computer file that contains an image of a message that is transmitted between two or more computers or electronic terminals and includes electronic messages that are transmitted within or between computer networks from which a confirmation of receipt is received.

4. "Last known address" means that postal address or electronic address provided by the occupant in the rental agreement or the postal address or electronic address provided by the occupant in a subsequent written notice of a change of address.

5. "Late fee" means a reasonable fee or charge that is assessed by the operator for the failure of the occupant to pay rent when due pursuant to section 33-1703, subsection D.

6. "Leased space" means the storage space or spaces at the self-service storage facility that are rented to an occupant pursuant to a rental agreement.

7. "Net proceeds" means the total proceeds received from the lien sale minus the total amount of the lien.

8. "Occupant" means a person or the person's sublessee, successor or assign that is entitled to the use of the leased space at a self-service storage facility under a rental agreement, to the exclusion of others.

9. "Operator" means the owner, operator, lessor or sublessor of a self-service storage facility, an agent or any other person authorized to manage the facility.

10. "Personal information" has the same meaning prescribed in section 18-551.

11. "Personal property" means movable property that is not affixed to land and includes goods, wares, merchandise, household items and furnishings and vehicles.

12. "Protected property" means personal property for which the sale or disposal is regulated by state or federal law and that is one of the following:

(a) Documents, files or electronic data that contains contain personal information relating to clients, customers, patients or others in connection with the occupant's business.

(b) Alcoholic beverages.

(c) Pharmaceuticals other than those dispensed by a licensed pharmacy for the occupant's personal use.

(d) Firearms.

13. "Registered owner" means an owner of a vehicle as stated in the official records of the department.

14. "Rental agreement" means any written agreement provided to the occupant that establishes or modifies the terms, conditions or rules concerning the use and occupancy of leased space at a self-service storage facility.

15. "Self-service storage facility" means any real property used for renting or leasing storage spaces in which the occupants themselves customarily store and remove their own personal property on a self-service basis.

16. "Vehicle" means a motor vehicle, a trailer or a semitrailer as defined in section 28-101 and a motorized watercraft as defined in section 5-301.

17. "Verified mail" means any method of mailing that is offered by the United States postal service and that provides evidence of mailing.

B. This article does not apply to a warehouseman unless the warehouseman issues a warehouse receipt, bill of lading or other document of title for the personal property stored. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6. Section 33-1703, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1703. Lien; rental agreement; contents; late fees

A. The operator of a self-service storage facility has a possessory lien from the date the rent is unpaid and due on all personal property stored within the leased space for rent, late fees and labor or other charges, and for expenses reasonably incurred in its sale, as provided in this article. The lien shall not impair any other lien or security interest at the time the storage was commenced, unless the lienor or secured party knows and consents to the storage of the personal property.

B. The rental agreement shall contain a statement, in at least ten point ten-point bold-faced type, advising the occupant:

1. Of the accrual of the lien as of the date the rent is unpaid and due.

2. That property stored in the leased space may be sold or otherwise disposed of if the occupant is in default.

3. That any insurance protecting the personal property stored within the storage space against fire, theft or damage must be provided by the occupant.

4. That a late fee may be charged by the operator for each month that the occupant does not pay rent when due.  The rental agreement shall state the date on which rent is due and the date on which the late fee accrues.

C. The rental agreement shall contain a provision requiring the occupant to disclose the following:

1. Any lienholders or secured parties who have an interest in property that is or will be stored in the self-service storage facility.

2. Whether any protected property is or will be stored in the leased space.

D. The rental agreement may not contain a provision that prohibits an occupant or guest from carrying, possessing, transporting or storing a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law.  This subsection applies to the occupant's leased space and any parking area or other area open for use by the occupant.

D. E. The operator may impose a reasonable late fee on the occupant for each month the occupant does not pay rent when due.  For the purposes of this section, a reasonable late fee may be computed as the greater of ten dollars $10 per month or twenty per cent percent of the amount of monthly rent.  Any late fee imposed by the operator pursuant to this section is in addition to any other remedy provided by law or contract.

E. F. The operator shall provide adequate notice to the occupant before a late fee is imposed.  Adequate notice is provided if the rental agreement complies with subsection B of this section or if a notice is sent to the occupant by verified mail that notifies the occupant that a late fee may be charged in any month in which the occupant does not pay rent when due. END_STATUTE

Sec. 7. Section 33-1806.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1806.01. Rental property; member and agent information; fee; disclosure

A. A member may use the member's property as a rental property unless prohibited in the declaration and shall use it in accordance with the declaration's rental time period restrictions.

B. A member may designate in writing a third party to act as the member's agent with respect to all association matters relating to the rental property, except for voting in association elections and serving on the board of directors. The member shall sign the written designation and shall provide a copy of the written designation to the association. On delivery of the written designation, the association is authorized to conduct all association business relating to the member's rental property through the designated agent. Any notice given by the association to a member's designated agent on any matter relating to the member's rental property constitutes notice to the member.

C. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, on rental of a member's property, an association shall not require a member or a member's agent to disclose any information regarding a tenant other than the name and contact information for any adults occupying the property, the time period of the lease, including the beginning and ending dates of the tenancy, and a description and the license plate numbers of the tenants' vehicles. If the planned community is an age restricted age-restricted community, the member, the member's agent or the tenant shall show a government issued identification that bears a photograph and that confirms that the tenant meets the community's age restrictions or requirements.

D. On request of an association or its managing agent for the disclosures prescribed in subsection C of this section, the managing agent or, if there is no managing agent, the association may charge a fee of not more than twenty-five dollars $25, which shall be paid within fifteen days after the postmarked request.  The fee may be charged for each new tenancy for that property but may not be charged for a renewal of a lease. Except for the fee permitted allowed by this subsection and fees related to the use of recreational facilities, the association or its managing agent shall not assess, levy or charge a fee or fine or otherwise impose a requirement on a member's rental property any differently than on an owner-occupied property in the association.

E. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, the association is prohibited from doing any of the following:

1. Requiring a member to provide the association with a copy of the tenant's rental application, credit report, lease agreement or rental contract or other personal information except as prescribed by this section. This paragraph does not prohibit the association from acquiring a credit report on a person in an attempt to collect a debt.

2. Requiring the tenant to sign a waiver or other document limiting the tenant's due process rights as a condition of the tenant's occupancy of the rental property.

3. Prohibiting or otherwise restricting a member from serving on the board of directors based on the member's not being an occupant of the property.

4. Imposing on a member or managing agent any fee, assessment, penalty or other charge in an amount greater than fifteen dollars $15 for incomplete or late information regarding the information requested pursuant to subsection C of this section. 

5. prohibiting a member, tenant or guest from carrying, possessing, transporting or storing a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law. This paragraph applies to any Member's property and any office, parking lot or common area.

F. Any attempt by an association to exceed the fee, assessment, penalty or other charge authorized by subsection D or E of this section voids the fee, assessment, penalty or other charge authorized by subsection D or E of this section.  This section does not prevent an association from complying with the housing for older persons act of 1995 (P.L. 104–76; 109 Stat. 787).

G. An owner may use a crime free crime-free addendum as part of a lease agreement.  This section does not prohibit the owner's use of a crime free crime-free addendum.

H. This section does not prohibit and an association may lawfully enforce a provision in the community documents that restricts the residency of persons who are required to be registered pursuant to section 13-3821 and who are classified as level two or level three offenders.

I. An owner of rental property shall abate criminal activity as authorized in section 12-991. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8. Section 33-1818, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE33-1818. Community authority over public roadways; firearms; applicability

A. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, after the period of declarant control:

1. An association has no authority over and shall not regulate any roadway for which the ownership has been dedicated to or is otherwise held by a governmental entity.

B. This section paragraph applies only to those planned communities for which the declaration is recorded after December 31, 2014.

2. An association may not prohibit a member, tenant or guest from carrying, possessing, transporting or storing a FIREARM, a part of a FIREARM or FIREARM ammunition that is AUTHORIZED under state or federal law. This paragraph applies to any member's property and any office, parking lot or common area. END_STATUTE